Thank u, moluapple, i try, but can't get nothing cous my low skill. I try to insert in in this script, wich we used on insert numbers script., but there is all in functions wich work local. Please, look on line 156, i need to get name of color in swatch, but not name of RGB values. How can i put script above in it? /* * Description: An Adobe Illustrator script that moves objects to separate layers based on the fill color. * Tested on Illustrator CS5 Windows. * License: GNU General Public License Version 3. ( * Copyright (c) 2011, Michel Simons * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ // to do: // // choose between fill or stroke color // process locked objects (will be processed by default) and skip objects on locked layers (as they can not be processed); // // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** initialize variables and start dialog ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** #target illustrator if (app.documents.length > 0) { if (app.activeDocument.pageItems.length > 0) { var release_to_layers_window; // make window global var doc = app.activeDocument; var doc_artboard = doc.artboards[0].artboardRect; var unlocked_layers_count = 0; // number of unlocked layers in layer palette for progress bar var msis_message_1 = "\nThis script will place each object within this current document into a new layer based on it's fill color. "+ "As the script currently does not detect locked layers and locked objects you need to unlock your layers and objects before you can run this script. " + "Note that running this script will modify your document. You might want to save your document first."; var doc = app.activeDocument; var Counter = app.activeDocument.pageItems.length; var LayerName = ""; var ReleaseMethod = 1; // start dialog window release_to_layers_dialog(); } // what if no document of no objects? if (app.documents.length < 1) {alert("No open documents found. Please open a document before you run this script");} if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.activeDocument.pathItems.length < 1) {alert("No objects found in this documents. Please add some objects before you run this script");} } // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** find the most common value in an array ** // ** ** // ** ** // ** var myArray = ["apple","banana","orange","banana","tomato","grape","apple"]; ** // ** alert( GetMostCommonColor(myArray) ); ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function GetMostCommonColor(theArray) { var tempArray = new Array(); tempArray.length = 0; tempArray = theArray.slice(0,theArray.length); tempArray.sort(); tempArray[tempArray.length] = ""; mVal = aVal = ""; mCnt = aCnt = 0; for(r=0;r<tempArray.length;r++) { if(aVal!=tempArray ) { if(aCnt>mCnt) { mCnt = aCnt; mVal = aVal } aVal = tempArray ; aCnt = 1; } else { aCnt++; } } // return [mVal, mCnt]; // returns value and count return mVal; // only returns value } // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** create a layer name for the current object ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function ConstructLayerNameBasedOnFillColor(myCurrentObject) { var myLayerName = "Unknown"; if (myCurrentObject.typename == "TextFrame") { myLayerName = "Text Objects"; } if (myCurrentObject.typename == "SymbolItem") { myLayerName = "Symbols"; } if (myCurrentObject.typename == "RasterItem") { myLayerName = "Raster Objects"; } if (myCurrentObject.typename == "PathItem") { if ( myCurrentObject.filled == true ) { myLayerName = 'Object with unknown Fill Color'; // default name for if no color can be detected if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[CMYKColor]") // CMYK color Item { myLayerName = "CMYK: " + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.cyan) + "," + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.magenta) + "," + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.yellow) + "," + Math.round(; } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[RGBColor]") // RGB color Item { myLayerName = "RGB: " + Math.round( + "," + Math.round( + "," + Math.round(; } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[GrayColor]") // Gray color Item { myLayerName = "Gray: " + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.gray); } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[LabColor]") // LabColor color Item { myLayerName = "Lab: " + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.a) + "," + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.b) + "," + Math.round(myCurrentObject.fillColor.i); } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[GradientColor]") // Gradient color Item { myLayerName = "Gradient Fill"; } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[NoColor]") // No Color Item { myLayerName = "No Color"; } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[PatternColor]") // Pattern Color Item { myLayerName = "Pattern Fill"; } if (myCurrentObject.fillColor == "[SpotColor]") // Spot Color Item { // cmyk spot if ( == SpotColorKind.SPOTCMYK) // CMYK color Item { myLayerName = "Spot CMYK: " + Math.round( + "," + Math.round( + "," + Math.round( + "," + Math.round(; } // rgb spot if ( == SpotColorKind.SPOTRGB) // RGB color Item { myLayerName = "Spot RGB: " + Math.round( + "," + Math.round( + "," + Math.round(; } // lab spot if ( == SpotColorKind.SPOTLAB) // RGB color Item { myLayerName = "Spot Lab: " + Math.round( + "," + Math.round( + "," + Math.round(; } } } else { myLayerName = "Transparant Fill"; } } if (myLayerName == undefined) {myLayerName = "Temporary Layer";} if (myLayerName == "") {myLayerName = "Temporary Layer";} if (myLayerName.length==0) {myLayerName = "Temporary Layer";} try { doc.layers.getByName(myLayerName); } catch (e) { doc.layers.add().name = myLayerName; } return myLayerName; } // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** ungroup objects on current layer ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function Ungroup(WhereToUngroup, aGroup) // where to ungroup? layer, document, other group? { try { for (s=aGroup.pageItems.length-1; s>=0; s--) { WhereToUngroup = CreateLayerNameFill(myCurrentObject); // ????????? should be something like WhereToUngroup = CreateLayerNameFill(=aGroup.pageItems); // ??????????????????????????? aGroup.pageItems .move(WhereToUngroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); } } catch(err) { } } // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** remove layerswith no objects ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function RemoveEmptyLayers() { var ThisDoc = app.activeDocument; var ActiveLayer = ''; for (t = ThisDoc.layers.length-1; t>=0; t--) { ActiveLayer = ThisDoc.layers ; if (ActiveLayer.pageItems.length == 0) { try { ActiveLayer.remove(); } catch(err) { } } } } // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** building and showing main dialog ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function release_to_layers_dialog() { // Export dialog release_to_layers_window = new Window('dialog', 'Release objects to layers based on object fill color'); // PANEL with usage instructions release_to_layers_window.MessagePanel = release_to_layers_window.add('panel', undefined, 'Release Objects to Layers'); // GROUP var Message_Group = release_to_layers_window.MessagePanel.add('group', undefined, '') Message_Group.orientation = 'column'; Message_Group.alignment = [ScriptUI.Alignment.LEFT, ScriptUI.Alignment.TOP] // Labels var Message_Group_label_1 = Message_Group.add('statictext', undefined, msis_message_1, {multiline:true}); Message_Group_label_1.size = [500,80]; // PANEL with group and compound path handling release_to_layers_window.OptionsPanel = release_to_layers_window.add ('panel', undefined, 'Group and Compound Path Items:'); // GROUP var Radio_Group = release_to_layers_window.OptionsPanel.add('group', undefined, '') Radio_Group.alignChildren = "left"; Radio_Group.size = [500,65]; Radio_Group.orientation = 'column'; // Radio Boxes var RadioBox1 = Radio_Group.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Do not process Group and Compound Path Items."); var RadioBox2 = Radio_Group.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Release Groups and Compound Path Items by most common color."); var RadioBox3 = Radio_Group.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Ungroup Group and Compound Path Items (caution: might alter shape appearance)."); RadioBox2.value = true; // PANEL with Progressbar release_to_layers_window.ProgressPanel = release_to_layers_window.add('panel', undefined, 'Status:'); // GROUP var Progress_Group = release_to_layers_window.ProgressPanel.add('group', undefined, '') Progress_Group.orientation = 'column'; Progress_Group.alignment = [ScriptUI.Alignment.LEFT, ScriptUI.Alignment.TOP] Progress_Group.size = [500,5]; // progressbar release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar = release_to_layers_window.ProgressPanel.add( 'progressbar', undefined, 0, 100 ); release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar.size = [480,10]; // label release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel = release_to_layers_window.ProgressPanel.add('statictext', undefined, 'Found ' + Counter + ' objects in this document.' ); release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel.size = [ 480,20 ]; // Buttons don't have a PANEL // GROUP Button_Group = release_to_layers_window.add('group', undefined, ''); Button_Group.orientation = 'row' Button_Group.cancelBtn = Button_Group.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel', {name:'cancel'}); Button_Group.cancelBtn.onClick = function() { msis_ai_dlg.close() }; Button_Group.okBtn = Button_Group.add('button', undefined, 'Release', {name:'ok'}); Button_Group.okBtn.onClick = function() { Button_Group.okBtn.enabled = false; Button_Group.cancelBtn.enabled = false; RadioBox1.enabled = false; RadioBox2.enabled = false; RadioBox3.enabled = false; if (RadioBox1.value == true) {ReleaseMethod = 1;} if (RadioBox2.value == true) {ReleaseMethod = 2;} if (RadioBox3.value == true) {ReleaseMethod = 3;} Process_Objects(); };; } // ******************************************************************************************************** // ** ** // ** execute main routine when clicking the Release button ** // ** ** // ******************************************************************************************************** function Process_Objects() { // Release to layers but skip Groups and Compound Paths Items OR move groups and compound paths but keep then as group objects if (ReleaseMethod == 1 || ReleaseMethod == 2) { for ( i=0; i < Counter; i++ ) //123 { LayerName = "0"; try { CurrentItem = doc.pageItems; if (CurrentItem.typename != "GroupItem" && CurrentItem.typename != "CompoundPathItem" && CurrentItem.parent.typename != "GroupItem" && CurrentItem.parent.typename != "CompoundPathItem") // no need to create layers for objects within grouped items { LayerName = ConstructLayerNameBasedOnFillColor(CurrentItem); CurrentItem.move( app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( LayerName ), ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING ); } } // try catch(err) { // except alert("An error occured processing objects.\n(" + err + ").\n\nFunction: Process_Objects / method=1."); } // except release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel.text = 'Processed ' + i + ' objects out of ' + Counter + ' objects in total.'; release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar.value = (100 / Counter) * i; release_to_layers_window.update(); } // for } // end method 1 // Release to layers, move Group and Compound Path Items based on most common fill color if (ReleaseMethod == 2) { // first move all group objects LayerName = "0"; for ( j=0; j < doc.groupItems.length; j++ ) { var CurrentGroupItem = doc.groupItems ; var MyArray = new Array; var TempLayerName = ""; for (m = CurrentGroupItem.pageItems.length-1; m>=0; m--) { TempLayerName = ConstructLayerNameBasedOnFillColor( CurrentGroupItem.pageItems ); MyArray.push( TempLayerName ); } LayerName = GetMostCommonColor(MyArray); CurrentGroupItem.moveToBeginning(app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( LayerName ) ); release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel.text = 'Processed ' + j + ' group objects out of ' + Counter + ' objects in total.'; release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar.value = (100 / Counter) * j; release_to_layers_window.update(); } // next move all compound path objects LayerName = "0"; for ( j=0; j < doc.compoundPathItems.length; j++ ) { var CurrentCompoundItem = doc.compoundPathItems ; var MyArray = new Array; var TempLayerName = ""; for (m = CurrentCompoundItem.pathItems.length-1; m>=0; m--) { TempLayerName = ConstructLayerNameBasedOnFillColor( CurrentCompoundItem.pathItems ); MyArray.push( TempLayerName ); } LayerName = GetMostCommonColor(MyArray); CurrentCompoundItem.moveToBeginning(app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( LayerName ) ); release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel.text = 'Processed ' + j + ' group objects out of ' + Counter + ' objects in total.'; release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar.value = (100 / Counter) * j; release_to_layers_window.update(); } } // Release to layers and ungroup Group and Compound Path Items if (ReleaseMethod == 3) { for ( k=0; k < Counter; k++ ) //123 { LayerName = "0"; try { CurrentItem = doc.pageItems ; LayerName = ConstructLayerNameBasedOnFillColor(CurrentItem); if (CurrentItem.typename != "GroupItem" && CurrentItem.typename != "CompoundPathItem") // no need to create layers for objects within grouped items { CurrentItem.move( app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( LayerName ), ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING ); } // try else { UnGroupLayer = app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( LayerName ); Ungroup( UnGroupLayer , CurrentItem ); } } catch(err) { // except alert("An error occured processing objects.\n(" + err + ").\n\nFunction: Process_Objects / method=3."); } // except release_to_layers_window.ProgressLabel.text = 'Processed ' + k + ' objects out of ' + Counter + ' objects in total.'; release_to_layers_window.ProgressProgressBar.value = (100 / Counter) * k; release_to_layers_window.update(); } // for } // end methode 3 RemoveEmptyLayers(); release_to_layers_window.close(); }
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