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‎Dec 12, 2018
11:01 AM
Yes. If Rush had the ability to nest compositions, we would theoretically be able to incorporate a png sequence....
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‎Dec 12, 2018
10:59 AM
When I'm on Rush on iOS and I go to select a color for a Shape in Titles, I have access to the color "Picker", "Themes", and "My Library". GREAT! How do I access the same when I'm on the same project of Rush in Mac OS?
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‎Dec 03, 2018
05:55 PM
I am having problems with this as well. I am trying to import graphics that I have built in After Effects. It seems clear that Rush does not support the Animation codec, but I have tried ProRes 444 as well as DNx flavors, and every time I try and import, I either get a "unsupported media type" error, or the app hangs. I have successfully imported a PNG still with transparency, so I thought I might try a PNG sequence, but Rush does not treat it as a sequence file and wants to import each still - and since I can't figure out how to nest sequences in Rush, that doesn't seem like a feasible work-around. Anyone? (working on an iPhone) -Brian
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‎Dec 29, 2017
03:07 PM
Trying out the 'New" Lightroom CC because I'm interested in the ease of use of sharing with client.. I have a folder of images that are named in a particular order that I want to share. Import folder into a new Album..............How do I sort the images just by filename so that I can then share??? For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out this basic task. In the "classic" Lightroom, the sort by File Name is an option under the sort drop down but can't figure out how to do it in the "New" version. Am I missing something really simple here?
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