John Hawkinson wrote: So basically, all the nodes with proper names do not seem to be syncing up with the node, which is presumably misconfigured anyhow, since it has an RFC1918 address as its nodename intead of a node name. It's also plausibly misconfigured since you would think 43P would be the node ending in .43, so something else is messed up, too. The nodes refer to Tomcat instances of which there are 4. I have only ever seen 2 IP addresses, so I doubt there is a one-on-one correspondence between node names and IP addresses. I'd theorize, then, that if a poster gets load-balanced to the 24.43 server, then his/her posts get tossed into lala land until something happens that forces a database quorum sync? Until cache expiration / resync. There is a single PostgreSQL database but there is a distributed Oracle Coherence cache and I believe every node has its own cache instance. But since there is a single database and that database has proper referential integrity the issues should sort theselves out eventually without data loss or conflicts.
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