I just got off the chat with Google Play Developer Live Chat I found out a few things from a very dry conversation. 1. Google is aware their execution of this e-mail has worried developers (a summary from the tsr). We need to contact them a lot more! So, in the upper right hand corner of the Developer Console, there is a question mark. CLICK it. Click on Live Chat, but make sure its between 11am to 5pm PST and please tell them your issue. Please copy and paste the e-mail you were sent that created this all in the first place. Socially blog and share this issue so that others are aware! 2. If you demand a list of apps affected, they will tell you how many and what apps via e-mail. You have to be persistent. Mine was 95. I know it was more but that leads me to #3 3. Not all Air SDK versions were affected. My older apps that were created/published against Air 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 were not on the list. However 3.8 and up were which included the latest game I added that was using 13. Probably because those were the ones that included captive runtime and the others did not. The older games I updated a few months ago showed up, but the paid ones, since they were not updated did not show up unless they were newer apps. 4. This can get very ugly if Google just issues the notices and carries out removing apps without full explanation. We are not the only ones with this issue, yet they (the google reps) are telling us to search the internet to find a solution to correct the apps.
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