Cligger, Yes I have the 15" Everyone, A problem I ran into the other day, which isn't much of an issue for me, is that I couldn't get lighting effects to open is ps. I kept getting a "not enough ram" message. Granted, I was streaming music, had fb open, picture viewer, and two file explorers open (my usual). I closed everything except streaming and still got the same message! Then I turned streaming off and it finally, thankfully pulled up. I wouldn't think I would have any issues with 16g of ram but this could be my own issue. However, this is the only issue I've come into contact with. I tried the same sequence of open windows and opened liquify just fine, so for me I'm not too worried about it. Just curious as to anyone who knows more about it than me if that should be an issue or if that seems like something that would be accurate?
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