When strokes are applies to groups with large contents, "phantom" strokes in the form of large rectangles are created, which are only visible when zoomed in past a certain point, and change upon further zooming. It's really hard to describe it, so here's an video showing how I produce the glitch and how it behaves. https://gfycat.com/peskymasculinebilby Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a large transparent canvas (I used a size of 10,000x10,000) 2. Make two brush strokes far apart (brush or pencil tool) 3. Create a group for that layer 4. Add a stroke to that layer (not shown in the video, but it's a basic stroke with "outside" position) 5. (Optional) Play around by zooming in or drawing on that layer, or using the eraser tool on blank canvas as I did in the video. When exported, the phantom stroke is much larger than it appears in Photoshop. Here is an example, you may have to download the image to see it with transparency: https://i.imgur.com/m5jIEQj.png Adobe Photoshop Version: 21.0.1 20191106.r.47 2019/11/06: 3152b481f18 x64 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
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