RE: Adobe Air 33 SDK - update and pricing email and PDF 2019-06-20 From email The model of a subscription is one that was strongly suggested on various web forums and from individuals we were in contact with prior to this. The subscription model has a major flaw.(at least as implemented by Adobe). If you need to update an old client application that requires an old version of the product, you are out of luck if the license doesn't let you use the old version. My case: Developed visitor center touch screen applications in 2009 with Flash CS4 Professional (pre-subscription prcing). Am currently working on minor updates. The way we did Arabic text doesn't work under CS5 or CS5.5. To avoid re-write we have to use CS4 which runs mostly okay under Windows 10 (I worked around issues with labels and multiple scenes) and I have to publish the projector on old Vista system from 2009--but it works. With subscription pricing we would not be allowed to use the old software--as was pointed out by a recent Adobe email warning against using older subscription version of Photoshop as their licenses (and hence my license) was no longer active. My customer would not be happy with complete re-write pricing--customer would probably jump ship. This isn't really a complaint, because HARMAN picking up AIR and offering subscription pricing is much much better than no option at all, but for me, I refused to go with subscription pricing for Animate because of fears related to this (I went to AIR/FlashDevelop), and now I am in a situation where had I been required to use subscription pricing in 2009, I wouldn't be able make simple inexpensive updates for my client. If HARMAN can somehow address that issue, that would be great. I really appreciate HARMAN's/Andrew's responsiveness and communications, but for me, and I realize that I am pretty much an oddball, I will have to look at the dwindling non-subscription options.
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