Hi all, I'm about to lose my mind. Some background: I'm a photographer who is trying to print some marketing materials for potential clients. I've gone to 4 different printers, and in my hasty decision making process even had one of the printers print me 100 copies (haste makes waste). In all the proofs I received there is some color shifting and the photos (more cool in most, one printer was more magentaish), in particular one of the photos, is sooooo dark! I know RGB-> CMYK does this. Not one of the printers I worked with had an ICC profile to send me. So I downloaded some random ones just to play around and view what it would look like. Can see significant color shifting, but it does not effect the darkness of the photo. I still see a well lit photo, until it's printed. My histogram looks good, with even a bulk of it to the right of middle. What am I doing wrong? I can't for the life of me understand gamuts and spot colors, and I have no idea what else. Speak to me simple, I just don't know where to go from here. Thank you!!
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