04/12/22 15:31:31:323 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:31:31:323 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:31:31:535 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Successfully fetched the optionXML content from MSI database ... 04/12/22 15:31:31:571 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | The OS language detected for Acrobat (en_US) 04/12/22 15:31:31:584 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | MSI ProductCode ({AC76BA86-1033-FFFF-7760-0C0F074E4100}) is not installed on the system ... 04/12/22 15:31:31:586 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | The install language for Acrobat (APRO21.0) from the fallback map (en_US) 04/12/22 15:31:31:588 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Retreived folderList from the folder :\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build 04/12/22 15:31:31:588 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Going to install \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5\Set-up.dat 04/12/22 15:31:31:588 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5\Set-up.dat 04/12/22 15:31:47:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:31:47:013 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:31:47:013 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (0). 04/12/22 15:31:47:024 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Path to Process :C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\DEBox\Setup.exe Process Directory :C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\DEBox arguments being passed :"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\DEBox\Setup.exe" --nonRIBSMode="1" --deploymentFile="C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\\{0A692052-2D06-4EFC-8F2B-AA442B9DEA28}" 04/12/22 15:33:11:870 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:33:11:870 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | The return code from the Adobe Installer Process is (0). 04/12/22 15:33:11:876 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Path to Process :C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe Process Directory :C:\windows\system32 arguments being passed : /i "\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Foundation Base CC.msi" /qn 04/12/22 15:33:14:219 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 4736 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:14:220 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 4736 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:14:220 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 4736 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode. 04/12/22 15:33:14:220 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 4736 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\;installDir=;origDB=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Foundation Base CC.msi;installLang= 04/12/22 15:33:14:220 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 4736 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode . 04/12/22 15:33:19:605 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:19:605 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:19:605 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Executing the deferred custom action. 04/12/22 15:33:19:608 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData 04/12/22 15:33:19:608 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | (mode=install;sourceDir=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\;installDir=;origDB=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Foundation Base CC.msi;installLang=) 04/12/22 15:33:19:608 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | (mode=install;sourceDir=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\;installDir=;origDB=\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Foundation Base CC.msi;installLang=) 04/12/22 15:33:19:608 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Original database path is : \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Foundation Base CC.msi 04/12/22 15:33:19:615 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{90D1999B-B9DF-4A6A-8CC7-1641C7E17CFE} 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | CustomAction Parameters obtained... 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{90D1999B-B9DF-4A6A-8CC7-1641C7E17CFE} 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | setupBasePath :: \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | installDirPath :: 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | installLang :: 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters 04/12/22 15:33:19:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}). 04/12/22 15:33:19:638 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode 04/12/22 15:33:19:638 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML. 04/12/22 15:33:19:650 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Match OS lang option selected 04/12/22 15:33:19:650 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Added OS Language (en_US) to the install language fallback. 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Install language fallback contains following languages : 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | (en_US) 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | (en_US) 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The target architecture of the package is WIN 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist. 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No of updates found (0). 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No of HD products found (5). 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes... 04/12/22 15:33:19:651 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.4.0)... 04/12/22 15:33:19:653 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes... 04/12/22 15:33:19:653 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.18.3)... 04/12/22 15:33:19:657 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes... 04/12/22 15:33:19:657 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC2.0.1)... 04/12/22 15:33:19:658 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes... 04/12/22 15:33:19:658 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KASU2.0)... 04/12/22 15:33:19:660 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML 04/12/22 15:33:19:660 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info. 04/12/22 15:33:19:660 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true) 04/12/22 15:33:19:660 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true) 04/12/22 15:33:19:660 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Number of Medias found = 1 04/12/22 15:33:19:663 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Deployment XML created at path :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{467F6C53-6C8B-4F40-8235-D2A35DDCBAA6}\\{409CA103-C0DF-42DB-AB42-CD63E52B84FE} 04/12/22 15:33:19:667 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Override XML created at path :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{467F6C53-6C8B-4F40-8235-D2A35DDCBAA6}\\{A30F015E-F002-44F3-88DB-ACAE1B038D84} 04/12/22 15:33:19:668 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Conflict process info retrieved ( ^[Aa][Cc][Rr][Oo][Bb][Aa][Tt]\.[Ee][Xx][Ee]$ Adobe Acrobat DC [INSTALLDIR]\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe ^[Aa][Cc][Rr][Oo][Bb][Aa][Tt]\.[Ee][Xx][Ee]$ Adobe Acrobat X [INSTALLDIR]\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe ^[Pp][Oo][Ww][Ee][Rr][Pp][Nn][Tt]\.[Ee][Xx][E 04/12/22 15:33:19:668 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode. 04/12/22 15:33:19:668 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM. 04/12/22 15:33:19:669 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Going to install \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5 04/12/22 15:33:19:734 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Latest AAM version with the package is ( 04/12/22 15:33:19:735 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: \\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5\Set-up.dat 04/12/22 15:33:19:736 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5\Set-up.dat Process Directory :\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5 arguments being passed :"\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\ASU_5.6.5\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1 04/12/22 15:33:21:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:33:21:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:21:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:21:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (0). 04/12/22 15:33:21:396 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Created file with ACC Panel Masked C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\ServiceConfig.xml 04/12/22 15:33:21:397 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 2680 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\pre) 04/12/22 15:33:21:478 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | Conflict processes not running or killed successfully ... 04/12/22 15:33:21:495 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 2680 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND 04/12/22 15:33:21:495 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ... 04/12/22 15:33:23:243 | [INFO] | 4208 | ASU | OPM | OPM | | | 6592 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:23:243 | [INFO] | 4208 | ASU | OPM | OPM | | | 6592 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:23:249 | [INFO] | 4208 | ASU | OPM | OPM | | | 6592 | Schema version and schema compatibility version are same or greater than current 04/12/22 15:33:23:298 | [INFO] | 4208 | ASU | OPM | OPM | | | 6592 | _opm_handle_OPDReturnedStatus called with opdStatus as:0 04/12/22 15:33:23:298 | [INFO] | 4208 | ASU | OPM | OPM | | | 6592 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey 04/12/22 15:33:36:276 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:36:276 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:36:276 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | The return code from the HDPIM Setup Process is (0). Successfully installed. 04/12/22 15:33:36:277 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | PreInstall HD Media (KASU, 2.0) successfully installed ... 04/12/22 15:33:36:277 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ... 04/12/22 15:33:36:277 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} 04/12/22 15:33:36:277 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress 04/12/22 15:33:36:439 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:33:36:439 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1). 04/12/22 15:33:36:439 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product. 04/12/22 15:33:36:444 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to find the pdb database. 04/12/22 15:33:36:445 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Failed to get the local payload database handle. 04/12/22 15:33:36:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 3: Starting to launch Bootstrapper of Media (APRO21.0). 04/12/22 15:33:36:446 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The Bootstrapper seems to be missing(\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\Setup\APRO21.0\Set-up.dat). Skipping the installation process. 04/12/22 15:33:36:446 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Correcting Dependencies in local db. 04/12/22 15:33:36:446 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No media db present on the machine. 04/12/22 15:33:36:446 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 4: Starting to launch Adobe Installer. 04/12/22 15:33:36:446 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Skipping exception: APRO21.0. 04/12/22 15:33:36:451 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 2680 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND 04/12/22 15:33:36:451 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ... 04/12/22 15:33:42:159 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | The return code from the HDPIM Setup Process is (0). Successfully installed. 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Product Media (COSY, 5.4.0) successfully installed ... 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ... 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} 04/12/22 15:33:42:160 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}" --tool=EULA --leid=V7{}CoreSync-[BaseVersion]-Win-GM --eulasuppress 04/12/22 15:33:42:321 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:33:42:321 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (6). 04/12/22 15:33:42:321 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product. 04/12/22 15:33:42:335 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 2680 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND 04/12/22 15:33:42:336 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ... 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | The return code from the HDPIM Setup Process is (0). Successfully installed. 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Product Media (LIBS, 3.18.3) successfully installed ... 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ... 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} 04/12/22 15:34:16:445 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress 04/12/22 15:34:16:493 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:34:16:493 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1). 04/12/22 15:34:16:493 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product. 04/12/22 15:34:16:497 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 2680 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND 04/12/22 15:34:39:973 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:34:39:973 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:34:39:973 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | The return code from the HDPIM Setup Process is (0). Successfully installed. 04/12/22 15:34:39:974 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Product Media (CCXP, 4.7.4) successfully installed ... 04/12/22 15:34:39:974 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ... 04/12/22 15:34:39:974 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} 04/12/22 15:34:39:974 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress 04/12/22 15:34:40:034 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:34:40:034 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1). 04/12/22 15:34:40:034 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product. 04/12/22 15:34:40:038 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 2680 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND 04/12/22 15:34:40:038 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ... 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Build Version - 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 2680 | The return code from the HDPIM Setup Process is (0). Successfully installed. 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Product Media (KANC, 2.0.1) successfully installed ... 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ... 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} 04/12/22 15:34:44:194 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57} Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{8A3286BC-C40B-42A3-8C3C-7A8D47D64136}\\{EB849AFE-6148-4D72-974B-E7A7BCD24F57}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress 04/12/22 15:34:44:237 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:34:44:237 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1). 04/12/22 15:34:44:237 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product. 04/12/22 15:34:44:239 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 6: Starting to Configure the System. 04/12/22 15:34:44:240 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Customized Trial config file does not exist. 04/12/22 15:34:44:242 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Success: Suppression of Customized Trial. 04/12/22 15:34:44:243 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Success: Suppression of APIP. 04/12/22 15:34:44:243 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Success: Suppression of APIP for Acrobat Professional. 04/12/22 15:34:44:243 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Updater config file does not exist. 04/12/22 15:34:44:243 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Success: Unsuppression of the Adobe Updater. 04/12/22 15:34:44:243 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Success:Unsuppression of Updater for Acrobat Professional. 04/12/22 15:34:44:245 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine. 04/12/22 15:34:44:245 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine at ACF location. 04/12/22 15:34:44:245 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path is : %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager 04/12/22 15:34:44:245 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Substituting environment variable : ProgramFiles(x86) ,with value : C:\Program Files (x86). 04/12/22 15:34:44:245 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path after processing is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager 04/12/22 15:34:44:389 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Successfully deployed the RemoteUpdateManager. 04/12/22 15:34:44:389 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | WelcomeExperience configuration need not be changed ... 04/12/22 15:34:44:389 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | STEP 7: Starting to apply the updates. 04/12/22 15:34:44:389 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Number of updates to apply is (0). 04/12/22 15:34:44:392 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 2680 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (\\MDT\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Adobe\Foundation Base CC_en_US_WIN_64\Foundation Base CC\Build\post) 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | inside updat report 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | PkgID node not found 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | creating other nodes of report 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Inside Get deployment guid 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Deployment GUID generated is {4581F6DF-692F-4B3E-80AF-A5170E44D8E4} 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | setting deploymetn GUID 04/12/22 15:34:44:394 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | saving report at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\DeploymentReports\dfeadf60-e015-43cc-8b67-010644fae069.xml 04/12/22 15:34:44:472 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 2680 | The output of process received in execWithOutput : Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1288] 04/12/22 15:34:44:478 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 2680 | Event Guid generated is: '5a098ed5-8512-49fe-8c0d-7c8667c96527' 04/12/22 15:34:44:480 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml 04/12/22 15:34:44:499 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | Proxy detected: WPAD 04/12/22 15:34:44:500 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180 04/12/22 15:34:44:501 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | No default proxy present on the user machine 04/12/22 15:34:44:898 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 6112 | HTTP Request Status code 200. 04/12/22 15:34:44:898 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0 04/12/22 15:34:44:898 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2680 | Received HTTP response: URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest Response code = 200 Response headers: Connection : close Content-Length : 165 Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2022 19:34:44 GMT X-Request-ID : 78d3d80f-d825-4ae3-9378-3251401a2941 04/12/22 15:34:44:899 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 2680 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed 04/12/22 15:34:44:899 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 1680 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function. 04/12/22 15:34:45:047 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully 04/12/22 15:34:45:050 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 2680 | The install workflow is terminating. 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | util create process resulted in an error.. 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | The return Code from Create Process (3010). 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Failed to execute the msi 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Trying to rollback the Acrobat installation ({AC76BA86-1033-FFFF-7760-0C0F074E4100}) ... 04/12/22 15:34:45:351 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Path to Process :C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe Process Directory :C:\windows\system32 arguments being passed : /x "{AC76BA86-1033-FFFF-7760-0C0F074E4100}" /qn 04/12/22 15:35:05:742 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:35:05:742 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Acrobat rolled back successfully ... 04/12/22 15:35:05:743 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Uninstaller location is :: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\Utils\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe 04/12/22 15:35:05:807 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Uninstaller launch location changed to temp location :: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe 04/12/22 15:35:05:807 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe Process Directory :C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe" -u 04/12/22 15:35:19:588 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | Process creation completed. 04/12/22 15:35:19:588 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9344 | The CCDA uninstallation process return code is (0). 04/12/22 15:35:20:601 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9344 | Setup exiting with return code (6)