[INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" projectName: "Adobe Substance 3D Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersion: "8.1.0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersionName: "" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildNumber: 1699 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" sourcesVersion: "b4e33ca4b292e7310f209de5ac2af417d86bc587" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" osVersion: "Windows 10.0.19044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" cpuModel: "11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700F @ 2.50GHz" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" ram: "65391 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" swap: "Not bounded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "Substance 3D Painter launched with the following command line arguments: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVendor: "ATI Technologies Inc." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glRenderer: "AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVersion: "4.5.14802 Core Profile Forward-Compatible Context 22.1.1 30.0.14023.1009" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glslVersion: "4.60" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" vram: "6103 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" preemption: Primitive [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Number of detected GPU devices: 2" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-desc: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-vendorid: 0x1002" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-deviceid: 0x731f" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-version: 30.0.14023.1009" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minversion: 27.20.22001.16006" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minname: 21.6.2 Optional" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minurl: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-desc: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-vendorid: 0x1002" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-deviceid: 0x731f" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-version: 30.0.14023.1009" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minversion: 27.20.22001.16006" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minname: 21.6.2 Optional" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-minurl: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[1] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" OpenGL max version 4 . 50 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Max texture image units 32 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" GLSL max version 450 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Feature: Bindless textures [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" Iray dso path: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/PlugIns/iray" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 GPU rend error: NvAPI call NvAPI_Initialize returned an error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 GPU rend error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 CUDA rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 CUDA rend warn : The version of your CUDA driver is 0.0, but 11.4 is the required minimum [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 CUDA rend warn : Please update your display driver (current version ) (www.nvidia.com) to at least 471.41. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 DYNLIB main error: Failed to load library [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 INDEX main error: Failed to load libnvindex.dll [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend error: NvAPI call NvAPI_Initialize returned an error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version. iray photoreal can only run in CPU mode. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : Please update your NVIDIA driver (www.nvidia.com) to at least 471.41. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend error: NvAPI call NvAPI_Initialize returned an error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend error: [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : There is no CUDA-capable GPU available to the iray photoreal renderer. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/mdl [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///quad.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Mesh 0 (Plane) | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3333%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///quad.fbx successfully loaded in 9 ms" [INFO] Icons memory budget set to 100MB. [WARN] QObject::connect: signal not found in QItemSelectionModel [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Adobe ACE: Using BIB version " 131076 . [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ColorManagement]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ColorManagement]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ColorManagement]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Mouse3D]" Starting 3Dconnexion Navlib... [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Mouse3D]" "Could not initialize the 3Dconnexion library (error code: -2147024770). The SpaceMouse device will not work." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Automatic UV unwrapping build version: 0.9.0+38.dd8cccec, runtime version: 0.9.0+38.dd8cccec" [INFO] Installing plugin photoshop-export 1.1.6 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin autosave" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin autosave located at file:///C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/autosave/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin dcc-live-link" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin dcc-live-link located at file:///C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/dcc-live-link/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin photoshop-export" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin photoshop-export located at file:///C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/photoshop-export/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin resources-updater" [INFO] No project open, resources updater discarded [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin resources-updater located at file:///C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/resources-updater/main.qml" [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Reloading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] Python environment: Version : 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] API version : 1013 Encoding : utf-8 File system encoding: utf-8 Modules search path : ['C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\python39.zip', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\DLLs', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib\\site-packages'] Directory prefix : C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/pythonsdk PATH : "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\";E:\SCE\ORBIS SDKs\9.500\host_tools\bin;E:\SCE\Common\SceVSI-VS16\bin;E:\SCE\ORBIS\Tools\Target Manager Server\bin;E:\SCE\ORBIS\Tools\Publishing Tools\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\intel64\compiler;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;E:\SCE\ORBIS\Tools\New Razor GPU\bin\CommandTools\bin;C:\Users\panda_pajama\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\panda_pajama\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\panda_pajama\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin [INFO] substance_painter package: Version : 0.2.5 [INFO] Plugins: Version :0.0.1 Plugins search path :['C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/python', 'C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/python'] Loaded plugins :{'asset_market_place': , 'handle_resource_import_messages': , 'painter_plugins_ui': , 'send_to_sg': } [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Application Status]" "Global temporary directory set to C:/Users/panda_pajama/AppData/Local/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-FNUqzQ: 201.04 GB/930.90 GB." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" TDR information: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDelay key: '20' (int type)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDdiDelay key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrLevel key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" Current TDR delay set to 5 s [WARN] Your operating system may automatically shut down Substance 3D Painter during long computations because your GPU doesn't support preemption. To avoid crashes, you can try increasing the TDR (timeout detection and recovery) delay (Learn more: https://www.adobe.com/go/painter-gpu-drivers-tdr-crash-long-comp). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_mode_currentIndexChanged(int) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_resetShader_clicked() [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_undo_changed(bool) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_redo_changed(bool) [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for set_shader_requested(Object,Object,ResourceShader*)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for reset_shader_data_requested(Object)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///half-sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T18388: Found 56 degenerated primitives" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Points: 0X, Lines: 1X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Mesh 0 (SurfSphere_Mesh) | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8046%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///half-sphere.obj successfully loaded in 3 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" Create SVT pool with the following configuration: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- sparse enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- budget: RAM:16347MB, VRAM:1525MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- location: C:/Users/panda_pajama/AppData/Local/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-FNUqzQ/svt-cache.aHSQcp" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 8 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Removed 3 nodes and 0 animation channels (3 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Mesh 0 (thumbnail_sphere) | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2157%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj successfully loaded in 34 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T18388: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T18388: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 8 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for create_shader_requested(ViewerSettings*,IRayService_*,QVariantMap)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ShadowLightRays]" Finished generating light rays [INFO] "[DBG INFO][NGL Integration]" Preferred locales: en_US [INFO] "[DBG INFO][NGL Integration]" Using locale: en_US [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Load file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Import root directory is 'file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/'" [INFO] Viewer settings have been updated from version 23 to version 24. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T10076: ScenePreprocessor: Found space handedness mismatch between UV space and tangent space. Some bitangents have been inverted." [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 4 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 10461 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Resource Import ]" Loaded 1567 files in 10022.5ms Alg::AbrResource (Loaded 1 files in 296.42 ms): Mean/Median: 296.42ms / 296.42ms Min/Max: 296.42ms / 296.42ms Samples: 0: 296.42ms 0.111: 296.42ms 0.222: 296.42ms 0.333: 296.42ms 0.444: 296.42ms 0.556: 296.42ms 0.667: 296.42ms 0.778: 296.42ms 0.889: 296.42ms 1: 296.42ms Alg::ResourceExportPreset (Loaded 31 files in 24.3356 ms): Mean/Median: 0.785019ms / 0.5333ms Min/Max: 0.3872ms / 7.7628ms Samples: 0: 0.3872ms 0.111: 0.4548ms 0.222: 0.4795ms 0.333: 0.5105ms 0.444: 0.5296ms 0.556: 0.5539ms 0.667: 0.5661ms 0.778: 0.6358ms 0.889: 0.7057ms 1: 7.7628ms Alg::ResourceImage (Loaded 167 files in 682.849 ms): Mean/Median: 4.08892ms / 0.6039ms Min/Max: 0.1052ms / 58.2323ms Samples: 0: 0.1052ms 0.111: 0.1481ms 0.222: 0.3894ms 0.333: 0.5603ms 0.444: 0.5881ms 0.556: 0.6258ms 0.667: 0.7121ms 0.778: 2.9622ms 0.889: 15.3965ms 1: 58.2323ms Alg::ResourceLayersPreset (Loaded 122 files in 1077.82 ms): Mean/Median: 8.83456ms / 5.2573ms Min/Max: 3.6463ms / 49.5159ms Samples: 0: 3.6463ms 0.111: 4.1685ms 0.222: 4.6262ms 0.333: 4.8573ms 0.444: 5.1323ms 0.556: 5.4069ms 0.667: 5.791ms 0.778: 6.5486ms 0.889: 10.6727ms 1: 49.5159ms Alg::ResourceParticles (Loaded 20 files in 6.23 ms): Mean/Median: 0.3115ms / 0.3291ms Min/Max: 0.1316ms / 0.4834ms Samples: 0: 0.1316ms 0.111: 0.1687ms 0.222: 0.3017ms 0.333: 0.3047ms 0.444: 0.3224ms 0.556: 0.3323ms 0.667: 0.3455ms 0.778: 0.3595ms 0.889: 0.3647ms 1: 0.4834ms Alg::ResourcePreset (Loaded 208 files in 939.843 ms): Mean/Median: 4.51847ms / 3.5758ms Min/Max: 2.5864ms / 33.7545ms Samples: 0: 2.5864ms 0.111: 2.9766ms 0.222: 3.1286ms 0.333: 3.2556ms 0.444: 3.4243ms 0.556: 3.6592ms 0.667: 4.0367ms 0.778: 5.1831ms 0.889: 6.6037ms 1: 33.7545ms Alg::ResourceShader (Loaded 16 files in 2.1558 ms): Mean/Median: 0.134738ms / 0.1168ms Min/Max: 0.105ms / 0.2355ms Samples: 0: 0.105ms 0.111: 0.1077ms 0.222: 0.1107ms 0.333: 0.1119ms 0.444: 0.1163ms 0.556: 0.1168ms 0.667: 0.1318ms 0.778: 0.143ms 0.889: 0.1587ms 1: 0.2355ms Alg::ResourceSubstancePackage (Loaded 936 files in 6899.96 ms): Mean/Median: 7.37176ms / 5.9012ms Min/Max: 3.7388ms / 106.102ms Samples: 0: 3.7388ms 0.111: 4.8212ms 0.222: 5.1599ms 0.333: 5.4279ms 0.444: 5.7312ms 0.556: 6.1138ms 0.667: 6.6983ms 0.778: 7.913ms 0.889: 10.3208ms 1: 106.102ms Alg::SmartMask (Loaded 66 files in 92.8806 ms): Mean/Median: 1.40728ms / 1.2901ms Min/Max: 0.7827ms / 11.288ms Samples: 0: 0.7827ms 0.111: 0.9485ms 0.222: 1.068ms 0.333: 1.1766ms 0.444: 1.2584ms 0.556: 1.3046ms 0.667: 1.3812ms 0.778: 1.4559ms 0.889: 1.4928ms 1: 11.288ms [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 5 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Resource Import ]" Loaded 1 files in 0.5912ms Alg::ResourceExportPreset (Loaded 1 files in 0.5912 ms): Mean/Median: 0.5912ms / 0.5912ms Min/Max: 0.5912ms / 0.5912ms Samples: 0: 0.5912ms 0.111: 0.5912ms 0.222: 0.5912ms 0.333: 0.5912ms 0.444: 0.5912ms 0.556: 0.5912ms 0.667: 0.5912ms 0.778: 0.5912ms 0.889: 0.5912ms 1: 0.5912ms [INFO] The project has been updated from version 68 to version 70. [INFO] Baking data have been updated from version 12 to version 14. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackLayers" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackActions" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Sanae_Base stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 8879 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 4439 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16128000 (total=552998912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=569587712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15944 (total=569603656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 128520 (total=569732176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569732256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569733432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569733512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569734688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569735136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569739224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569739672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569743760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 936 (total=569744696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10808 (total=569755504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1464 (total=569756968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12264 (total=569769232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569769776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569775936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569776384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 5040 (total=569781424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569781968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569788128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1584 (total=569789712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21784 (total=569811496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1488 (total=569812984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 13552 (total=569826536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 160 (total=569826696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2352 (total=569829048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 6480 (total=569835528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 59304 (total=569894832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569898160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569925208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569928536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569955584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3132 (total=569958716)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 40376 (total=569999092)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1080 (total=570000172)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16016 (total=570016188)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2640 (total=570018828)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23968 (total=570042796)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2880 (total=570045676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 28000 (total=570073676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15888 (total=570089564)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 119392 (total=570208956)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 688 (total=570209644)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 7560 (total=570217204)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 184 (total=570217388)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2464 (total=570219852)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 11544 (total=570231396)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 102704 (total=570334100)" [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform0Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform1Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform0Group", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransform1Group", which already has a layout [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: baseColor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: basecolor (matched by usage: baseColor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: normal" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: normal (matched by usage: normal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: roughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: roughness (matched by usage: roughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: metallic" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: metallic (matched by usage: metallic)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: height" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: height (matched by usage: height)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: heightScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: ambientOcclusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: ambientOcclusion (matched by usage: ambientOcclusion)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyLevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropylevel (matched by usage: anisotropyLevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyAngle" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropyangle (matched by usage: anisotropyAngle)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissive" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: emissive (matched by usage: emissive)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularLevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularlevel (matched by usage: specularLevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: opacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: opacity (matched by usage: opacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: refraction" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scattering (matched by identifier: scattering)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacement" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: displacement (matched by usage: displacement)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementSourceChannel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::EditColor3' for property 'Alg::ColorButton::value' [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Load file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Import root directory is 'file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/'" [INFO] Viewer settings have been updated from version 23 to version 24. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T10076: ScenePreprocessor: Found space handedness mismatch between UV space and tangent space. Some bitangents have been inverted." [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 4 ms" [INFO] The project has been updated from version 68 to version 70. [INFO] Baking data have been updated from version 12 to version 14. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Sanae_Base stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 8879 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 4439 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16128000 (total=552998912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=569587712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15944 (total=569603656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 128520 (total=569732176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569732256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569733432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569733512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569734688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569735136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569739224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569739672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569743760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 936 (total=569744696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10808 (total=569755504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1464 (total=569756968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12264 (total=569769232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569769776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569775936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569776384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 5040 (total=569781424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569781968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569788128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1584 (total=569789712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21784 (total=569811496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1488 (total=569812984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 13552 (total=569826536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 160 (total=569826696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2352 (total=569829048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 6480 (total=569835528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 59304 (total=569894832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569898160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569925208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569928536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569955584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3132 (total=569958716)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 40376 (total=569999092)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1080 (total=570000172)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16016 (total=570016188)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2640 (total=570018828)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23968 (total=570042796)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2880 (total=570045676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 28000 (total=570073676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15888 (total=570089564)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 119392 (total=570208956)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 688 (total=570209644)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 7560 (total=570217204)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 184 (total=570217388)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2464 (total=570219852)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 11544 (total=570231396)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 102704 (total=570334100)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 116 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Load file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Import root directory is 'file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/'" [INFO] Viewer settings have been updated from version 23 to version 24. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T10076: ScenePreprocessor: Found space handedness mismatch between UV space and tangent space. Some bitangents have been inverted." [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 6 ms" [INFO] The project has been updated from version 68 to version 70. [INFO] Baking data have been updated from version 12 to version 14. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Sanae_Base stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 8879 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 4439 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16128000 (total=552998912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=569587712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15944 (total=569603656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 128520 (total=569732176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569732256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569733432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569733512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569734688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569735136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569739224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569739672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569743760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 936 (total=569744696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10808 (total=569755504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1464 (total=569756968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12264 (total=569769232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569769776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569775936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569776384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 5040 (total=569781424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569781968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569788128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1584 (total=569789712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21784 (total=569811496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1488 (total=569812984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 13552 (total=569826536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 160 (total=569826696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2352 (total=569829048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 6480 (total=569835528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 59304 (total=569894832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569898160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569925208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569928536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569955584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3132 (total=569958716)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 40376 (total=569999092)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1080 (total=570000172)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16016 (total=570016188)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2640 (total=570018828)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23968 (total=570042796)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2880 (total=570045676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 28000 (total=570073676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15888 (total=570089564)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 119392 (total=570208956)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 688 (total=570209644)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 7560 (total=570217204)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 184 (total=570217388)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2464 (total=570219852)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 11544 (total=570231396)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 102704 (total=570334100)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 129 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 132 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [ ERR] Error could not read '' OCIO profile. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [ ERR] Error could not read '' OCIO profile. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 117 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Load file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Import root directory is 'file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/'" [INFO] Viewer settings have been updated from version 23 to version 24. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T10076: ScenePreprocessor: Found space handedness mismatch between UV space and tangent space. Some bitangents have been inverted." [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 5 ms" [INFO] The project has been updated from version 68 to version 70. [INFO] Baking data have been updated from version 12 to version 14. [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Sanae_Base stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 8879 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 4439 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16128000 (total=552998912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=569587712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15944 (total=569603656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 128520 (total=569732176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569732256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569733432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569733512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569734688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569735136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569739224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569739672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4088 (total=569743760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 936 (total=569744696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10808 (total=569755504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1464 (total=569756968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12264 (total=569769232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569769776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569775936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 448 (total=569776384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 5040 (total=569781424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 544 (total=569781968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 6160 (total=569788128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1584 (total=569789712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21784 (total=569811496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1488 (total=569812984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 13552 (total=569826536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 160 (total=569826696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2352 (total=569829048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 6480 (total=569835528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 59304 (total=569894832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569898160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569925208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3328 (total=569928536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27048 (total=569955584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3132 (total=569958716)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 40376 (total=569999092)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1080 (total=570000172)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16016 (total=570016188)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2640 (total=570018828)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23968 (total=570042796)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2880 (total=570045676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 28000 (total=570073676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 15888 (total=570089564)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 119392 (total=570208956)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 688 (total=570209644)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 7560 (total=570217204)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 184 (total=570217388)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 2464 (total=570219852)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 11544 (total=570231396)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 102704 (total=570334100)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter baseColor identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter heightScale marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter ambientOcclusion identifier maps to Channel ambientOcclusion -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyLevel identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropyAngle identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveColor identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emissiveIntensity [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularLevel identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refraction [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter refractionIOR [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorption [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter absorptionColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispScale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::pbr::physically_metallic_roughness parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > baseColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > heightScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > ambientOcclusion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropyAngle [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emissiveIntensity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularLevel [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refraction [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > refractionIOR [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorption [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > absorptionColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispScale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter heightScale neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 120 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_eyes successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_hair successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_base successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader miko3_character_glasses successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 146 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 136 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 138 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 131 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 146 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 141 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 122 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 123 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/sanae/sanae_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://project3/miko3_character_glasses?version=b7efa99f90571035f74c6710e1b9fc77c39121cd.shader") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://your_assets.450e551d-4df1-41db-9e80-31df264d2ec1/shape/shape?version=9a50c3b2ceffb732697c3bc04dfbb03a30332f8e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 122 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 5 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 119 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Disable automatic UV unwrapping" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Load file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/kaede/kaede.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Assimp 3.1.236340372 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Import root directory is 'file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/kaede/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: basecolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: basecolor (matched by usage: basecolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: roughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: roughness (matched by usage: roughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: metallic" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: metallic (matched by usage: metallic)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: opacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: opacity (matched by usage: opacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularlevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularlevel (matched by usage: specularlevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularEdgeColorEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularedgecolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularedgecolor (matched by usage: specularedgecolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: normal (matched by identifier: normal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: height (matched by identifier: height)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: displacement (matched by identifier: displacement)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementSourceChannel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: heightScale, dispScale, displacement_scale, displacementScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropylevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropylevel (matched by usage: anisotropylevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyangle" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropyangle (matched by usage: anisotropyangle)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissiveIntensity, emissive_intensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissive" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: emissive (matched by usage: emissive)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenopacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheenopacity (matched by usage: sheenopacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheencolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheencolor (matched by usage: sheencolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenroughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheenroughness (matched by usage: sheenroughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: translucency (matched by identifier: translucency)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularIoR" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: dispersion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatter, sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sssType" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringcolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scatteringcolor (matched by usage: scatteringcolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringDistance, subsurface_scale, sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scattering" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scattering (matched by usage: scattering)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringRedShift, sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringRayleigh, sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sssScatteringColorSource" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringAnisotropy, subsurface_anisotropy" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatopacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatopacity (matched by usage: coatopacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatcolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatcolor (matched by usage: coatcolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatroughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatroughness (matched by usage: coatroughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatIOR, coatIoR" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatspecularlevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatspecularlevel (matched by usage: coatspecularlevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatnormal" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatnormal (matched by usage: coatnormal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatNormalScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter base_color identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_level identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularEdgeColorEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_edge_color identifier maps to Channel specularedgecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height_scale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy_rotation identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission_color identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheenEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen identifier maps to Channel sheenopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_color identifier maps to Channel sheencolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_roughness identifier maps to Channel sheenroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispersion [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scatter [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance_scale identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_red_shift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_rayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_anisotropy marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coatEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat identifier maps to Channel coatopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_color identifier maps to Channel coatcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_roughness identifier maps to Channel coatroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_specular_level identifier maps to Channel coatspecularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal identifier maps to Channel coatnormal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal_scale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Removed 19 nodes and 0 animation channels (19 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Moved 17 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 17)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 17, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T10076: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T13504: Mesh 4 (Kaede_Sode_L) | Verts in: 1678 out: 484 | ~71.1561%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T24768: Mesh 12 (Kaede_Hair_Ahoge) | Verts in: 165 out: 76 | ~53.9394%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T2232: Mesh 6 (Kaede_Obi) | Verts in: 550 out: 222 | ~59.6364%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T16716: Mesh 10 (Kaede_Hair_Base) | Verts in: 484 out: 150 | ~69.0083%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15484: Mesh 5 (Kaede_Sode_R) | Verts in: 1678 out: 484 | ~71.1561%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T6820: Mesh 15 (Kaede_Eyeball_L) | Verts in: 160 out: 54 | ~66.25%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20660: Mesh 16 (Kaede_Eyeball_R) | Verts in: 160 out: 54 | ~66.25%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T22936: Mesh 1 (Kaede_Eye_L) | Verts in: 60 out: 21 | ~65%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T14152: Mesh 7 (Kaede_Ribbon) | Verts in: 470 out: 177 | ~62.3404%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27760: Mesh 8 (Kaede_Tabi) | Verts in: 1400 out: 422 | ~69.8571%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T9232: Mesh 3 (Kaede_Hakui) | Verts in: 1320 out: 420 | ~68.1818%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T13504: Mesh 2 (Kaede_Eye_R) | Verts in: 60 out: 21 | ~65%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T16644: Mesh 9 (Kaede_Zouri) | Verts in: 1484 out: 484 | ~67.3854%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T28516: Mesh 11 (Kaede_Hair_Main) | Verts in: 3528 out: 1344 | ~61.9048%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T24416: Mesh 0 (Kaede_Body) | Verts in: 5826 out: 1760 | ~69.7906%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T16132: Mesh 14 (Kaede_Face) | Verts in: 10016 out: 2923 | ~70.8167%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T27856: Mesh 13 (Kaede_Hakama) | Verts in: 13672 out: 3590 | ~73.742%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 42711 out: 12686 | ~70.3%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T10076: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///E:/Dropbox/Vault/Develop/xinoro/miko3/3D/Character/Fix/Substance/kaede/kaede.fbx successfully loaded in 87 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ColorManagement]" "Using default display inverse transform for color picking." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter base_color identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_level identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularEdgeColorEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_edge_color identifier maps to Channel specularedgecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height_scale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy_rotation identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission_color identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheenEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen identifier maps to Channel sheenopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_color identifier maps to Channel sheencolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_roughness identifier maps to Channel sheenroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispersion [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scatter [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance_scale identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_red_shift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_rayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_anisotropy marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coatEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat identifier maps to Channel coatopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_color identifier maps to Channel coatcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_roughness identifier maps to Channel coatroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_specular_level identifier maps to Channel coatspecularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal identifier maps to Channel coatnormal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal_scale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Kaede_Base stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 8879 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 4439 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 2219 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16128000 (total=552998912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 16588800 (total=569587712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 11368 (total=569599080)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 98560 (total=569697640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569697720)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569698896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 80 (total=569698976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 1176 (total=569700152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2560 (total=569702712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23520 (total=569726232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3336 (total=569729568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27104 (total=569756672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 3336 (total=569760008)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27104 (total=569787112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1080 (total=569788192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12432 (total=569800624)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 872 (total=569801496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 9912 (total=569811408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2640 (total=569814048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 23632 (total=569837680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2880 (total=569840560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 27104 (total=569867664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 936 (total=569868600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 8400 (total=569877000)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 6496 (total=569883496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 75264 (total=569958760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 316 (total=569959076)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 4256 (total=569963332)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 27344 (total=569990676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 201040 (total=570191716)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 19952 (total=570211668)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 163688 (total=570375356)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 320 (total=570375676)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3024 (total=570378700)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 320 (total=570379020)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3024 (total=570382044)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 131 ms for: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/starter_assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 4 ms for: "C:/Users/panda_pajama/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/assets"