[INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" projectName: "Adobe Substance 3D Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersion: "8.1.3" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersionName: "Substance Edition" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildNumber: 1860 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildArchitecture: "x86_64" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" sourcesVersion: "ab2854df31b2a9993f19ac73b734756546548acf" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" osVersion: "Windows 10.0.19044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" cpuModel: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-9100F CPU @ 3.60GHz" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" ram: "8124 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" swap: "Not bounded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "Substance 3D Painter launched with the following command line arguments: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVendor: "NVIDIA Corporation" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glRenderer: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVersion: "4.5.0 NVIDIA 511.79" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glslVersion: "4.50 NVIDIA" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" vram: "3962 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" preemption: Pixel [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Number of detected GPU devices: 2" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-desc: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-vendorid: 0x10de" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-deviceid: 0x2188" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-version:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minversion:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minname: 442.50 WHQL" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minurl: http://www.geforce.com/drivers" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-desc: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-vendorid: 0x10de" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-deviceid: 0x2188" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-version:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minversion:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minname: 442.50 WHQL" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minurl: http://www.geforce.com/drivers" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" OpenGL max version 4 . 50 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Max texture image units 32 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" GLSL max version 450 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Feature: Bindless textures [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" Iray dso path: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/PlugIns/iray" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 DYNLIB main error: Failed to load library [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 INDEX main error: Failed to load libnvindex.dll [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'D:/Documents/mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: D:/Documents/mdl [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///quad.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Mesh 0 (Plane) | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3333%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///quad.fbx successfully loaded in 14 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ACEComponent]" "Adobe ACE: Using BIB version " 131076 . [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ACEComponent]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ACEComponent]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ACEComponent]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] Icons memory budget set to 100MB. [WARN] QObject::connect: signal not found in QItemSelectionModel [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" License server started on port 35537 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" DELAY SET TO 3600 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" Hardware id = win-568D5AB8A240 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" License path used: C:/Users/14693/AppData/Local/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/license.key [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj successfully loaded in 1 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Mouse3D]" Starting 3Dconnexion Navlib... [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Mouse3D]" "Could not initialize the 3Dconnexion library (error code: -2147024770). The SpaceMouse device will not work." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Automatic UV unwrapping build version: 0.9.2+19.e0b5006b, runtime version: 0.9.2+19.e0b5006b" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin autosave" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin autosave located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/autosave/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin dcc-live-link" [WARN] Command server error: The bound address is already in use [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin dcc-live-link located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/dcc-live-link/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin photoshop-export" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin photoshop-export located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/photoshop-export/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin resources-updater" [INFO] No project open, resources updater discarded [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin resources-updater located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/resources-updater/main.qml" [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Reloading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] Python environment: Version : 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] API version : 1013 Encoding : utf-8 File system encoding: utf-8 Modules search path : ['D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter', 'D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\python39.zip', 'D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\DLLs', 'D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib', 'D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk', 'D:\\Substance\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib\\site-packages'] Directory prefix : D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/pythonsdk PATH : "D:\Substance\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\";D:\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime;C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer Chroma SDK\bin;C:\Program Files\Razer Chroma SDK\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\ChromaBroadcast\bin;C:\Program Files\Razer\ChromaBroadcast\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\;C:\Users\14693\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\14693\.dotnet\tools [INFO] substance_painter package: Version : 0.2.6 [INFO] Plugins: Version :0.0.1 Plugins search path :['D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/python', 'D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/python'] Loaded plugins :{'painter_plugins_ui': } [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>Application>Crash>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>Version>Adobe Substance 3D Painter.8.1.3>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>ReleaseName>Substance Edition>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>Application>Start>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>OSVersion>Windows 10.0.19044>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>LicenceType>Substance - Student license>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event GPU>Vendor>NVIDIA Corporation>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event GPU>Renderer>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event GPU>Memory>>3962" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event GPU>Memory_String>3962 MB>0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Application Status]" "Global temporary directory set to D:/Documents/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-cITsuO: 906.18 GB/931.50 GB." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" TDR information: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDelay key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDdiDelay key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrLevel key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" Current TDR delay set to 2 s [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for applicationStarted()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for projectOpened()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for statusChanged()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for ManageLicense()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for applicationStarted()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for projectOpened()" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldDisplayNodesDialog(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldDisplayLicenseKeyDialog(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldDisplayWarning(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldDisplayLicenseAvailableToInstall(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldDisplayLicenseNeedUpdate(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for uiShouldQuit(QString)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for ManageLicense()" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_mode_currentIndexChanged(int) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_resetShader_clicked() [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_undo_changed(bool) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_redo_changed(bool) [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for set_shader_requested(Object,Object,ResourceShader*)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for reset_shader_data_requested(Object)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///half-sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T15568: Found 56 degenerated primitives" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Points: 0X, Lines: 1X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Mesh 0 (SurfSphere_Mesh) | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8046%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///half-sphere.obj successfully loaded in 5 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" Create SVT pool with the following configuration: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- sparse enabled: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- budget: RAM:2031MB, VRAM:990MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- location: D:/Documents/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-cITsuO/svt-cache.FzdSFi" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 13 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 0 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Removed 3 nodes and 0 animation channels (3 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Mesh 0 (thumbnail_sphere) | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2157%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj successfully loaded in 55 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 0 MB [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15568: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15568: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 13 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 0 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 0 MB [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for create_shader_requested(ViewerSettings*,IRayService_*,QVariantMap)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ShadowLightRays]" Finished generating light rays [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Unloading plugin resources-updater" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Disable plugin resources-updater located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/resources-updater/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Unloading plugin photoshop-export" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Disable plugin photoshop-export located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/photoshop-export/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Unloading plugin dcc-live-link" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Disable plugin dcc-live-link located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/dcc-live-link/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Unloading plugin autosave" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Disable plugin autosave located at file:///D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/autosave/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Unloading plugin " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Disable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling stopped after: 25417 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Resource Import ]" Loaded 1437 files in 24618.4ms Alg::AbrResource (Loaded 1 files in 1209.07 ms): Mean/Median: 1209.07ms / 1209.07ms Min/Max: 1209.07ms / 1209.07ms Samples: 0: 1209.07ms 0.111: 1209.07ms 0.222: 1209.07ms 0.333: 1209.07ms 0.444: 1209.07ms 0.556: 1209.07ms 0.667: 1209.07ms 0.778: 1209.07ms 0.889: 1209.07ms 1: 1209.07ms Alg::ResourceExportPreset (Loaded 32 files in 104.495 ms): Mean/Median: 3.26546ms / 1.2735ms Min/Max: 0.8267ms / 24.3978ms Samples: 0: 0.8267ms 0.111: 1.0435ms 0.222: 1.1039ms 0.333: 1.1516ms 0.444: 1.231ms 0.556: 1.3286ms 0.667: 1.6647ms 0.778: 2.64ms 0.889: 7.5791ms 1: 24.3978ms Alg::ResourceImage (Loaded 84 files in 2327.68 ms): Mean/Median: 27.7104ms / 15.211ms Min/Max: 0.641ms / 137.097ms Samples: 0: 0.641ms 0.111: 5.3936ms 0.222: 9.0465ms 0.333: 11.068ms 0.444: 12.9615ms 0.556: 15.7812ms 0.667: 24.2281ms 0.778: 49.7477ms 0.889: 61.9751ms 1: 137.097ms Alg::ResourceLayersPreset (Loaded 122 files in 3453.79 ms): Mean/Median: 28.3098ms / 26.5995ms Min/Max: 1.6695ms / 357.103ms Samples: 0: 1.6695ms 0.111: 2.8127ms 0.222: 3.6606ms 0.333: 5.0506ms 0.444: 16.7583ms 0.556: 30.1315ms 0.667: 37.7018ms 0.778: 44.8169ms 0.889: 56.9231ms 1: 357.103ms Alg::ResourceParticles (Loaded 20 files in 193.907 ms): Mean/Median: 9.69536ms / 7.5918ms Min/Max: 0.5159ms / 49.0606ms Samples: 0: 0.5159ms 0.111: 0.7744ms 0.222: 0.8476ms 0.333: 1.6076ms 0.444: 2.9895ms 0.556: 9.673ms 0.667: 12.7404ms 0.778: 14.6226ms 0.889: 18.0973ms 1: 49.0606ms Alg::ResourcePreset (Loaded 208 files in 581.788 ms): Mean/Median: 2.79706ms / 1.3057ms Min/Max: 0.7203ms / 28.4882ms Samples: 0: 0.7203ms 0.111: 1.0137ms 0.222: 1.105ms 0.333: 1.1729ms 0.444: 1.2372ms 0.556: 1.3942ms 0.667: 1.726ms 0.778: 4.1811ms 0.889: 5.5063ms 1: 28.4882ms Alg::ResourceShader (Loaded 16 files in 60.8651 ms): Mean/Median: 3.80407ms / 0.5302ms Min/Max: 0.3229ms / 23.0995ms Samples: 0: 0.3229ms 0.111: 0.3763ms 0.222: 0.419ms 0.333: 0.4581ms 0.444: 0.5167ms 0.556: 0.5302ms 0.667: 0.6133ms 0.778: 1.2443ms 0.889: 12.0369ms 1: 23.0995ms Alg::ResourceSubstancePackage (Loaded 888 files in 15939.3 ms): Mean/Median: 17.9497ms / 13.3128ms Min/Max: 0.3964ms / 1154.53ms Samples: 0: 0.3964ms 0.111: 0.716ms 0.222: 1.0558ms 0.333: 6.5041ms 0.444: 11.6273ms 0.556: 15.1475ms 0.667: 18.9556ms 0.778: 24.4121ms 0.889: 33.3233ms 1: 1154.53ms Alg::SmartMask (Loaded 66 files in 747.461 ms): Mean/Median: 11.3252ms / 2.4932ms Min/Max: 1.241ms / 55.4982ms Samples: 0: 1.241ms 0.111: 1.7609ms 0.222: 1.9644ms 0.333: 2.1343ms 0.444: 2.4038ms 0.556: 3.2268ms 0.667: 12.7809ms 0.778: 21.6511ms 0.889: 28.0434ms 1: 55.4982ms [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>Application>Stop>27" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 163 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 11 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T27400: Load file:///D:/Substance/Substance%20Textures/Updated%20Armor.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27400: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T27400: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T27400: Import root directory is 'file:///D:/Substance/Substance%20Textures/Updated%20Armor.spp/paint/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T27400: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27400: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27400: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27400: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T27400: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 79 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ResourceShader]" MDL legacy detected in "pbr-metal-rough" : "mdl::alg::materials::skin_metallic_roughness::skin_metallic_roughness" -> "mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackActions" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackLayers" [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::EditColor3' for property 'Alg::ColorButton::value' [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on Arm Guard stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 4596 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 1149 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 2298 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1149 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=553459712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=570048512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1736 (total=570050248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 72912 (total=570123160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1392 (total=570124552)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 58408 (total=570182960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 16 (total=570182976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 672 (total=570183648)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1320 (total=570184968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 55440 (total=570240408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 4116 (total=570244524)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 69384 (total=570313908)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1040 (total=570314948)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 22344 (total=570337292)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 12 (total=570337304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 504 (total=570337808)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 10180 (total=570347988)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 190456 (total=570538444)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 48 (total=570538492)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1344 (total=570539836)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2368 (total=570542204)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 48048 (total=570590252)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 880 (total=570591132)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 15008 (total=570606140)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 4624 (total=570610764)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 78792 (total=570689556)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1096 (total=570690652)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 15344 (total=570705996)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader pbr-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: baseColor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: basecolor (matched by usage: baseColor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: normal" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: normal (matched by usage: normal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: roughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: roughness (matched by usage: roughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: metallic" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: metallic (matched by usage: metallic)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: height" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: height (matched by usage: height)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: heightScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: ambientOcclusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: ambientOcclusion (matched by usage: ambientOcclusion)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyLevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropylevel (matched by usage: anisotropyLevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyAngle" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropyangle (matched by usage: anisotropyAngle)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissive" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: emissive (matched by usage: emissive)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularLevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularlevel (matched by usage: specularLevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: opacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: opacity (matched by usage: opacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: refraction" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: translucency (matched by identifier: translucency)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > application_weight [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scattering" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scattering (matched by usage: scattering)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringcolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scatteringcolor (matched by usage: scatteringcolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRedShift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scattering (matched by identifier: scattering)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacement" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: displacement (matched by usage: displacement)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementSourceChannel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter application_weight identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssRedShift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssRayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > application_weight [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRedShift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter application_weight identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssRedShift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssRayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::skin::skin_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > application_weight [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRedShift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssRayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader pbr-metal-rough successful" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][License]" Timeout when fetching localhost license info. [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][License]" An error occured while retrieving global node information: The HTTP request took too long to complete so it was cancelled. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader pbr-metal-rough successful" [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform0Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform1Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform0Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform1Group", which already has a layout [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ShadowLightRays]" Finished generating light rays [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader preview-material-shader successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/finish_rough/finish_rough?version=6e9f7f2d55eeeead29ff8e1591067cbc9e2394eb.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_metal_edge_wear/mg_metal_edge_wear?version=7cb00be548ae78a40467617bed035ef5fe5a6367.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_mask_builder/mg_mask_builder?version=e857cabfe0472e9abae45704f72431f15586dbe6.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_dirt/mg_dirt?version=249f5725ff7ecf0345b953697ceed8e3d16b8ede.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/finish_rough/finish_rough?version=6e9f7f2d55eeeead29ff8e1591067cbc9e2394eb.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_metal_edge_wear/mg_metal_edge_wear?version=7cb00be548ae78a40467617bed035ef5fe5a6367.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_mask_builder/mg_mask_builder?version=e857cabfe0472e9abae45704f72431f15586dbe6.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://starter_assets.dc01da92-b736-4266-967d-a87b7aec5a12/mg_dirt/mg_dirt?version=249f5725ff7ecf0345b953697ceed8e3d16b8ede.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 9 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 10 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 11 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 12 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::EditColorGrayscale' for property 'Alg::GrayScaleSlider::color' [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader preview-material-shader successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Load qt:///sphere_edges_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: Assimp 3.1.113183908 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Removed 4 nodes and 0 animation channels (4 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Kept 0 lights and 1 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T12556: Mesh 0 (PreviewSphere) | Verts in: 121110 out: 21355 | ~82.3673%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 121110 out: 21355 | ~82.4%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T12556: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///sphere_edges_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 391 ms" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][License]" Timeout when fetching localhost license info. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 4 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 5 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 6 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 7 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project to 'D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" project backup file "D:/Substance/Substance Textures/Updated Armor." [INFO] Save successfull [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 13 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [WARN] Cannot create accessible child interface for object: Alg::TreeView(0x26f86cdaa60) index: 8 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 668 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 66 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 204 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 10 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 189 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 10 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 20 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 2 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 2 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 3 msec" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 62ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 4ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 15ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 36ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 32ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 32ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 34ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 40ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 39ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 43ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 38ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][StacksExporter]" "Export finalization duration: 0ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][StacksExporter]" "Total export duration: 396ms" [INFO] Map export ended [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 2 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 3 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 3 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 2 msec" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Forearms_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Forearms'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 19ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Cloth_Boots_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Cloth_Boots'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 15ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_ODST Chestplate.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'ODST Chestplate.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 29ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 177 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_odst_armor.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'odst_armor.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 38ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 9 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Hat Decals.001_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Hat Decals.001'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 35ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_knee_carter_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_knee_carter'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 38ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_spartan_shoulder_large_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'spartan_shoulder_large'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 41ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Marine Trooper Set_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Marine Trooper Set'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 36ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Trooper Boots Armor_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Trooper Boots Armor'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 40ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Arm Guard_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Arm Guard'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 47ms" [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Albedo' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Metallic' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Normal' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Emissive' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] The map 'Hyenid_ODST_Helmet_Leg Guard Thang_Occlusion' can't be generated for the texture set 'Leg Guard Thang'. [WARN] An error occurred while finalizing the export [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MapExporter]" "Export duration: 42ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][StacksExporter]" "Export finalization duration: 0ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][StacksExporter]" "Total export duration: 387ms" [INFO] Map export ended [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Item list resolved took 0 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Apply param took 0 msec for 14 rules on 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Resolve names took 2 msec for 55 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Check parameters and resolve relative size/PSD took 0 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Disambiguation took 0 msec for 0 maps" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ExportConfigGenerator]" "Total Initialization took 2 msec" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 166 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 11 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 183 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 12 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 195 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 11 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 162 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 10 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 209 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 9 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 171 ms for: "D:/Substance/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 8 ms for: "D:/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets"