I'm not sure what's causing the error but I have two guesses: 1. My process is a little different to yours. I export an unsigned .airi from Flash Builder 4.7. I then (on Windows, though it shouldn't matter) use ADT to create an unsigned .air: adt -package -target bundle MyApp MyApp.air [I then sign that on Windows using Signtool but I think I use the unsigned version for Mac] Next, I move that .air file to Mac OS and create the .app (again, unsigned): adt -package -target bundle MyApp.app MyApp.air I then copy the .icns file into the package: cp -f MyApp.icns Contents/Resources/Icon.icns and finally run the script to remove Webkit and DRM and to sign the .app and its various components. 2. My second guess would be to check and double-check your certificates since that's what the error is stating. Also, have you followed the instructions in the Notarization link to get the full error message link when it fails? The full format of the certificate IDs should include the letters and numbers in brackets: e.g "Developer ID Application: Company Name, Inc (AB1CD2E3FG)" After completing all of the above, I create an installer .pkg file, signing that .pkg with my Developer ID Installer certificate from Apple (NOT the Developer ID Application one), which with xCode installed is: productbuild --component MyApp.app /Applications "MyApp.pkg" --sign "Developer ID Installer: My Company, Inc" --identifier "AppName" --version "1.0.0" That signed .pkg is what I submit to Apple for notarisation. Good luck - we're all just guessing here thanks to Adobe's lack of documentation about the details of publishing AIR apps to Macs in the various possible formats!
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