#targetengine "paraStyleChanger" #target indesign function main () { var __readMe = ''' paragraphStyleChanger.jsx | v.2.00 ------------------------------------------------- by Stephan Möbius, last edited May, 2018. _____________ DESCRIPTION This script is meant for finding and replacing applied paragraph styles comfortably, especially conditional combinations of paragraph styles. I use it in early design phase to try different typographical layouts and often to change subheadings. _____________ SOME EXAMPLES - Simple case: change each paragraph style that is 'Text1' to 'Text2' (with less hassle than using the find/change-dialog) - Conditional case: find each occurrance of 'Head1 followed by Sub1' and change it to 'Head2 followed by Sub2' - Turning on the 'autoReverse'-setting lets you switch between two layouts back and forth very quickly for comparison. - Turning on the 'quick test'-setting lets you start serial runs of layout variations: It will automatically make your last 'change to'-styles the new 'find'-styles after each run sou you can focus on selecting other styles to try. - The 'get styles'-buttons will fetch the first two styles from the selection into the find- or change-dropdowns for less manual picking of styles in dropdown lists. - Conditionally set paragraphs to [NO paragraph style] in to break their links to a style. Later find and reassign those [no-style]-paragraphs quickly. _____________ NOTES Original script for starting point was: "Fix paragraph style combinations" by Thomas Silkjær, 2009. https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2113439 The script will display the selection it applies to: - if nothing is selected: the active document or the active layer (depending on setting) - if an insertion point or textframe is selected: the story! - the stories of texts on paths (of textframes, lines, polygons....) - the stories of multiple selected items, like textframes, groups, or groups inside of groups - the paragraphs of selected text - the paragraphs of selected cells or a selected table. Select the table, not the container! - the paragraphs of a selected page with the page-tool (To clarify: it will _not_ do pragraphs of a single textframe from a story, but do the complete linked parent story.) The script will ignore tables or other anchored items inside of texts. You can now create alternating patterns of paragraph styles like A-B-A-B-A with the exceptional mode: 'find [any style] followed by [any style]' -> 'change to A followed by B'. If you execute with any setting that won't change anything, i.e. 'Change to: [no change] followed by [no change]' then the script will preview the number of found matches. The 'get-styles' button fetches the styles of any selection. It will put the first parapgraphs style into the 'find'-dropdown and the second paragraphs style into the 'followed by'-dropdown. The easiest is to mark a range of two paragraphs with the desired consecutive styles, click 'get', and then revert your selection to what you were working on. To get a single 'find'-paragraphstyle without a 'followed by'-style, place your cursor in the desired paragraph (select nothing) and click 'get'. Note: Your saved user queries and your selected dropdown items are document specific, they are stored in a scripting label into each document you 'touch' while running the script. This means that the script will immediatly alter your documents. If you need unchanged documents don't run the script. Using the 'remove label' option will delete the script label from the document and with it all the saved user-queries for this document. This is undoable. Save and close the document immediatly afterwards lest a new label will be written into the document. Preference settings (wrench icon) are not document specific, they are stored in a simple text-file next to the scriptfile. The settings file can be deleted any time. It will be created with defaults if it is missing. During runtime the script creates cache files on your harddisk of the paragraph styles of each document that you 'touch'. It does that in order to notice changes and to update its dropdown lists if nescessary. The files like "~..._cache_filename.txt" can be safely deleted at any point in time. They are removed anyway after you quit. Styles that are listed as [-missing-] (i.e. styles that have been deleted) will show an alert icon and prevent the exectution. Either select another style, or go back to the document and recreate or import the missing style with the same name in the same stylegroup. The script finds styles by comparing 'name' (and grouping) first. But it will also match styles by unique ID, in case you moved or renamed styles and it will update your saved user queries accordingly. Remember to save your document, if you have changed the user-queries. _____________ PITFALLS Local character overrides, i.e. textstyle ranges are kept, but overrides of paragraph styles are lost when you apply new paragraph styles - just as is always the case in inDesign by default. The script makes no effort to backup your overrides, when it applies styles. A nasty use case you should understand is this: Imagine "if this paragraph's style is [A] followed by [any style] then change this paragraph to [X] and its next paragraph to [Y]." ... this would in some cases result in paragraphs to be changed twice, for example in A A A B --> X Y Y Y. The script prevents paragraphs from beeing changed twice by prefering _consecutive_ paragraphs and ignoring/blocking the other match. Hence the result may not seem logical. These are exotic cases though ... ParagraphStyleChanger won't find nor change blank line last paragraphs. To my knowledge and level of understanding, 'blank line' end paragraphs consisting of a single carriage return do not count as a valid paragraph. Note: They won't count as [any style]! This is irritating since in InDesign you're able to place your cursor in it and give it a paragraph style ... but in scripts we can't work with them. The user-queries you save, and also the current dropdown-items you've selected, are stored in a script label. This happens with a 'hidden' undo-step. If you use 'undo' in Indesign and go back a few steps in your documents history, you might inadvertedly also undo the label storing step and thus loose the user queries you just saved. Known issue: There is an issue when you're working with floating non-docked palettes in Indesign. For instance if you click into the non-docked paragraphstyle panel (say, to add a new style), and then click back into paragraphStyleChanger, it won't register the change of window focus and will not update itself. This probem does not occur with docked indesign panels. If you notice pSC not registering changes, click once in the document window and then in psC to force an update. _____________ THANKS A huge amount of thanks go to Marc Autret and Peter Kahrel. Without their endlessly helpful posts, documentations, solutions and examples this script simply wouldn't exist. _____________ DONATIONS If this script is useful and a regular timesaver for you please consider donating a little to me. It'd be huge if this script would be valued so much. :) There's paypal behind my e-mail adress "stephan.moebius@gmail.com". ... Or get in touch! _____________ CHANGELOG v2.00 - May 2018 - Complete Rewrite of the UI with a modeless dialog interacting with the app, able to switch styles quickly, to store often used style combinations, to get styles from the current selection and made smarter about moved/renamed styles. Works with selected pages now. Notices layer changes. Added the 'alternating pattern' special case. ... v1.11 - March 2017 - Little bugfix and more usefull way to preload styles into the dialog from selected paragraphs. v1.1 - March 2017 - Now works with nested style groups (recursive, thanks to Peter Kahrel), added the ANY-style-option to _all_ find and change fields to give more logical combinations, more cleverly tell you what paragraphs its working on, works with a selection of multiple page Items, works with more sorts of pageItems and groups (recursive), optionally detects the current and next style from some selections, undoes in a single step, list styles in preferences that are missing (instead of reverting to defaults), works on selected cells and selected tables, comes in two languages (english & german). v1.0 - May 2013 - A beefed up version of Thomas Silkjaer's 2009 script (Thanks Dude!), changes made to run in CS6, to include styles in style-groups (not nesting), to save last settings, to give a report of num changed, and to add an -ANY-Style option for the follow up paragraphs. _____________ IDEAS - Option in followed-by dropdowns: [-Followed by its Next Style-] & [-Followed by its CHAIN of next Styles-] - Setting: Also apply current indesign find/change dialog settings - Button: Try logical reverse (some combinations couldn't possibly be reversed ... but some can!) - Instant Mode !!! - live switching of styles. - v.3.0 : have +/- Buttons to add or remove any number of "Followed by"-fields, to create unlimited chains of style conditions AND style change combinations. '''; var ScriptName = 'paragraphStyleChanger'; var ScriptVersion = '2.00'; // Edit the strings and prefs to your liking, ... var nameOfAnyStyle = localize({en: '[Any Style]', de: '[-Beliebig-]'}); var nameOfDontChange = localize({en: '[-Don\'t Change-]', de: '[-Nicht ändern-]'}); var markOfNotFound = localize({en: '(Missing) ', de: '(Nicht gefunden) '}); var _logging = 0; // 0 = no logging 1 = to log-file 2 = to console var _prefs = { /* fallback default preferences */ autoRev: false, /* auto reverse last style combos, for quick back and forth comparisons */ autoFind: false, /* make find the change styles from last run, for quick layout tests */ startFind: false, /* next program start with find-style-combo from current selection (1st and 2nd paragraph) */ useLayer: false, /* use Layer instead of document, when nothing is selected */ location:[836,327] }; const _CC = +(9 <= parseFloat(app.version)); // ================== Own Prototypes =================== ListBox.prototype.load = DropDownList.prototype.load = function(/*obj[]&*/dp) { // prototypal Drobbox Managing of items by Marc Autret, see https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1311125 // Assumes that all dp items (dataprovider) offer a toString() ability this.properties||(this.properties={}); this.properties.data||(this.properties.data=[]); dp?(this.properties.data=dp):(dp=this.properties.data); var CAN_SEP = "dropdownlist"==this.type, n = (dp&&dp.length)||0, i, s; for ( i=0 ; i < n ; i++) { s=(''+dp[i]); this.add(/*CAN_SEP && '-'==s ? "separator" : */"item", s); // removed the ability to insert seperators }; return this; } // ===================================== ListBox.prototype.resync = DropDownList.prototype.resync = function(/*obj[]&*/dp) { // Resync, or even reload, the data provider items // this.selection = null; this.removeAll(); return this.load(dp||null); } // ===================================== ListBox.prototype.getData = DropDownList.prototype.getData = function() { return this.properties.data || null; } // ===================================== ListItem.prototype.get = function() { // Return an object instance from the DP (behind this ListItem) return this.parent.properties.data[this.index] || null; } // ===================================== Group.prototype.createButton = function(bName /*str*/, bSprite /*str*/, bAlign /*[str,str]*/) { var b; with (b = this[bName] = this.add("image", undefined, bSprite, {state:0})) { alignment = bAlign || this.alignChildren; var iSize = image.size; b.spriteHeight = iSize[1] / _vSprites; size = [iSize[0], spriteHeight]; minimumSize = maximumSize = size; // added this so alignment 'fill' will work } } // ====== needed for sprites, see Marc Autret's: http://www.indiscripts.com/post/2011/04/sprite-buttons-in-scriptui Image.prototype.refresh = _CC ? function() { var wh = this.size; this.size = this.maximumSize = [1+wh[0],1+wh[1]]; // had to add maximumSize so alignment 'fill' will work this.size = this.maximumSize = [wh[0],wh[1]]; wh = null; }: function() { this.size = [this.size[0],this.size[1]]; }; // ===================================== Group.prototype.createSetting = function (t /* type-str: 'c' is checkmark*/, bxName/*str*/, bxText/*str*/, state/*bool*/, icon /*str*/) { var r; with (r = this[bxName] = this.add( "group", undefined, undefined)) {; r.name = bxName; maximumSize.width = 440; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; margins = [5,5,0,0]; spacing = 10; if (t === "c") { r["c"] = add( "checkbox", undefined); r["c"].value = _prefs[bxName] || false; r["c"].preferredSize = r["c"].maximumSize = r["c"].minimumSize = [13,13]; } else { createButton ("c", icon); } r["t"] = add( "statictext", undefined, bxText, {multiline: "true", } ); r["t"].preferredSize.width = _wW - 50; r["t"].preferredSize.height = 45; r["t"].minimumSize.width = _wW - 50; r["c"].enabled = r["t"].enabled = state; } } // ===================================== Group.prototype.createDD = function( /*str*/ ddName, /*str*/ ddTitle, /*str*/ ddDefault) { var tg, t, a, g, dd; with (tg = this["title"+ddName] = this.add( "group", undefined, undefined )) { // titleGroup tg["name"] = ddName; // custom property: w.p.m.titleffp.name = 'ffp' etc... spacing = 5; margins = [0,0,5,0]; alignment = ["fill", "fill"]; alignChildren = ["right", "bottom"]; t = tg["title"] = add( "statictext", undefined, ddTitle ); a = tg["alert"] = add( "image", undefined, alertIcon ); a.visible = false; t.alignment = a.alignment = "left"; if (ddName === "fsp" || ddName === "csp") { createButton ("but_get"+ddName, getIcon); tg["but_get"+ddName].margin = 0; } } with(g = this["grp"+ddName] = this.add( "group", undefined, undefined )){ name = "grp"+ddName; preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 30; alignChildren = ["fill", "center"]; margins = 0; spacing = 2; createButton ("but_any"+ddName, ellipsis); g["but_any"+ddName].alignment = "left"; with (dd = g[ddName] = add("dropdownlist").load([new DP_item (0, ddDefault, false)])) { dd.selection = 0; dd.preferredSize.width = dd.minimumSize.width = _wW - 50; dd.name = ddName; } } } // =========================================== // OBJECTS // =========================================== var QL_item = function(str, set /* obj {ffp : uid, fsp : uid, cfp : uid, csp : uid } */) { this.rename(str||localize({en: '[User]', de: '[Benutzer]'})); this.set=set||new DD_set(); } var DP_item = function(uid,str,notFound) { this.id=Number(uid)||0; // this lines was: this.id=uid||0; but didn't work for null this.rename(str||''); this.notFound=notFound; } var DD_set = function(ffp, fsp, cfp, csp /* objs of DP_item */) { this.ffp = (ffp && ffp instanceof DP_item)?ffp:new DP_item(0,nameOfAnyStyle,false); this.fsp = (fsp && fsp instanceof DP_item)?fsp:new DP_item(0,nameOfAnyStyle,false); this.cfp = (cfp && cfp instanceof DP_item)?cfp:new DP_item(0,nameOfDontChange,false); this.csp = (csp && csp instanceof DP_item)?csp:new DP_item(0,nameOfDontChange,false); } var QL = function(sel /*QL_item*/,a /*array of QL_item*/) { this.sel = sel||new QL_item(); this.itms = a||[new QL_item()]; } QL_item.prototype.rename = DP_item.prototype.rename = function(str){ this.name=str|| localize({en: '[Unknown]', de: '[Unbekannt]'}); } QL_item.prototype.toString = DP_item.prototype.toString = function(){ return (this.notFound?markOfNotFound:'') + this.name; } // =========================================== Array.prototype["=="] = function(a) { // Make myArray1==myArray2 relevant (by Marc Autret) return this.toSource() == a.toSource() }; // =========================================== // MAIN // =========================================== var _scriptFolder = scriptFolder(); var _scriptFileName = scriptFileName(); var _old_ad; // the following bools prohibit double runs and triggers at some point or another. it's extremly ugly and convoluted ... but i coulnd't find a better way, gave up :( var _stopCalls = false; var _isActive = false; var _inDDactionFlag = false; var _docChanged = false; var _hasDocAnParas = false; var _firstRun = true; var _scrLbl = ScriptName + ScriptVersion + "DDs"; var _o = new Object(); // holds description of selection and its paragraphs // see http://www.indiscripts.com/post/2011/04/sprite-buttons-in-scriptui var _vSprites = 8; const _fixOffset = _CC ? 0 : 1; // if we are in CC get ui brightness as mathFloor UI-Brightness: either 0 or 1, if not in CC set it to bright var _CCbrightness = _CC ? ~~(app.generalPreferences.uiBrightnessPreference+0.49):1; var _wW = 220; // overall window width log('### START ### '); loadPrefs() && _prefs = loadPrefs(); w = Window.find("palette", ScriptName); if (w) { // remove this if-statement later after programming w.visible && w.close(); w = null; } if (!w) { w = new Window("palette", ScriptName + " " + ScriptVersion, /*bounds*/undefined, {resizeable: true}); with(w){ var alertIcon = 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\u00BE\u00F3\u009Am#\u00E8\u00FA\u00A5\u00C9k\x1Em\x1D\x19AE=u\u009EoRQ^\u00BB\bj3=?&o\u00BD\u00DD\u00C6S\u00D4\u00A3n\x18\u00D7&\r\u00F8\u009C\u00E7\u00AB\x1A\u0082\u0086i\u0086\f\x0BZ{\u0085t\b\u0099a\x14\u00DD\u00EB\u00A0\u00CF\u009C\u0083\x00c<%\u00DC\x1A\u0080\x12\u00B8\u00C4\x17\u00EE\x01\u00DD\u0095\x12\u00CFX\u0096\u00E7\u00C2\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\u00AEB`\u0082"; var arrowsDownIcon = 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var settingsIcon = "\u0089PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\u00A0\b\x03\x00\x00\x00;\f\u00BC\\\x00\x00\x00\u00AEPLTE\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x15\x1A\u00B3\u00B3\u00B3ms|'*.\x1E 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\u00AB\u00C0J;\u009D\u0097\u00A2\u00F8S\x14\u00FD\u00DA\u00E9V-b\u00FBM\u0081V/\u00A2\u0082\u00A4(\x16d\u00BDt\x04I/\u00F1\x0B#\u008A;0A\u0095\x1B\x1B\u00B7\u009Dh\u009B\u00F8\u00F3\u00AD\u00D6h>\u008F\x1C\u00EA3N\u00E4\u00C3\u00B8\u00AD\u0096\u00939\u00E3\x04\u00E3`>k\x04\u0091X\u00A3\u00E8\u00CD\u00F7\x7F\u00FA~\u00FD\u00B2n\u008D\u00DC\u00FAtG\u00D1\u00D6\u00A1O\u0091\u00A7\u00F4i\u00FB\u00A6_0\u0082\u00FD\u00D76cm\u00E3\u00FC\u00B8\u00D1j\u008EG\u00E3\u00D0\u009Cq,\x1F\u00C6Mn`G\u00C61\u00C6\u00C1rV\x03\u0091X\u008D\u0099\u00E5y\u009A\u00E7\u00F5\u00CB\u00BA\u00D5\u00B8\u00F5\u00EB\u008E\u00A2\u008DC\u00BF\u008C\u00A7\u00F4k3\u00D3/h`M\u00FA\u00E1\u00E8!\u00AE\u0086\x1A\u0087\u00D9a\u00A5w\u00F6\x0E\u0087\x1E\u00A3h\u00C68\u0094\x01\u008C\u00ABj9<0\x0E1\x0E\u0096Y\u00F5\u00E4\u0090\fY\x05V\u00DA\u00EB\u00CD\u00B2,\u00CD\u00B2a\u00EDt\u00AB\x16\u00B1\u00FD\u00A6@\u00AB\u009F\u00A2\u0082\u00A4h%\u00C8\u00FA\u00D9\x13$\u00FD\\\u00CD\x18\u00D1\u00AA\x07\x03\u00EA\u00DC\u00D8\u00FC\u009Fai4\u009A\u00F4\u00BC\u00D4;[\u00E7s\u008BQ4e42\u0080qY-\u00CD\u0099\u00D1`\x1C,\u00B5\u00EA\u00C9!)\u00B2\n\u00AC\x14\u00A5\u00E9\u00DF45\u00EAt\u00AB@\u00A5@\u00ABWQAR\u00B4\x14d\u00BD\u00B6\x04I\u00AFKAj\u00D9j5\u00FBgh\u00DCn\u00AAm\x1A,vZ\u00DB\u008BE\u00DB\u00A1\x01\u00E3T>\u008C\u00BBj9]0N1\x0E\x16\u00B0\u00B6!\x12+\n\u0082_AP\u00BFl#}\u00BE\u00A3h\u00E7\u00D0\u00E7\u00B6\u00A7\u00F4y\u00A7\u00D0\u00DB\u00B5a\r\u00FA\x07h\x15Y9\u00CE\u0098\u00B4\u0084\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\u00AEB`\u0082"; var trashIcon = "\u0089PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\u00A0\b\x03\x00\x00\x00;\f\u00BC\\\x00\x00\x00\u00D8PLTE\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x14\x19\x00\x00\x00\u00C3\u00C3\u00C3CHR\x00\x00\x00(+1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x13\x16\x1F#)(+1\x00\x00\x00\x07\b\t\u0097\u0097\u0097\u00D8\u00D9\u00DA\u00F6\u00F6\u00F6\x00\x00\x00\u00F6\u00F6\u00F6\x1C &(+1\x00\x00\x00\u0088\u008A\u008C\u00C8\u00CB\u00CD\u00DD\u00E0\u00E3\u00DD\u00E0\u00E3\u00CF\u00CF\u00CF\x1A\x1C %(.AAA(+1999\u0085\u0085\u0085(+1\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0zzz\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0jnv\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0~~~\u00BB\u00BC\u00BC\u00CC\u00CC\u00CC\x1D\x1D\x1DFFF\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\x1B\x1D!%(.(+1ddd\u0096\u0097\u0097\x00\x00\x00\u00A2\u00A2\u00A2\x00\x00\x00(+1\u00A2\u00A2\u00A2\x00\x00\x00)))mmm\\\\\\\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00D0\u00C3\u00C3\u00C3BGRuuu37>\u00CA\u00CA\u00CAlqzjnvQTZ~\u00BA:;\x00\x00\x00@tRNS\x00@f)=\u00A6\u00A6\x1B)_\x7Fn_@*Y\u009E\u0094\x7FvSK\x1A\x13\u009E\u0094\x7FSO\u00AE\u00A6\u0095\u0095\u008Dza3+rC\u00A6\x1C\u009E\u0094\x7FwV\x13\u00BD\u00B6\u00A8\u009E\u0094\u008E\x7F}mS,\x7Fi_7$\u00F2X+[\x00\x00\x02\x14IDATH\u00C7\u00C5\u00D0\u00E7\u008E\u009B@\x14\u0086a\x1C\u00C7\u00A6\u00B8\u00B7]\x17\u00DCmpw\u0092m\u00D9M\u00A3\u00B8\u00DC\u00FF\x1D\u00E5`q\u00E6\f\u00E2\u00FC\x19\x19i_!\u0090\x1E}B\u00A3\u00D1\u00B2\u00C9\u00F5 \u00BB\u009AD\u00EF\u00F6\u00AAJj{\"\u009Bf'w\u00ADAK\u00F7\u00E4\u0089\u00AD+-\u00AB4u\u00FF\u00C6X\u00D5\t\u00D7k\x06\u00E1\u00C9\x1C\u00F3y\x06s\u00B94\u00DAtvBM\u00AFb\u009AZ9&ut4\u00EA$\u00D1o@~\u00B9#\x10f\x18\u008C\x11\u00FDs\u00AF\x11\u00D5\u00DB\u009E\u00FD2\u00B3\u00FC\u008E\b\u00D3\u00E7\u00E7\x18\u00CB\x126z\u0088\x1D\t\x1B\f\u00F6zw\u00E1v\u00CB\u00E0\u00F9\u009C\u00C6\u0091t\u00F6\x18\u00A1\u00B2H\u00F1\u0092\u00BF2\u00A9\u00E30\u0084\u0086\u00B5$\u0086u(,\u00D5\x04\u00C2\f\u00831bx\u00ED\u00D6\u00A3\u00BA\u009BkXb\u0096\u00DF\x10a\u00FA\u00F4\x14cI\u00C2z\x17\u00B1&a\u009D\u00C1n\u00F7.\u00DCl\x18\u00BC^\u00D38\u0094\u00CE\x1E#T\x12)^r6\u00CD\u008B\u00D0\u00FC!\u0089\u00C56T4@i&\u00A2qq5hG\r\u00ECU\u00D1`\u0096?\r\u00FA\u00E3\u00FB{\u008C\u0086\u0084\u00ED\x01\u00E2\u0083\u0084m\x06\x07\u0083\u00BB\u00D0\u00B6\x19\\\u00AD\u00D28\u0097\u00CEN\x19\"M\u00A9\u00FF\u00F0+\u00D2\u0080KZb\u00FE\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\u00AEB`\u0082"; try {location = _prefs.location} catch(_){}; preferredSize = [_wW,385]; minimumSize = [_wW,385]; margins = [5,5,5,15]; spacing = 15; with (w.grp1 = add( "group", undefined, undefined )) { preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 5; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; margins = [5,5,5,0]; spacing = 5; with (w.grp1.txt_info = add( "statictext", undefined, localize({en: 'Selection: ', de: 'Auswahl: '}), {multiline: "true", } )) { preferredSize = minimumSize = [_wW - 60,42]; w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = true; // custom bool } createButton ("but_set", settingsIcon, ["right", "top"]); } // main stack with (w.p = add( "panel", undefined, undefined )) { orientation = "stack"; preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 5; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "center"]; margins = 5; spacing = 5; // settings panel with (w.p.s = add( "group", undefined, undefined)) { orientation = "column"; preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 25; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "center"]; margins = [0,0,0,0]; spacing = 0; visible = false; createSetting("c","autoRev", localize({en: 'Automatically switch last runs styles (quick back and forth comparisons)', de: 'Automatisch letzte \'Finde\'- und \'Ändere\'-Stile umkehren (schnelle Vergleiche)'}), !_prefs.autoFind); createSetting("c","autoFind", localize({en: 'Use \'change\'-styles as \'find\'-styles after each run (quick tests)', de: 'Automatisch letzte \'Ändere\'-Stile als \'Finde\'-Stile einsetzen (schnelle Tests)'}), !_prefs.autoRev); createSetting("c","startFind", localize({en: 'Start with find/next style from current selection', de: 'Starte mit Finde-Folge aus aktueller Selektion'}), true); createSetting("c","useLayer", localize({en: 'Use active layer instead of document (if no selection)', de: 'Arbeite auf aktueller Ebene anstelle Dokument (wenn Auswahl leer)'}), true); createSetting("b","remLbl", localize({en: 'Remove script label from this document', de: 'Entferne das Skript-Etikett aus diesem Dokument'}), true, checkIcon); createSetting("b","butHelp", localize({en: 'Readme', de: 'ReadMe (English)'}), true, helpIcon); } // main panel with (w.p.m = add( "group", undefined, undefined )) { orientation = "column"; preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 25; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "center"]; margins = [0,0,0,10]; spacing = 5; visible = true; with (w.p.m.grpQ = add( "group", undefined, undefined)) { preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 45; alignment = ["fill", "top"]; alignChildren = ["fill", "center"]; margins = [0,0,0,20]; spacing = 5; with (w.p.m.grpQ.selQtitle = add( "statictext", undefined, localize({en: 'Query: ', de: 'Abfrage:'}) )) { preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = maximumSize.width = 50; } with (w.p.m.grpQ.selQ = add( "dropdownlist").load([new QL_item ()])) { selection = 0; preferredSize.width =minimumSize.width = _wW - 125; maximumSize.width = 280; } createButton ("saveQ", saveIcon); createButton ("delQ", trashIcon); } createDD("ffp", localize({en: 'Find style:', de: 'Finde Format:'}), nameOfAnyStyle); createDD("fsp", localize({en: 'followed by:', de: 'gefolgt von:'}), nameOfAnyStyle); with (w.p.m.grpSwitch = add( "group", undefined, undefined)) { preferredSize.width = minimumSize.width = _wW - 45; margins =10; spacing = 20; alignment = ["center", "top"]; alignChildren = ["center", "center"]; createButton ("but_c2f", arrowsUpIcon); createButton ("but_sw", arrowsSwitchIcon); createButton ("but_f2c", arrowsDownIcon); } createDD("cfp", localize({en: 'Change to:', de: 'Ändere in:'}), nameOfDontChange); createDD("csp", localize({en: 'followed by:', de: 'gefolgt von:'}), nameOfDontChange); } // end main panel } with (w.but_do = add( "button", undefined, localize({en: 'Do it!', de: 'Ausführen!'}))) { preferredSize.width = _wW - 50; w.but_do.needs_update = true; // custom bool } } } // End if (!w) var ff = w.p.m.grpffp.ffp; // References for readability var fs = w.p.m.grpfsp.fsp; var cf = w.p.m.grpcfp.cfp; var cs = w.p.m.grpcsp.csp; var ql = w.p.m.grpQ.selQ; // =========================================== // Behaviour // =========================================== w.onShow = function () { pSC_prep(); updateW(); // start with fetching the current selection styles into FFP/FSP, if it's a preference if (_prefs.startFind) w.p.m.titlefsp.but_getfsp.notify(); } // =========================================== w.onClose = function() { storeDDs(); pSC_stop(); } // =========================================== w.onResize = function() { w.layout.resize (); } // =========================================== w.onMove = function() { _prefs.location = [w.location[0],w.location[1]]; } // =========================================== w.onActivate = function() { _isActive && log('onActivate() ... prohibitted by _isActive'); if (!_isActive) { _inDDactionFlag && log('onActivate() ... prohibitted by inDD'); if (!_inDDactionFlag) { log('onActivate() ... start (_isActive was ' + _isActive + ')'); // The IF inhibits useless calls and inhibits running twice - secondary dialogs in SaveQ would cause de- and activations, // also task switching out of and into inDesign calls activation twice etc... if(docChanged()) { _docChanged = true; installLayerEvent(); log('if yes: call updateQL() (but prohibit sqlQ.onChange'); _stopCalls = true; updateQL(); _stopCalls = false; log('if yes: call updateDDs(q.set)...'); var q = ql.selection.get(); updateDDs(q.set); } if(stylesChanged() && !_docChanged) { log('IF stylesChanged: Check for renamed and update ...'); matchRenamed(); // matchRenamed will call updateDD too. } if (_firstRun && _prefs.startFind) { w.p.m.titlefsp.but_getfsp.notify(); } _firstRun = false; _docChanged = false; _isActive = true; log('onActivate() ... end (_isActive ' + _isActive + ')'); } } } // =========================================== w.onDeactivate = function() { _isActive= false; _inDDactionFlag = false; } // ================== settings ===================== w.grp1.but_set.addEventListener("click", function() { w.p.s.visible = w.p.m.visible; w.p.m.visible = !w.p.s.visible; w.but_do.enabled = w.p.m.visible; }); // ============== user combo dropdown ============= w.p.m.grpQ.selQ.onChange = function() { try { log('selQ.onChange() ... inDDaction : ' +(_inDDactionFlag = true)); // opening the Dropdown call w.onDeactivate, so we force active state _inDDactionFlag = true; if (ql.selection) { w.p.m.grpQ.delQ.enabled = ql.selection.index > 0; if (!_stopCalls && ql.selection.index == 0) { log('selQ.onChange(). 0 . Doing nothing'); } if (!_stopCalls && ql.selection.index > 0) { var q = ql.selection.get(); log('selQ.onChange() to "' + q.name + '". Calling updateDD(q.set) ...'); updateDDs(q.set); storeDDs(); } } } catch(e) { log('Error in Select Q: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // ============ save combo button ================ w.p.m.grpQ.saveQ.addEventListener("click", function() { function getValidName (list, s, title) { // Return a valid listItem name or null - taken from Peter Kahrel's GrepQuery Manager. Thx, Peter!!! var w1 = new Window ("dialog", title, [w.location.x, w.location.y + w.size.height/2, undefined, undefined], {closeButton: false}); var gr = w1.add("group"); gr.add("statictext", undefined, localize({en: 'New name: ', de: 'Neuer Name: '})) var e = gr.add ("edittext", undefined, s); e.characters = 30; e.active = true; var buttons = w1.add("group"); buttons.alignment = "right"; buttons.add("button", undefined, localize({en: 'OK', de: 'OK'}), {name:"ok"}); buttons.add("button", undefined, localize({en: 'Cancel', de: 'Abbrechen'}), {name:"cancel"}); w1.layout.layout(true); w1.center(w); if (w1.show()==1) { var list_item = list.find (e.text); if (list_item == null) return e.text; if (list_item.index != 0) { if (askYN (localize({en: 'Overwrite %1?', de: '%1 überschreiben?'}, e.text))) return e.text; } else { title = localize({en: 'Please choose another name', de: 'Bitte anderen Namen wählen'});} return getValidName (list, s, title); // Peter, your recursive patterns are so smart! } else return null; } try { _stopCalls = true; var s0 = ql.selection.get().name; var s = getValidName (ql, s0, localize({en: 'Save combination', de: 'Speichere Kombination'})); if (s != null) { var a = ql.getData(); var i = 1; // start 1: never add in front of the default entry while (i < a.length && s.toLowerCase() > a[i].name.toLowerCase()) i++; var q = new QL_item(s , getCurrentDDs()); // if new item has the same name (i.e user was asked to overwrite), // then delete the old item, when splicing in the new one // log('SaveQ: at' + i + ' | Name: ' + s + ' | Set(Current selections): ' + q.toSource()); a.splice(i, (i != a.length && s == a[i].name)?1:0, q); ql.resync(); log('saveQ(): setting selQ to: ' + a[i].name); ql.selection = ql.find(s); storeDDs(); } _stopCalls = false; } catch(e) { log('Error in Save Q: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } }); // ========== delete combo button ============= w.p.m.grpQ.delQ.addEventListener("click", function() { _stopCalls = true; if (ql.selection != null && askYN (localize({en: 'Delete %1', de: 'Lösche %1'}, ql.selection.get().name))) { try { log('DelQ ...'); var a = ql.getData(); var i = ql.selection.index; a.splice(i, 1); ql.resync(a); log('DelQ: Setting SelQ to 0 after delete'); ql.selection = 0; storeDDs(); } catch(e) { log('Error in Delete Q: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } _stopCalls = false; }); // ============ switch styles buttons ============ w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_f2c.addEventListener("click", function() { log('copy find styles to change styles ...'); _stopCalls = true; ql.selection = 0; updateDDs({cfp:ff.selection.get(), csp:fs.selection.get()}); storeDDs(); _stopCalls = false; }); w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_sw.addEventListener("click", function() { log('switch find and change styles ...'); _stopCalls = true; ql.selection = 0; updateDDs({ffp:cf.selection.get(), fsp:cs.selection.get(), cfp:ff.selection.get(), csp:fs.selection.get()}); storeDDs(); _stopCalls = false; }); w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_c2f.addEventListener("click", function() { log('copy change styles to find styles ...'); _stopCalls = true; ql.selection = 0; updateDDs({ffp:cf.selection.get(), fsp:cs.selection.get()}); storeDDs(); _stopCalls = false; }); // =========== quick anyStyle buttons ============ var but_anyClickHandler = function(ev) { var dd = this.parent.children[1]; // the corresponding dropdown ffp, fsp, cfp, csp. if (!dd.selection.index || dd.selection.index != 0) { _stopCalls = true; dd.selection = dd.find((dd.name ==="ffp"||dd.name ==="fsp")?nameOfAnyStyle:nameOfDontChange); ql.selection = 0; _stopCalls = false; } } w.p.m.grpffp.but_anyffp.addEventListener("click", but_anyClickHandler); w.p.m.grpfsp.but_anyfsp.addEventListener("click", but_anyClickHandler); w.p.m.grpcfp.but_anycfp.addEventListener("click", but_anyClickHandler); w.p.m.grpcsp.but_anycsp.addEventListener("click", but_anyClickHandler); // ============ get styles buttons ================ var getStylesClickHandler = function(ev) { var dd = this.parent.name; // the groups custom-value 'name': either 'fsp' or 'csp'. log('Fetch current style(s) from doc'); if(_o.ps.length > 0) { _stopCalls = true; if (dd === "fsp") { ff.selection = ff.find(getNestingPath((_o.cp && _o.cp[0].appliedParagraphStyle) || _o.ps[0].appliedParagraphStyle)); fs.selection = (_o.cp || _o.ps.length === 1) ? fs.find(nameOfAnyStyle) : fs.find(getNestingPath(_o.ps[1].appliedParagraphStyle)); } if (dd === "csp") { cf.selection = cf.find(getNestingPath((_o.cp && _o.cp[0].appliedParagraphStyle) || _o.ps[0].appliedParagraphStyle)); cs.selection = (_o.cp ||_o.ps.length === 1) ? cs.find(nameOfDontChange) : cs.find(getNestingPath(_o.ps[1].appliedParagraphStyle)); } ql.selection = 0; // setting to [custom] without updateDDs storeDDs(); _stopCalls = false; } } w.p.m.titlefsp.but_getfsp.addEventListener("click", getStylesClickHandler); w.p.m.titlecsp.but_getcsp.addEventListener("click", getStylesClickHandler); // ============ the main dropdowns ============== ff.onChange = fs.onChange = cf.onChange = cs.onChange = function() { _inDDactionFlag = true; w.but_do.needs_update = true; // something changed, we need to reevaluate if DO-Button may be enabled (in updateW() on next idle-run) if (this.selection == 0) { // making it so complicated because of double onChange calls :( !w.p.m["title"+this.name].alert.visible && w.p.m["title"+this.name].alert.visible = this.selection.get().notFound; } else { w.p.m["title"+this.name].alert.visible && w.p.m["title"+this.name].alert.visible = false; } if (!_stopCalls) { log('User changes "' + this.name + '". Setting selQ to 0'); _stopCalls = true; ql.selection = 0; // setting to query to [custom] without updateDDs() _stopCalls = false; storeDDs(); } } // ============ settings: checkboxes ============ w.p.s.useLayer.c.onClick = w.p.s.autoRev.c.onClick = w.p.s.autoFind.c.onClick = w.p.s.startFind.c.onClick = function() { _prefs[this.parent.name] = this.value; (this.parent.name === "useLayer") && w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = true; if (this.parent.name === "autoFind") w.p.s.autoRev.c.enabled = w.p.s.autoRev.t.enabled = !w.p.s.autoFind.c.value; if (this.parent.name === "autoRev") w.p.s.autoFind.c.enabled = w.p.s.autoFind.t.enabled = !w.p.s.autoRev.c.value; } // ====== settings: remove label (sprite button!) ======= w.p.s.remLbl.c.addEventListener("click", function() { if (askYN (localize({en: 'Really remove the script label with all user combinations?', de:'Wirklich das Skript-Etikett mit den Benutzer-Kombinationen löschen?'}))) { var ad = app.activeDocument; app.doScript(function(){ad.insertLabel(_scrLbl, "")}, undefined, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, localize({en: 'Remove script label', de: 'Skript-Etikett entfernen'})); w.grp1.txt_info.text = localize({en: 'Script label removed.\rSave and close the document now.', de: 'Skript-Etikett entfernt.\rJetzt Dokument speichern und schliessen.'}) log('Removed script label... calling updateQL()'); updateDDs(); w.but_do.enabled = false; } }); // ======== settings: read me (sprite button!) ======== w.p.s.butHelp.c.addEventListener("click", function() { var wI = new Window ("dialog", "Readme", undefined, {resizeable: true}); wI.preferredSize = [_wW+90, w.size.height+300]; wI.minimumSize = [_wW+10, w.size.height]; wI.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"]; wI.spacing = 5; var readMe = wI.add ("edittext", undefined, __readMe, {multiline: true, readonly: true}); readMe.alignment = ["fill","fill"]; readMe.preferredSize = [_wW+90, w.size.height+300]; readMe.minimumSize = [_wW+10, w.size.height]; wI.center(w); wI.onResize = function () { this.layout.resize () } wI.show (); }); // ================ the run button ================= w.but_do.onClick = function(){ var rep = new Object(); // need another forced and directly called updateW() before the run, because the user might just have UNDO'd prior and the objects in _o.ps don't exist anymore. w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = true; updateW(); app.doScript("rep = paragraphStyleChanger(_o.ps)", undefined, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "paragraphStyleChanger"); log('paragraphStyleChanger -- ' + rep.matches + ' matches -- ' + rep.changed + ' changed ' ); switch (rep.changed) { case -2: break; // still in default DD-settings, quit quietly case -1: w.grp1.txt_info.text = (rep.matches + ((rep.matches === 1) ? (localize({en: ' match. ', de: ' Stelle. '})) : (localize({en: ' matches. ', de: ' Stellen. '}))) + localize({en: 'No changes necessary with these settings.', de: 'Nichts zu tun bei diesen Einstellungen.'})); break; case 0: if (rep.matches === 0) w.grp1.txt_info.text = (localize({en: 'No matches found.', de: 'Keine zutreffenden Stellen.'})); else w.grp1.txt_info.text = (rep.matches + ((rep.matches === 1) ? (localize({en: ' match. ', de: ' Treffer. '})) : (localize({en: ' matches. ', de: ' Treffer. '}))) + localize({en: 'But the desired formats didn\'t need to be applied.', de: ' Aber das gewünschte Format brauchte nicht zugewiesen werden.'})); break; default: w.grp1.txt_info.text = (rep.matches + ((rep.matches === 1) ? (localize({en: ' match. ', de: ' Treffer. '})) : (localize({en: ' matches. ', de: ' Treffer. '}))) + rep.changed + ((rep.changed == 1) ? (localize({en: ' paragraph changed.', de: ' Absatz geändert'})) : (localize({en: ' paragraphs changed', de: ' Absätze geändert'})))) } if (_prefs.autoRev) w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_sw.dispatchEvent(new UIEvent ('click')); if (_prefs.autoFind) w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_c2f.dispatchEvent(new UIEvent ('click')); // sends onClick event to switchStyles-button in order to autoReverse the DDs. } // ================ Sprites (Image-Buttons) ================= var mouseEventHandler = function(ev) { this.properties.state = ("mouseover"==ev.type)+2*("mousedown"==ev.type); this.refresh(); }; var _bts =[ w.grp1.but_set, w.p.m.grpQ.saveQ, w.p.m.grpQ.delQ, w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_f2c, w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_sw, w.p.m.grpSwitch.but_c2f, w.p.m.grpffp.but_anyffp, w.p.m.grpfsp.but_anyfsp, w.p.m.grpcfp.but_anycfp, w.p.m.grpcsp.but_anycsp, w.p.m.titlefsp.but_getfsp, w.p.m.titlecsp.but_getcsp, w.p.s.remLbl.c, /*settings remove label button */ w.p.s.butHelp.c /*settings readme button */ ]; for (var _i = 0; _i < _bts.length; _i++) { _bts[_i].onDraw = function() { // added 4th sprite for disabled buttons and additional 4 sprites for brightness setting in CC var dy = (this.enabled?this.properties.state:3) * this.spriteHeight + _fixOffset + (_CCbrightness*4*this.spriteHeight); this.graphics.drawImage(this.image,0,-dy); }; _bts[_i].addEventListener("mouseover", mouseEventHandler); _bts[_i].addEventListener("mousedown", mouseEventHandler); _bts[_i].addEventListener("mouseup", mouseEventHandler); _bts[_i].addEventListener("mouseout", mouseEventHandler); } _i = null; _bts = null; w.show(); // =========================================== // EVENTS // =========================================== function pSC_prep () { // create Events log('pSC_prep ... setting listeners'); if(!app.idleTasks.itemByName("pSC_idleSelTask").isValid) { app.idleTasks.add({name : "pSC_idleSelTask" , sleep : 200 }).addEventListener( IdleEvent.ON_IDLE, updateW, false); } if (!app.eventListeners.itemByName("pSC_selChange").isValid) app.eventListeners.add("afterSelectionChanged", function (){ w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = true;},{name:"pSC_selChange"}); } function pSC_stop () { log('pSC_stop ... remove listeners, killing functions etc...'); savePrefs(); var itl = app.idleTasks.itemByName("pSC_idleSelTask").eventListeners; for (var i = 0; i < itl.length; i++) { if (itl[i].handler.name == "updateW") itl[i].remove(); } app.idleTasks.itemByName("pSC_idleSelTask" ).isValid && app.idleTasks.itemByName ("pSC_idleSelTask" ).remove(); app.eventListeners.itemByName("pSC_selChange").isValid && app.eventListeners.itemByName("pSC_selChange").remove() ; for (i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++) { var el = app.documents[i].eventListeners.itemByName("pSC_layerChangeInDoc"); el.isValid && el.remove(); } // remove all cache files created by stylesChanged() var fs = Folder(_scriptFolder).getFiles('~' + _scriptFileName + "_cache_*.txt"); for (i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) fs[i].remove(); delete fs; docChanged = null; stylesChanged = null; updateW = null; layerHandler = null; w.onActivate = undefined; w.onDeactivate = undefined; } function installLayerEvent () // installed for each document in w.onActivate if DocChanged; { if (!app.activeDocument.eventListeners.itemByName("pSC_layerChangeInDoc").isValid) { log('installLayerEvent() for doc'); var layerListener = app.activeDocument.addEventListener (MutationEvent.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, layerHandler); layerListener.name = "pSC_layerChangeInDoc"; } } // =========================================== // FUNCTIONS // =========================================== function layerHandler(layer) { if (_prefs.useLayer && app.selection.length === 0) w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = true; } // =========================================== function updateW() { // is called every 200 milliseconds IF IDLE, if (w.but_do.needs_update && w.p.m.visible) { w.but_do.enabled = !((ff.selection && ff.selection.get().notFound) || (fs.selection && fs.selection.get().notFound) || (cf.selection && cf.selection.get().notFound) || (cs.selection && cs.selection.get().notFound)); w.but_do.needs_update = false; } if (w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update) { log('updateW() ... get paras'); _o = getParas(); // log('UpdateW: getParas() returns: ' + _o.toSource()); w.grp1.txt_info.text = _o.desc; _hasDocAnParas = w.but_do.enabled = w.p.m.enabled = w.p.s.remLbl.enabled = app.documents.length > 0 && _o.ps; w.grp1.txt_info.needs_update = false; } } // =========================================== function updateQL() { var qlDP = new QL(); // the default set if (app.documents.length !== 0 ) { var ad = app.activeDocument; qlDP = eval(ad.extractLabel(_scrLbl)) || qlDP; } // log('UpdateQL: resync qlDP.items: ' + qlDP.toSource()); log('updateQL() ... select "' + qlDP.sel.name + '"'); ql.resync(qlDP.itms); ql.selection = ql.find(qlDP.sel.name); } // =========================================== function storeDDs(lbl, i) { if (app.documents.length === 0 || !_o.ps) return; var ad = app.activeDocument; log('StoreDDs in: ' + ad.name); try { // stores all the user queries of this document in a document script label. The currently selected items are stored in '[Custom]'-query [0] lbl = new QL(); lbl.itms = ql.getData(); (ql.selection)?(lbl.sel = ql.selection.get()):(lbl.sel = ql.items[0].get()); lbl.itms[0].set = getCurrentDDs(); // the insertLabel won't pollute indesigns undo-history this way app.doScript(function(){ad.insertLabel(_scrLbl, lbl.toSource())}, undefined, undefined, UndoModes.AUTO_UNDO, "Store label"); } catch(e) { log('Error in StoreDDs: '+'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // =========================================== function getCurrentDDs() // returns a set {ffp : DP_item, fsp : DP_item, cfp : DP_item, csp : DP_item} { var t, o = new DD_set(); for (var DD in o) { t = w.p.m["grp"+DD][DD].selection; if (t) { o[DD] = t.get(); if (t.index === 1 || t.index === 2) o[DD].name = app.findKeyStrings(o[DD].name)[0]; // store [basic paragraph] and [no paragraph style] as local independant string... will localized again in updateDD() } else { o[DD] = {id:0, name:nameOfAnyStyle, notFound:false} } } return o; } // =========================================== function stylesAsDPArray() { // returns array [{id: style-uid, name: styleNameAsNestedPath, notFound: bool}] var a = []; if (app.documents.length !== 0 ) { var ad = app.activeDocument; var aps = ad.allParagraphStyles; for( i = 0; i < aps.length; i++ ) { a[i] = new DP_item (aps[i].id, getNestingPath(aps[i]), false) ; } } return a; } // =========================================== function updateDDs(set /*optional DD_set of QL_item*/, apsDP, lbl, i, q, s) { var apsDP = stylesAsDPArray(); // styles-data-provider for each of the four dropdowns (set)?log('updateDDs() with given set'):log('updateDDs: label from doc or defaults'); lbl = new QL(); // will have a fresh DD-Set with all AnyStyles in case doc got no label if (!set) { lbl = eval(ad.extractLabel(_scrLbl)) || lbl; set = lbl.itms[0].set; // use the set stored in [Custom] either from loaded label or from defaults in new QL() } try { var dp = {ffp : "0", fsp : "1", cfp : "2", csp : "3" }; for (var DD in set) { // put all styles and default any-styles in the data provider i = Number(dp[DD]); dp[DD] = apsDP.slice(); dp[DD].splice(0,0, new DP_item (0, ((i <=1)?nameOfAnyStyle:nameOfDontChange), false)); s = dp[DD][0]; // the any-style as default selection // establishing DD selections, adding missing items if needed if (set[DD].id !== 0) { // if set-item is not the Any-Style... s = (set[DD].name.indexOf("$ID/")===0) ? app.translateKeyString(set[DD].name) : set[DD].name; if (!dp[DD].contains(s, "name")) { // if style couldn't be found in the Dropdown ... slice in the Stylename as -missing- dp[DD].splice(0,0, new DP_item (set[DD].id, s, true)); s = dp[DD][0]; // name with markedNotFound } } //log('#### updateDDs: ' + DD + ' DATA ####'); //log(dp[DD].toSource()); _stopCalls = true; w.p.m["grp"+DD][DD].resync(dp[DD]); w.p.m["grp"+DD][DD].selection = w.p.m["grp"+DD][DD].find(s) || null; _stopCalls = false; log('-->' + DD + ' : ' + s); } } catch(e) { log('Error in UpdateDDs: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // =========================================== function matchRenamed() { try { log ('matchRenamed() ...'); var i,j,n; var found = false; var changes = false; var qlDP = ql.getData(); var apsDP = stylesAsDPArray(); // array [{id: style-uid, name: styleNameAsNestedPath, notFound: bool}] for ( i = 0; i < qlDP.length; i++ ){ var s = qlDP[i].set; for (var DD in s) { found = false; sname = (s[DD].name.indexOf("$ID/")===0) ? app.translateKeyString(s[DD].name) : s[DD].name; var n = apsDP.length; // updating stored IDs to always match current docs style IDs, in case a style got recreated with another ID while (n--) { if (apsDP[n].name == sname) { found = true; if (s[DD].id != apsDP[n].id) { log('Update of query "' + qlDP[i].name + '" - ' + sname + ' id ' + s[DD].id + ' to ' + apsDP[n].id); s[DD].id = apsDP[n].id; changes = true; } break; } } // if stylename in set couldn't be found in the nested Styles... but stored ID can be found in the current doc styles if (!found && apsDP.contains(s[DD].id, "id")) { name_new = getNestingPath(app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.itemByID(s[DD].id)); log('Rematch: "' + sname + '" with "' + name_new + '"'); changes = true; for (j = 0; j < qlDP.length; j++ ){ // go through all q.items and change each occurrance var s2 = qlDP[j].set; for (var DD2 in s2) { if (s2[DD2].name === sname) { s2[DD2].id = s[DD].id; s2[DD2].rename(name_new); s2[DD2].notFound = false; } } } } } } var qS = ql.selection.get().set; updateDDs(qS); changes && storeDDs(); } catch(e) { log('Error in matchRenamed: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // =========================================== function docChanged() { if (app.documents.length === 0) return false; var ad = app.activeDocument; if (!_old_ad || _old_ad !== ad.id) { _old_ad = ad.id; log('docChanged() - yes - "' + ad.name + '"'); return true; } else { log('docChanged() - no - "' + ad.name + '"'); } } // =========================================== function stylesChanged(f, c, ad, aps, a) { if (app.documents.length === 0 ) return false; function getSources (a /*arr of parstyles*/, r, i) { r = []; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {r[i] = a[i].properties.toSource(); }; return r; } try { ad = app.activeDocument; a = getSources(ad.allParagraphStyles); f = File (_scriptFolder+ "~" + _scriptFileName + "_cache_" + ad.name.replace(/\.[^.]+$/, "")+".txt"); // replacing grep with "" instead of ".txt" direclty, because unsaved documents have no extensions yet f.open ("r"); c = eval (f.read()); f.close(); !c && c = []; if ( a != c ) { f.open ("w"); f.write (a.toSource()); f.close(); log('stylesChanged() - yes - "' + ad.name + '"'); return true; } log('stylesChanged() - no - "' + ad.name + '"'); return false; } catch(e) { log('Error in StylesChanged: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // ===================================== function loadPrefs() { try { var f = File (_scriptFolder+ "~" + _scriptFileName + "_settings.txt"); f.open ("r"); var o = eval (f.read()); f.close(); } catch(e){log('Error in loadPrefs: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return;}; return o; } // ===================================== function savePrefs() { try { var f = File (_scriptFolder+ "~" + _scriptFileName + "_settings.txt"); f.open ("w"); f.write (_prefs.toSource()); f.close(); } catch(e){log('Error in savePrefs: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return;}; } // ===================================== function getParas() { // Returns a collection of paragraphs from the selection (s) and a descriptive string of it (or an error-message) var scope = ""; // scope name, i.e. "textframe", "table" or "page" var desc = ""; var sts = []; // an array of stories var ps = []; // an array of paragraphs var cp; // will hold only the current insertionPoints paragraph for the get-styles-Buttons if (app.documents.length == 0) { return {"ps": false, "desc": localize({en: 'No documents open.', de: 'Kein Dokument geöffnet.'})} } try { ad = app.activeDocument; s = app.selection; } catch(e) { (e.number == 90884 || e.number == 90886)?( desc = localize({en: 'Document closed.', de: 'Dokument geschlossen.'})):( desc = 'Error: '+e.number +"\r"+ e.message ); return {"ps": false, "desc": desc} } if (s.length == 0) { // no selection ? then do all paras of layer or document if (_prefs.useLayer) { GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, ad.activeLayer.allPageItems); scope = localize({en: 'Layer', de: 'Ebene'}) } else { GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, ad.allPageItems); scope = localize({en: 'Document', de: 'Dokument'}) } } else { // if s.length <> 0 switch (s[0].constructor.name) { case "Character": case "Word": case "TextStyleRange": case "Line": case "Paragraph": case "Text": case "TextColumn": scope = localize({en: 'Text', de: 'Text'}); ps = s[0].paragraphs; break; case "Cell": scope = localize({en: 'Cell' + ((s[0].cells.count() != 1)?('s'):('')), de: 'Zelle' + ((s[0].cells.count() != 1)?('n'):(''))}); ps = s[0].paragraphs; break; case "InsertionPoint": scope = localize({en: 'Story', de: 'Textfluss'}); ps = s[0].parent.paragraphs; cp = s[0].paragraphs; break; case "Table": scope = localize({en: 'Table', de: 'Tabelle'}); ps = s[0].cells.everyItem().paragraphs; break; case "Page": scope = localize({en: 'Page' + ((s.length != 1)?('s'):('')), de: 'Seite' + ((s.length != 1)?('n'):(''))}); GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, s); break; case "Group": case "GraphicLine": case "Rectangle": case "Oval": case "Polygon": case "TextFrame": if (s.length == 1) { switch (s[0].constructor.name) { case "Group": scope = localize({en: 'Group', de: 'Gruppe'}); break; case "GraphicLine": scope = localize({en: 'GraphicLine', de: 'Linie'}); break; case "Rectangle": scope = localize({en: 'Rectangle', de: 'Rechteck'}); break; case "Oval": scope = localize({en: 'Oval', de: 'Oval'}); break; case "Polygon": scope = localize({en: 'Polygon', de: 'Polygon'}); break; case "TextFrame": scope = localize({en: 'Textframe', de: 'Textrahmen'}); break; default: localize({en: 'Unknown', de: 'Unbekannt'}); } } else { scope = localize({en: 'Several objects ', de: 'Mehrere Objekte'});} GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, s); break; default: desc = s[0].constructor.name + localize({en: ' selected. Script can\'t work with that.', de: ' gewählt. Skript kann damit nicht arbeiten.'}); return {"ps": false, "desc": desc} } // end switch } // end else (i.e. if s.length <> 0) if (ps.length == 0) { ps = false; desc = scope + localize({en: ' without paragraphs.', de: ' ohne Absätze.'}); } else { desc = scope + "\r" + localize({ en: ((sts.length != 0)?(sts.length + ((sts.length == 1)?(' Story, '):(' Stories, '))):("")) + ps.length + ((ps.length == 1) ? (' paragraph') : (' paragraphs')), de: ((sts.length != 0)?(sts.length + ((sts.length == 1)?(' Textfluss, '):(' Textflüsse, '))):("")) + ps.length + ((ps.length == 1) ? (' Absatz') : (' Absätze')) }); } return {"ps": ps, "desc": desc, "cp":cp} } // ===================================== function GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, sel) { var s, i ,j, k; for (i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { s = sel[i]; switch (s.constructor.name) { case "TextFrame": if (s.parentStory.itemLink == null) { if (!sts.contains(s.parentStory)) { sts.push(s.parentStory); for (j=0; j < s.parentStory.paragraphs.length; j++) { ps.push(s.parentStory.paragraphs[j]); } } } // I intentionally leave out the break-statement here, because i want the // TextFrame to be checked for its edges/ textPaths too. case "Rectangle": case "GraphicLine": case "Oval": case "Polygon": if (s.textPaths.length > 0) { for (j = 0; j < s.textPaths.length; j++) { if (s.textPaths[j].parentStory.itemLink == null) { if (!sts.contains(s.textPaths[j].parentStory)) { sts.push(s.textPaths[j].parentStory); for (k=0; k < s.textPaths[j].parentStory.paragraphs.length; k++) { ps.push(s.textPaths[j].parentStory.paragraphs[k]); } } } } } break; case "Group": case "Page": GetStoriesAndParasSelection(sts, ps, s.allPageItems); break; default: } } } // ===================================== function getNestingPath (s) { // expects paragraphStyle, returns a string of stylename including the styles group nesting // rercursive functions from Peter Kahrel ... thanks Peter! if (!s.isValid) return false; var str = s.name.shorten(20); while (s.parent.constructor.name != "Document") return getNestingPath (s.parent) + " > " + str; return str; } // ===================================== function getNestedListOfShortendedStyles (aps) { var a = []; for (var i = 0; i < aps.length; i++) { a.push(getNestingPath(aps[i])); } return a; } // ===================================== function paragraphStyleChanger(ps) { // expects a collection of paragraphs : returns number of matches where the find rules applied and number of changed paragraphs var ad = app.activeDocument; var aps = ad.allParagraphStyles; var set = getCurrentDDs(); // DD_set var doF = []; // collects first paragraphs to be changed var doS = []; // second paragraphs to be changed var block = []; // temporary array of paragraphs to prevent them beeing changed twice var ffp, fsp, cfp, csp; // paragraphStyles var this_p, next_p; // paragraphs var zeroChanges = false; var n = 0; var i = 0; var this_p_isLast = false; ffp = (set["ffp"].id > 0) && ad.paragraphStyles.itemByID(set["ffp"].id); fsp = (set["fsp"].id > 0) && ad.paragraphStyles.itemByID(set["fsp"].id); cfp = (set["cfp"].id > 0) && ad.paragraphStyles.itemByID(set["cfp"].id); csp = (set["csp"].id > 0) && ad.paragraphStyles.itemByID(set["csp"].id); // If still in default settings, do nothing and return -2 to report nothing if (!ffp && !fsp && !cfp && !csp) { return {"matches": -2, "changed": -2}; } // notice settings that never would change anything if ((ffp == cfp && !csp) || (fsp == csp && !cfp) || (!cfp && !csp) || (ffp == cfp && fsp == csp)) { zeroChanges = true; } // here is the logic :) for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) { this_p = ps[i]; this_p_isLast = this_p == this_p.parentStory.paragraphs.lastItem(); if(!this_p_isLast) next_p = this_p.paragraphs[-1].insertionPoints[-1].paragraphs[0]; // 1 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and followed by ANY/NOT FOUND style THEN change _this_ para. if (ffp && !fsp && cfp && !csp) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp) { n += 1; doF.push(this_p); } } // 2 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and followed by ANY/NOT FOUND style THEN change _next_ para. if (ffp && !fsp && !cfp && csp) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp) { n += 1; if(!this_p_isLast && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) doS.push(next_p); } } // 3 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and followed by ANY/NOT FOUND style THEN change _this_ para AND _next_ para. // this is the nastiest case and may result in paragraphs beeing changed twice - we have to prevent that. // The script is now set to prefer assigning styles to _consecutive_ paragraphs // thus: A A A B --> X Y Y Y if (ffp && !fsp && cfp && csp) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp) { n += 1; // don't add to changelist if its unnessary / don't change A into A, also dont change if its already on the changelist for second paras if(!block.contains(this_p) && this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); if(!this_p_isLast && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) { doS.push(next_p); block.push(next_p); } } } // 4 - If _this_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOT FOUND and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _this_ para. if (!ffp && fsp && cfp && !csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; if(this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); } } // 5 - If _this_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOT FOUND and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _next_ para. if (!ffp && fsp && !cfp && csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; doS.push(next_p); } } // 6 - If _this_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOT FOUND and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _this_ AND _next_ para. if (!ffp && fsp && cfp && csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; if (!block.contains(this_p) && this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) doS.push(next_p); block.push(next_p); } } // 7 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _this_ para. if (ffp && fsp && cfp && !csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; doF.push(this_p); } } // 8 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _next_ para. if (ffp && fsp && !cfp && csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; doS.push(next_p); } } // 9 - If _this_ paragraphs style is A and _next_ paragraphs style is B THEN change _this_ AND _next_ para. if (ffp && fsp && cfp && csp && !this_p_isLast) { if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) { n += 1; if (!block.contains(this_p) && this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) doS.push(next_p); block.push(next_p); } } // 10 - If _this_ AND _next_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOTFOUND THEN change _this_ para. if (!ffp && !fsp && cfp && !csp) { n += 1; if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); } // 11 - If _this_ AND _next_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOTFOUND THEN change _next_ para. if (!ffp && !fsp && !cfp && csp && !this_p_isLast ) { n += 1; if (next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) doS.push(next_p); } // 12 - If _this_ AND _next_ paragraphs style is ANY/NOTFOUND THEN change _this_ AND _next_ para. if (!ffp && !fsp && cfp && csp) { if (!block.contains(this_p)) { n += 1; if (this_p.appliedParagraphStyle != cfp) doF.push(this_p); if (!this_p_isLast && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle != csp) doS.push(next_p); block.push(next_p); } } // 13 - the zeroChange run - just counting ffp and fsp matches if (!cfp && !csp) { if ((ffp && fsp && !this_p_isLast && this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp) || (ffp && !fsp && this_p.appliedParagraphStyle == ffp) || (!ffp && fsp && !this_p_isLast && next_p.appliedParagraphStyle == fsp)) n += 1; } } // end For (through all paragraphs) // apply "changeTo"-paragraph styles if (!zeroChanges) { for (i = 0; i < doF.length; i++) { doF[i].applyParagraphStyle(cfp, false); } for (i = 0; i < doS.length; i++) { doS[i].applyParagraphStyle(csp, false); } } // returning number of changed paragraphs return {"matches": n, "changed": zeroChanges? -1 : doF.length + doS.length}; } // =========================================== // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // =========================================== function log (s) { if (_logging === 0 || s == "") {return;} if (_logging === 2 ) {$.writeln(s + "\n\r"); return;} var f = File (_scriptFolder + "~" + _scriptFileName + ".log"); try { f.open ("a"); f.writeln(s); f.close(); } catch(e){ alert('Error writing log to file: ' +'\n'+ e.toString()+'\r'); return; } } // =========================================== function scriptFolder () { return Folder ($.fileName).path+"/"; } // =========================================== function scriptFileName () { return File ($.fileName).name.replace(/\.[^.]+$/, ""); } // =========================================== function askYN (s) { // taken from Peter Kahrel GrepQuery Manager var w2 = new Window ("dialog", localize({en: 'Confirm', de: 'Bestätigen'}), [w.location.x, w.location.y + w.size.height/2, undefined, undefined], {closeButton: false}); var t = w2.add ("group"); t.add ("statictext", undefined, s); var b = w2.add ("group"); b.add ("button", undefined, localize({en: 'Yes', de: 'Ja'}), {name: "ok"}); b.add ("button", undefined, localize({en: 'No', de: 'Nein'}), {name: "cancel"}); w2.layout.layout(true); w2.center(w); var temp = w2.show (); w2.close (); return temp == 1; } } // end main // ================= POLYFILLS ==================== if (!String.prototype.trim) { // trims leading and traling spaces of a string String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,''); } } if (!String.prototype.shorten) { // Shortens a string to roughly n characters by replacing the middle part with "..." similar to how adobe does it with long stylenames String.prototype.shorten = function (n) { return (this.length > n) ? this.slice(0, (n/2)-2).trim() + "..." + this.slice((-n/2)+2).trim() : this+""; } } if (!Array.prototype.contains) { // true if array contains given object Array.prototype.contains = function(obj, p /*property to look up given obj in*/) { var i = this.length; while (i--) { if ((p?this[i][p]:this[i]) === obj) { return true; } } return false; } } main();