/* https://www.ps-scripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10225&p=54270&hilit=Image+Processor+with+PNG+support#p54270 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/how-to-save-in-other-formats-automate-scripts-question-cs6/m-p/13269066 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/add-png-to-image-processor/m-p/14520195 */ // 06/18/2008 09:00 // c2007 Adobe Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. // Produced and Directed by Dr. Brown ( a.k.a Russell Preston Brown ) // Written by Tom Ruark // UI Design by Julie Meridian // Added PNG-24 support 11/10/2009 by Mike Hale // Added support for CMYK JPEG // Changed the Mike Hale addition from PNG-24 to PNG-8, 29th March 2024 - Stephen Marsh /* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ Image Processor.jsx */ /* // BEGIN__HARVEST_EXCEPTION_ZSTRING $$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Menu=Image Processor... aaaThisPutsMeAtTheTopOfTheMenu // END__HARVEST_EXCEPTION_ZSTRING */ // enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer #target photoshop // debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning) // $.level = 1; // debugger; // launch debugger on next line // on localized builds we pull the $$$/Strings from a .dat file, see documentation for more details $.localize = true; // the main routine // the ImageProcessor object does most of the work try { GlobalVariables(); CheckVersion(); if ( IsWindowsOS() ) { gShortFileNameLength = gShortFileNameLengthWin; } var gIP = new ImageProcessor(); gIP.LoadParamsFromDisk( GetDefaultParamsFile() ); gIP.CreateDialog(); if ( gRunButtonID == gIP.RunDialog() ) { gIP.Execute(); gIP.SaveParamsToDisk( GetDefaultParamsFile() ); } else { gScriptResult = 'cancel'; // quit, returning 'cancel' (dont localize) makes the actions palette not record our script } gIP.ReportErrors(); $.gc(); // fix crash on quit } // Lot's of things can go wrong // Give a generic alert and see if they want the details catch( e ) { if ( e.number != 8007 ) { // don't report error on user cancel if ( confirm( strSorry ) ) { alert( e + " : " + e.line ); } } gScriptResult = 'cancel'; // quit, returning 'cancel' (dont localize) makes the actions palette not record our script } // restore the dialog modes app.displayDialogs = gSaveDialogMode; // must be the last thing gScriptResult; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GlobalVariables // Usage: all of my globals // Input: // Return: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GlobalVariables() { // a version for possible expansion issues gVersion = 1; gScriptResult = undefined; // ok and cancel button gRunButtonID = 1; gCancelButtonID = 2; gMaxResizeTIFF = 300000; gMaxResize = 30000; // A list of file extensions and types PS can read gFileExtensionsToRead = app.windowsFileTypes; gFileTypesToRead = app.macintoshFileTypes; // A list of camera raw extensions, keep them upper case gFilesForCameraRaw = Array( "TIF", "CRW", "NEF", "RAF", "ORF", "MRW", "DCR", "MOS", "SRF", "PEF", "DCR", "CR2", "DNG", "ERF", "X3F", "RAW" ); // limit the length of text in edit boxes by this length // this needs to be calculated on the fly! // the problem is we have non mono space fonts! // 10 iiiiiiiiii != 10 MMMMMMMMMM gShortFileNameLengthWin = 35; gShortFileNameLengthMac = 27; gShortFileNameLength = gShortFileNameLengthMac; // remember the dialog modes gSaveDialogMode = app.displayDialogs; app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; gClassActionSet = charIDToTypeID( 'ASet' ); gClassAction = charIDToTypeID( 'Actn' ); gKeyName = charIDToTypeID( 'Nm ' ); gKeyNumberOfChildren = charIDToTypeID( 'NmbC' ); gOpenedFirstCR = false; gFoundFileToProcess = false; // all the strings that need localized // Set this string to private since we don't localize 'Presets' folder in CS4 // strPresets = localize( "$$$/Private/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Presets=Presets" ); strTitle = localize( "$$$/JavaScript/ImageProcessor/Title=Image Processor" ); strLabelSource = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Source=Select the images to process" ); strNoImagesSelected = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/NoImagesSelected=No images have been selected" ); strNoFolderSelected = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/NoFolderSelected=No folder has been selected" ); strLabelSourceHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SourceHelp=Location of files to process" ); strLabelDestination = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Destination=Select location to save processed images" ); strSaveInSameLocation = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveInSameLocation=S&ave in Same Location" ); strSaveInSameLocationHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveInSameLocationHelp=Save the new documents next to the original documents" ); strUseOpen = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/UseOpen=Use Open &Images" ); strUseOpenHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/UseOpenHelp=Use the images that are currently open" ); strButtonBrowse1 = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Browse1=Select &Folder..." ); strButtonBrowse2 = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Browse2=Sele&ct Folder..." ); strButtonRun = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Run=Run" ); strOpenFirst = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/OpenFirst=&Open first image to apply settings" ); strOpenFirstHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/OpenFirstHelp=Show the Camera RAW dialog on the first image to apply settings" ); strBridge = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Bridge=Process files from Bridge only" ); strBridgeHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/BridgeHelp=Selected files from Bridge will be processed" ); strButtonCancel = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Cancel=Cancel"); strButtonLoad = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Load=&Load..."); strButtonLoadHelp = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/LoadHelp=Load a settings file from disk"); strButtonSave = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Save=&Save..."); strButtonSaveHelp = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveHelp=Save the current dialog settings to disk"); strICC = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ICC=Inclu&de ICC Profile" ); strICCHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ICCHelp=Include the ICC Profile when saving the file" ); strFileType = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/FileType=File Type" ); strPreferences = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Preferences=Preferences" ); strRunAction = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/RunAction=R&un Action:" ); strActionHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScript/ImageProcessor/ActionHelp=Select an action set and an action" ); strSaveAsJPEG = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsJPEG=Save as &JPEG" ); strSaveAsJPEGHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsJPEGHelp=Save a file to the JPEG format" ); strQuality = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Quality=Quality:" ); strConvertICC = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Convert=Con&vert Profile to sRGB" ); strConvertICCHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ConvertHelp=Convert the ICC profile to sRGB before saving" ); strResizeToFit1 = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ResizeToFit1=&Resize to Fit" ); strResizeToFit2 = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ResizeToFit2=R&esize to Fit" ); strResizeToFit3 = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ResizeToFit3=Resi&ze to Fit" ); strResizeToFitHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ResizeToFitHelp=Select to resize for this format" ); strSaveAsPSD = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsPSD=Save as &PSD" ); strSaveAsPSDHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsPSDHelp=Save a file to the PSD format" ); strMaximize = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Maximize=&Maximize Compatibility" ); strMaximizeHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/MaximizeHelp=Maximize compatibility when saving to PSD format" ); strSaveAsTIFF = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsTIFF=Save as &TIFF" ); strSaveAsTIFFHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsTIFFHelp=Save a file to the TIFF format" ); strLZW = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/LZW=LZ&W Compression" ); strLZWHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/LZWHelp=Use LZW compression when saving in TIFF format" ); strCopyright = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Copyright=Copyright Info:" ); strCopyrightHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/CopyrightHelp=Add copyright metadata to your images" ); strW = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/W=W:" ); strWHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/WHelp=Type in a width to resize image" ); strH = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/H=H:" ); strHHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/HHelp=Type in a height to resize image" ); strPX = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PX=px" ); strPresets = localize( "$$$/Private/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Presets=Presets" ); strPickXML = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PickXML=Pick an XML file to load" ); strPickXMLWin = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PickXMLWin=XML Files: *.xml" ); strPickXMLSave = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PickXMLSave=Pick an XML file to save" ); strPickSource = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PickSource=Pick a source folder" ); strPickDest = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PickDest=Pick a destination folder" ); strSpecifySource = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SpecifySource=Please specify a source folder." ); strSpecifyDest = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SpecifyDest=Please specify a destination folder." ); strJPEGQuality = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/JPEGQuality=JPEG Quality must be between 0 and 12." ); strJPEGWandH = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/JPEGWandH=You must specify width and height when using resize image options for JPEG." ); strTIFFWandH = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/TIFFWandH=You must specify width and height when using resize image options for TIFF." ); strPSDWandH = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PSDWandH=You must specify width and height when using resize image options for PSD." ); strOneType = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/OneType=You must save to at least one file type." ); strWidthAndHeight = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/WidthAndHeight=Width and Height must be defined to use FitImage function!" ); strMustUse = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/MustUse=You must use Photoshop CS 2 or later to run this script!" ); strSorry = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Sorry=Sorry, something major happened and I can't continue! Would you like to see more info?" ); strCouldNotProcess = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/CouldNotProcess=Sorry, I could not process the following files:\r" ); strMustSaveOpen = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/MustSaveOpen=Open files must be saved before they can be used by the Image Processor." ); strFollowing = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Following=The following files will not be saved." ); strNoOpenableFiles = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/NoOpenableFiles=There were no source files that could be opened by Photoshop." ); strCannotWriteToFolder = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/CannotWriteToFolder=I am unable to create a file in this folder. Please check your access rights to this location " ); strKeepStructure = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/KeepStructure=Keep folder structure" ); strIncludeAllSubfolders = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/IncludeAll=Include All sub-folders" ); strIncludeAllSubfoldersHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/IncludeAllHelp=Process all the folders within the source folder" ); // some strings that need localized to define the preferred sizes of items for different languages strwAndhEtLength = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/EditTextWandHLength=40" ); strqEtLength = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/QEditTextLength=30" ); strsourceAndDestLength = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SourceAndDestLength=210" ); stractionDropDownLength = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ActionDropDownLength=140" ); // PNG strings strSaveAsPNG = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsPNG=Save as PNG-8" ); strSaveAsPNGHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/SaveAsPNGHelp=Save a file to the PNG-8 format (Indexed Color)" ); strPNGWandH = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/PNGWandH=You must specify width and height when using resize image options for PNG." ); strInterlace = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/Interlace=Interlace" ); strInterlaceHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/InterlaceHelp=Interlace rows" ); // overwrite icc help string strConvertICCHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/ConvertICCHelp=Convert the ICC profile for RGB files to sRGB before saving" ); // CMYK JPEG strKeepCMYK = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/KeepCMYK=Keep CMYK" ); strKeepCMYKHelp = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/KeepCMYKHelp=Do not convert CMYK to RGB" ); } // given a file name and a list of extensions // determine if this file is in the list of extensions function IsFileOneOfThese( inFileName, inArrayOfFileExtensions ) { var lastDot = inFileName.toString().lastIndexOf( "." ); if ( lastDot == -1 ) { return false; } var strLength = inFileName.toString().length; var extension = inFileName.toString().substr( lastDot + 1, strLength - lastDot ); extension = extension.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0; i < inArrayOfFileExtensions.length; i++ ) { if ( extension == inArrayOfFileExtensions[i] ) { return true; } } return false; } // given a file name and a list of types // determine if this file is one of the provided types. Always returns false on platforms other than Mac. function IsFileOneOfTheseTypes( inFileName, inArrayOfFileTypes ) { if ( ! IsMacintoshOS() ) { return false; } var file = new File (inFileName); for (var i = 0; i < inArrayOfFileTypes.length; i++ ) { if ( file.type == inArrayOfFileTypes[i] ) { return true; } } return false; } // see if i can write to this folder by making a temp file then deleting it // what I really need is a "readonly" on the Folder object but that only exists // on the File object function IsFolderWritable( inFolder ) { var isWritable = false; var f = File( inFolder + "deleteme.txt" ); if ( f.open( "w", "TEXT", "????" ) ) { if ( f.write( "delete me" ) ) { if ( f.close() ) { if ( f.remove() ) { isWritable = true; } } } } return isWritable; } // the main class function ImageProcessor() { // load my params from the xml file on disk if it exists // this.params["myoptionname"] = myoptionvalue // I wrote a very simple xml parser, I'm sure it needs work this.LoadParamsFromDisk = function( loadFile ) { if ( loadFile.exists ) { loadFile.open( "r" ); var projectSpace = ReadHeader( loadFile ); if ( projectSpace == GetScriptNameForXML() ) { while ( ! loadFile.eof ) { var starter = ReadHeader( loadFile ); var data = ReadData( loadFile ); var ender = ReadHeader( loadFile ); if ( ( "/" + starter ) == ender ) { this.params[starter] = data; } // force boolean values to boolean types if ( data == "true" || data == "false" ) { this.params[starter] = data == "true"; } } } loadFile.close(); if ( this.params["version"] != gVersion ) { // do something here to fix version conflicts // this should do it this.params["version"] = gVersion; } } } // save out my params, this is much easier this.SaveParamsToDisk = function( saveFile ) { saveFile.encoding = "UTF8"; saveFile.open( "w", "TEXT", "????" ); // unicode signature, this is UTF16 but will convert to UTF8 "EF BB BF" saveFile.write("\uFEFF"); var scriptNameForXML = GetScriptNameForXML(); saveFile.writeln( "<" + scriptNameForXML + ">" ); for ( var p in this.params ) { saveFile.writeln( "\t<" + p + ">" + this.params[p] + "" ); } saveFile.writeln( "" ); saveFile.close(); } this.CreateDialog = function() { // create the main dialog window, this holds all our data this.dlgMain = new Window( 'dialog', strTitle ); // create a shortcut for easier typing var d = this.dlgMain; // match our dialog background(s) and foreground(s) with color of the host application var brush = d.graphics.newBrush(d.graphics.BrushType.THEME_COLOR, "appDialogBackground"); d.graphics.backgroundColor = brush; d.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.graphics.foregroundColor = d.graphics.newPen(d.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1-brush.color[0], 1-brush.color[1], 1-brush.color[2]], brush.color[3]); d.graphics.disabledForegroundColor = d.graphics.newPen(d.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [brush.color[0]/1.5, brush.color[1]/1.5, brush.color[2]/1.5], brush.color[3]); d.orientation = 'row'; d.alignChildren = 'fill'; // to keep everything as compatible as possible with Dr. Brown's Image Processor // I will keep most of the important dialog items at the same level // and use auto layout // some interesting numbers to help the auto layout, real numbers are in the zstrings var wAndhEtLength = StrToIntWithDefault( strwAndhEtLength, 40 ); var qEtLength = StrToIntWithDefault( strqEtLength, 30 ); var sourceAndDestLength = StrToIntWithDefault( strsourceAndDestLength, 210 ); var actionDropDownLength = StrToIntWithDefault( stractionDropDownLength, 140 ); var squeezePlay = 5; d.marginLeft = 15; // I use some hidden items to help auto layout // change this to see them var showHidden = false; d.grpLeft = d.add( 'group' ); // create a shortcut for easier typing var l = d.grpLeft; l.orientation = 'column'; l.alignChildren = 'fill'; l.spacing = 3; // section 1 l.grp1 = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp1.orientation = 'row'; l.grp1.alignChildren = 'center'; d.icnOne = l.grp1.add( 'image', undefined, 'Step1Icon' ); d.icnOne.helpTip = strLabelSource; d.stSourceLabel = l.grp1.add( 'statictext', undefined, strLabelSource ); d.stSourceLabel.helpTip = strLabelSource; l.grp1Info = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp1Info.orientation = 'row'; l.grp1Info.alignChildren = 'fill'; l.grp1Info.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; l.grp1Info.grpLeft = l.grp1Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp1Info.grpLeft.orientation = 'row'; l.grp1Info.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.icnSource = l.grp1Info.grpLeft.add( 'image', undefined, 'SourceFolderIcon' ); d.icnSource.helpTip = strLabelSource; l.grp1Info.grpRight = l.grp1Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp1Info.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; l.grp1Info.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp1Info.grpRight.spacing = squeezePlay; if ( this.runningFromBridge ) { d.stBridge = l.grp1Info.grpRight.add( 'statictext', undefined, strBridge + " (" + this.filesFromBridge.length + ")" ); d.stBridge.helpTip = strBridgeHelp; } else { l.grpOpenOptions = l.grp1Info.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grpOpenOptions.orientation = 'row'; l.grpOpenOptions.alignChildren = 'center'; d.rbUseOpen = l.grpOpenOptions.add( 'radiobutton', undefined, strUseOpen ); d.rbUseOpen.helpTip = strUseOpenHelp; d.cbIncludeSubFolders = l.grpOpenOptions.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strIncludeAllSubfolders ); d.cbIncludeSubFolders.helpTip = strIncludeAllSubfoldersHelp; l.grpSelect = l.grp1Info.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grpSelect.orientation = 'row'; l.grpSelect.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.rbUseFolder = l.grpSelect.add( 'radiobutton', undefined, '' ); d.rbUseFolder.helpTip = strUseOpenHelp; d.btnSource = l.grpSelect.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonBrowse1 ); d.btnSource.helpTip = strLabelSource; d.stSource = l.grpSelect.add( 'statictext', undefined, strNoImagesSelected, { truncate:'middle' } ); d.stSource.helpTip = strLabelSourceHelp; d.stSource.preferredSize.width = sourceAndDestLength; } d.cbOpenFirst = l.grp1Info.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strOpenFirst ); d.cbOpenFirst.helpTip = strOpenFirstHelp; d.line1 = l.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); // section 2 l.grp2 = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp2.orientation = 'row'; l.grp2.alignChildren = 'center'; d.icnTwo = l.grp2.add( 'image', undefined, 'Step2Icon' ); d.icnTwo.helpTip = strLabelDestination; d.stDestination = l.grp2.add( 'statictext', undefined, strLabelDestination ); d.stDestination.helpTip = strLabelDestination; l.grp2Info = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp2Info.orientation = 'row'; l.grp2Info.alignChildren = 'fill'; l.grp2Info.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; l.grp2Info.grpLeft = l.grp2Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp2Info.grpLeft.orientation = 'row'; l.grp2Info.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'left'; d.icnDest = l.grp2Info.grpLeft.add( 'image', undefined, 'DestinationFolderIcon' ); d.icnDest.helpTip = strLabelDestination; l.grp2Info.grpRight = l.grp2Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp2Info.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; l.grp2Info.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp2Info.grpRight.spacing = squeezePlay; l.grpSaveOptions = l.grp2Info.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grpSaveOptions.orientation = 'row'; l.grpSaveOptions.alignChildren = 'center'; d.rbSaveInSame = l.grpSaveOptions.add( 'radiobutton', undefined, strSaveInSameLocation ); d.rbSaveInSame.helpTip = strSaveInSameLocationHelp; if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { d.cbKeepStructure = l.grpSaveOptions.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strKeepStructure ); d.cbKeepStructure.helpTip = strKeepStructure; } l.grpDestBrowse = l.grp2Info.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grpDestBrowse.orientation = 'row'; l.grpDestBrowse.alignChildren = 'center'; d.rbSaveInNew = l.grpDestBrowse.add( 'radiobutton', undefined, '' ); d.rbSaveInNew.helpTip = strLabelDestination; d.btnDest = l.grpDestBrowse.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonBrowse2 ); d.btnDest.helpTip = strLabelDestination; d.stDest = l.grpDestBrowse.add( 'statictext', undefined, strNoFolderSelected, { truncate:'middle' } ); d.stDest.helpTip = strLabelDestination; d.stDest.preferredSize.width = sourceAndDestLength; d.line2 = l.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); // section 3 l.grp3 = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp3.orientation = 'row'; l.grp3.alignChildren = 'center'; d.icnThree = l.grp3.add( 'image', undefined, 'Step3Icon' ); d.icnThree.helpTip = strFileType; d.stFileType = l.grp3.add( 'statictext', undefined, strFileType ); d.stFileType.helpTip = strFileType; l.grp3Info = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp3Info.orientation = 'row'; l.grp3Info.alignChildren = 'fill'; l.grp3Info.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; l.grp3Info.grpLeft = l.grp3Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp3Info.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; l.grp3Info.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp3Info.grpLeft.spacing = squeezePlay; d.icnSpace = l.grp3Info.grpLeft.add( 'image', undefined, 'DestinationFolderIcon' ); d.icnSpace.helpTip = strLabelDestination; d.icnSpace.visible = showHidden; l.grp3Info.grpRight = l.grp3Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp3Info.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; l.grp3Info.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp3Info.grpRight.spacing = squeezePlay; d.grpFileType = l.grp3Info.grpRight.add( 'group', undefined, strFileType ); // more shortcuts var p = d.grpFileType; p.orientation = 'column'; p.alignChildren = 'fill'; p.spacing = squeezePlay; p.grpJPEG = p.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.orientation = 'row'; p.grpJPEG.alignChildren = 'fill'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft = p.grpJPEG.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.cbJPEG = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strSaveAsJPEG ); d.cbJPEG.helpTip = strSaveAsJPEGHelp; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.orientation = 'column'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.alignChildren = 'left'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpQ = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpQ.orientation = 'row'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpQ.alignChildren = 'center'; d.stQuality = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpQ.add( 'statictext', undefined, strQuality ); d.etQuality = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpQ.add( 'edittext' ); d.etQuality.preferredSize.width = qEtLength; d.etQuality.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC.orientation = 'row'; p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC.alignChildren = 'center'; d.cbConvertICC = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strConvertICC ); d.cbConvertICC.helpTip = strConvertICCHelp; // d.cbKeepCMYK = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strKeepCMYK ); d.cbKeepCMYK.helpTip = strKeepCMYKHelp; // d.hidden1 = p.grpJPEG.grpLeft.grpJPEG.grpICC.add( 'edittext' ); d.hidden1.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden1.visible = showHidden; p.grpJPEG.grpRight = p.grpJPEG.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; d.cbResizeJPEG = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strResizeToFit1 ); d.cbResizeJPEG.helpTip = strResizeToFitHelp; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.orientation = 'row'; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.spacing = 1; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizeJPEGW = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strW ); d.stResizeJPEGW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.stResizeJPEGW.justify = 'right'; d.etResizeJPEGW = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizeJPEGW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.etResizeJPEGW.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizeJPEGW.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizeJPEGPXW = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.orientation = 'row'; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.spacing = 1; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizeJPEGH = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strH ); d.stResizeJPEGH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.stResizeJPEGH.justify = 'right'; d.etResizeJPEGH = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizeJPEGH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.etResizeJPEGH.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizeJPEGH.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizeJPEGPXH = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.line1 = p.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); p.line1.alignment = 'fill'; //// p.grpPNG = p.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPNG.alignChildren = 'fill'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft = p.grpPNG.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.cbPNG = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strSaveAsPNG ); d.cbPNG.helpTip = strSaveAsPNGHelp; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.alignChildren = 'left'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpQ = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpQ.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpQ.alignChildren = 'center'; //d.stQuality = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpQ.add( 'statictext', undefined, strQuality ); //d.etQuality = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpQ.add( 'edittext' ); //d.etQuality.preferredSize.width = qEtLength; //d.etQuality.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.grpICC = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.grpICC.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.grpICC.alignChildren = 'center'; d.cbInterlace = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.grpICC.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strInterlace ); d.cbInterlace.helpTip = strInterlaceHelp; d.hidden1 = p.grpPNG.grpLeft.grpPNG.grpICC.add( 'edittext' ); d.hidden1.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden1.visible = showHidden; p.grpPNG.grpRight = p.grpPNG.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPNG.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; d.cbResizePNG = p.grpPNG.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strResizeToFit1 ); d.cbResizePNG.helpTip = strResizeToFitHelp; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW = p.grpPNG.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.spacing = 1; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizePNGW = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strW ); d.stResizePNGW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.stResizePNGW.justify = 'right'; d.etResizePNGW = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizePNGW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.etResizePNGW.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizePNGW.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizePNGPXW = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH = p.grpPNG.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.spacing = 1; p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizePNGH = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strH ); d.stResizePNGH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.stResizePNGH.justify = 'right'; d.etResizePNGH = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizePNGH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.etResizePNGH.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizePNGH.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizePNGPXH = p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.line1 = p.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); p.line1.alignment = 'fill'; //// p.grpPSD = p.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPSD.alignChildren = 'fill'; p.grpPSD.grpLeft = p.grpPSD.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.cbPSD = p.grpPSD.grpLeft.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strSaveAsPSD ); d.cbPSD.helpTip = strSaveAsPSDHelp; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD = p.grpPSD.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.alignChildren = 'left'; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.grpMax = p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.grpMax.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.grpMax.alignChildren = 'center'; d.cbMaximize = p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.grpMax.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strMaximize ); d.cbMaximize.helpTip = strMaximizeHelp; d.hidden2 = p.grpPSD.grpLeft.grpPSD.grpMax.add( 'edittext' ); d.hidden2.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden2.visible = showHidden; p.grpPSD.grpRight = p.grpPSD.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; p.grpPSD.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; d.cbResizePSD = p.grpPSD.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strResizeToFit2 ); d.cbResizePSD.helpTip = strResizeToFitHelp; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW = p.grpPSD.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.spacing = 1; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizePSDW = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strW ); d.stResizePSDW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.stResizePSDW.justify = 'right'; d.etResizePSDW = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizePSDW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.etResizePSDW.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizePSDW.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizePSDPXW = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH = p.grpPSD.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.orientation = 'row'; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.spacing = 1; p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizePSDH = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strH ); d.stResizePSDH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.stResizePSDH.justify = 'right'; d.etResizePSDH = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizePSDH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.etResizePSDH.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizePSDH.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizePSDPXH = p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.line2 = p.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); p.line2.alignment = 'fill'; p.grpTIFF = p.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.orientation = 'row'; p.grpTIFF.alignChildren = 'fill'; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft = p.grpTIFF.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.cbTIFF = p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strSaveAsTIFF ); d.cbTIFF.helpTip = strSaveAsTIFFHelp p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF = p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.orientation = 'column'; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.alignChildren = 'left'; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.grpLZW = p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.grpLZW.orientation = 'row'; p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.grpLZW.alignChildren = 'center'; d.cbTIFFLZW = p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.grpLZW.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strLZW ); d.cbTIFFLZW.helpTip = strLZWHelp; d.hidden3 = p.grpTIFF.grpLeft.grpTIFF.grpLZW.add( 'edittext' ); d.hidden3.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden3.visible = showHidden; p.grpTIFF.grpRight = p.grpTIFF.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; d.cbResizeTIFF = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strResizeToFit3 ); d.cbResizeTIFF.helpTip = strResizeToFitHelp; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.orientation = 'row'; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.spacing = 1; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizeTIFFW = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strW ); d.stResizeTIFFW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.stResizeTIFFW.justify = 'right'; d.etResizeTIFFW = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizeTIFFW.helpTip = strWHelp; d.etResizeTIFFW.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizeTIFFW.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizeTIFFPXW = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.add( 'group' ); p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.orientation = 'row'; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.alignChildren = 'center'; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.spacing = 1; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.margins = [d.marginLeft, 0, 0, 0]; d.stResizeTIFFH = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strH ); d.stResizeTIFFH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.stResizeTIFFH.justify = 'right'; d.etResizeTIFFH = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.add( 'edittext' ); d.etResizeTIFFH.helpTip = strHHelp; d.etResizeTIFFH.preferredSize.width = wAndhEtLength; d.etResizeTIFFH.graphics.disabledBackgroundColor = brush; d.stResizeTIFFPXH = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPX ); d.line3 = l.add( 'panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle: 'sunken'} ); d.line3.alignment = 'fill'; // section 4 l.grp4 = l.add( 'group' ); l.grp4.orientation = 'row'; l.grp4.alignChildren = 'top'; l.grp4.grpLeft = l.grp4.add( 'group' ); l.grp4.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; l.grp4.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'left'; d.icnFour = l.grp4.grpLeft.add( 'image', undefined, 'Step4Icon' ); d.icnFour.helpTip = strPreferences; l.grp4.grpRight = l.grp4.add( 'group' ); l.grp4.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; l.grp4.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; d.stPreferences = l.grp4.grpRight.add( 'statictext', undefined, strPreferences ); d.stPreferences.helpTip = strPreferences; l.grp4Info = l.grp4.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grp4Info.orientation = 'row'; l.grp4Info.alignChildren = 'top'; l.grp4Info.grpLeft = l.grp4Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp4Info.grpLeft.orientation = 'column'; l.grp4Info.grpLeft.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp4Info.grpLeft.spacing = 5; l.grpAction = l.grp4Info.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); l.grpAction.orientation = 'row'; l.grpAction.alignChildren = 'center'; d.cbAction = l.grpAction.add( 'checkbox' ); d.cbAction.text = strRunAction; d.cbAction.helpTip = strActionHelp; d.hidden4 = l.grpAction.add( 'dropdownlist' ); d.hidden4.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden4.visible = showHidden; l.grp4Info.grpRight = l.grp4Info.add( 'group' ); l.grp4Info.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; l.grp4Info.grpRight.alignChildren = 'left'; l.grp4Info.grpRight.spacing = 5; l.grpDropDowns = l.grp4Info.grpRight.add( 'group' ); l.grpDropDowns.orientation = 'row'; l.grpDropDowns.alignChildren = 'center'; d.ddSet = l.grpDropDowns.add( 'dropdownlist' ); d.ddSet.helpTip = strActionHelp; d.ddSet.preferredSize.width = actionDropDownLength; d.ddAction = l.grpDropDowns.add( 'dropdownlist' ); d.ddAction.helpTip = strActionHelp; d.ddAction.preferredSize.width = actionDropDownLength; l.grpCopyright = l.grp4Info.grpLeft.add( 'group' ); l.grpCopyright.orientation = 'row'; l.grpCopyright.alignChildren = 'center'; d.stCopyrightInfo = l.grpCopyright.add( 'statictext', undefined, strCopyright ); d.stCopyrightInfo.helpTip = strCopyrightHelp; d.hidden5 = l.grpCopyright.add( 'edittext' ); d.hidden5.preferredSize.width = 1; d.hidden5.visible = showHidden; d.etCopyrightInfo = l.grp4Info.grpRight.add( 'edittext' ); d.etCopyrightInfo.helpTip = strCopyrightHelp; d.etCopyrightInfo.alignment = 'fill'; d.etCopyrightInfo.preferredSize.width = actionDropDownLength * 2; d.cbIncludeICC = l.grp4.grpRight.add( 'checkbox', undefined, strICC ); d.cbIncludeICC.helpTip = strICCHelp; // buttons on the right side of the dialog d.grpRight = d.add( 'group' ); d.grpRight.orientation = 'column'; d.grpRight.alignChildren = 'fill'; d.grpRight.alignment = 'fill'; d.btnRun = d.grpRight.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonRun ); d.btnCancel = d.grpRight.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonCancel ); d.stFake = d.grpRight.add( 'statictext', undefined, '' ); d.btnLoad = d.grpRight.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonLoad ); d.btnLoad.helpTip = strButtonLoadHelp; d.btnSave = d.grpRight.add( 'button', undefined, strButtonSave ); d.btnSave.helpTip = strButtonSaveHelp; d.defaultElement = d.btnRun; d.cancelElement = d.btnCancel; } this.InitParams = function() { var params = new Object(); params["version"] = gVersion; params["useopen"] = false; params["includesub"] = false; params["source"] = ""; params["open"] = false; params["saveinsame"] = true; params["dest"] = ""; params["jpeg"] = true; params["keepcmyk"] = false;// params["png"] = false;// params["interlace"] = false;// params["psd"] = false; params["tiff"] = false; params["lzw"] = false; params["converticc"] = false; params["q"] = 5; params["max"] = true; params["jpegresize"] = false; params["jpegw"] = ""; params["jpegh"] = ""; params["pngresize"] = false;// params["pngw"] = "";// params["pngh"] = "";// params["psdresize"] = false; params["psdw"] = ""; params["psdh"] = ""; params["tiffresize"] = false; params["tiffw"] = ""; params["tiffh"] = ""; params["runaction"] = false; params["actionset"] = ""; params["action"] = ""; params["info"] = ""; params["icc"] = true; params["keepstructure"] = false; return params; } // transfer from the default settings or settings I read off disk to the dialog widgets this.InitDialog = function() { var d = this.dlgMain; var p = this.params; this.dlgMain.ip = this; d.loadFromDisk = true; if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) { d.rbUseOpen.value = p["useopen"]; } else { d.rbUseOpen.enabled = false; d.rbUseOpen.value = false; } d.cbIncludeSubFolders.value = p["includesub"]; d.cbKeepStructure.value = p["keepstructure"]; d.rbUseFolder.value = ! d.rbUseOpen.value; d.stSource.text = p["source"]; if ( d.stSource.text == "" ) { d.stSource.text = strNoImagesSelected; } } d.sourceLongText = p["source"]; d.rbSaveInSame.value = p["saveinsame"]; d.rbSaveInNew.value = ! d.rbSaveInSame.value; d.cbOpenFirst.value = p["open"]; d.stDest.text = p["dest"]; if ( d.stDest.text == "" ) { d.stDest.text = strNoFolderSelected; } d.destLongText = p["dest"]; d.cbJPEG.value = p["jpeg"]; d.cbPNG.value = p["png"];// d.cbInterlace.vaule = p["interlace"];// d.cbPSD.value = p["psd"]; d.cbTIFF.value = p["tiff"]; d.cbTIFFLZW.value = p["lzw"]; d.cbConvertICC.value = p["converticc"]; d.etQuality.text = p["q"]; d.cbMaximize.value = p["max"]; d.cbResizeJPEG.value = p["jpegresize"]; d.cbKeepCMYK.value = p["keepcmyk"];// d.etResizeJPEGH.text = p["jpegh"]; d.etResizeJPEGW.text = p["jpegw"]; d.cbResizePNG.value = p["pngresize"];// d.etResizePNGH.text = p["pngh"];// d.etResizePNGW.text = p["pngw"];// d.cbResizePSD.value = p["psdresize"]; d.etResizePSDH.text = p["psdh"]; d.etResizePSDW.text = p["psdw"]; d.cbResizeTIFF.value = p["tiffresize"]; d.etResizeTIFFH.text = p["tiffh"]; d.etResizeTIFFW.text = p["tiffw"]; d.cbAction.value = p["runaction"]; d.etCopyrightInfo.text = p["info"]; d.cbIncludeICC.value = p["icc"]; } // pretend like i clicked it to get the other items to respond to the current settings this.ForceDialogUpdate = function() { if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { this.dlgMain.rbUseOpen.onClick(); } this.dlgMain.rbSaveInSame.onClick(); this.dlgMain.cbJPEG.onClick(); this.dlgMain.cbPNG.onClick();/// this.dlgMain.cbPSD.onClick(); this.dlgMain.cbTIFF.onClick(); index = this.dlgMain.SetDropDown( this.dlgMain.ddSet, this.params["actionset"] ); if ( this.actionInfo.length > 0 ) { this.dlgMain.ddSet.onChange( index ); this.actionIndex = this.dlgMain.SetDropDown( this.dlgMain.ddAction, this.params["action"] ); } this.dlgMain.cbAction.onClick(); } // transfer from the dialog widgets to my internal params this.GetParamsFromDialog = function() { var p = this.params; var d = this.dlgMain; if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { p["useopen"] = d.rbUseOpen.value; p["source"] = d.sourceLongText; p["includesub"] = d.cbIncludeSubFolders.value; p["keepstructure"] = d.cbKeepStructure.value; } p["saveinsame"] = d.rbSaveInSame.value; p["dest"] = d.destLongText; p["open"] = d.cbOpenFirst.value; p["jpeg"] = d.cbJPEG.value; p["keepcmyk"] = d.cbKeepCMYK.value;// p["png"] = d.cbPNG.value;// p["interlace"] = d.cbInterlace.value;// p["psd"] = d.cbPSD.value; p["tiff"] = d.cbTIFF.value; p["lzw"] = d.cbTIFFLZW.value; p["converticc"] = d.cbConvertICC.value; p["q"] = d.etQuality.text; p["max"] = d.cbMaximize.value; p["jpegresize"] = d.cbResizeJPEG.value; p["jpegh"] = d.etResizeJPEGH.text; p["jpegw"] = d.etResizeJPEGW.text; p["pngresize"] = d.cbResizePNG.value;// p["pngh"] = d.etResizePNGH.text;// p["pngw"] = d.etResizePNGW.text;// p["psdresize"] = d.cbResizePSD.value; p["psdh"] = d.etResizePSDH.text; p["psdw"] = d.etResizePSDW.text; p["tiffresize"] = d.cbResizeTIFF.value; p["tiffh"] = d.etResizeTIFFH.text; p["tiffw"] = d.etResizeTIFFW.text; p["runaction"] = d.cbAction.value; p["actionset"] = d.ddSet.selection.text; p["action"] = d.ddAction.selection.text; p["info"] = d.etCopyrightInfo.text; p["icc"] = d.cbIncludeICC.value; } // routine for running the dialog and it's interactions this.RunDialog = function () { this.dlgMain.btnCancel.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.close( gCancelButtonID ); } // help auto layout this.dlgMain.onShow = function() { this.cbOpenFirst.location.x += this.marginLeft; this.grpLeft.grp1Info.grpRight.bounds.right += this.marginLeft; var p = this.grpFileType; // align the ":" and edit text boxes for the resize numbers if ( p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.bounds.width < p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.bounds.width ) { var mover = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.bounds.width - p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.bounds.width; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizeJPEGH.location.x += mover; this.etResizeJPEGH.location.x += mover; this.stResizeJPEGPXH.location.x += mover; //// p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpH.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizePNGH.location.x += mover; this.etResizePNGH.location.x += mover; this.stResizePNGPXH.location.x += mover; //// p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpH.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizePSDH.location.x += mover; this.etResizePSDH.location.x += mover; this.stResizePSDPXH.location.x += mover; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpH.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizeTIFFH.location.x += mover; this.etResizeTIFFH.location.x += mover; this.stResizeTIFFPXH.location.x += mover; } else { var mover = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpH.bounds.width - p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.bounds.width; p.grpJPEG.grpRight.grpW.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizeJPEGW.location.x += mover; this.etResizeJPEGW.location.x += mover; this.stResizeJPEGPXW.location.x += mover; /// p.grpPNG.grpRight.grpW.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizePNGW.location.x += mover; this.etResizePNGW.location.x += mover; this.stResizePNGPXW.location.x += mover; /// p.grpPSD.grpRight.grpW.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizePSDW.location.x += mover; this.etResizePSDW.location.x += mover; this.stResizePSDPXW.location.x += mover; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.grpW.bounds.right += mover; this.stResizeTIFFW.location.x += mover; this.etResizeTIFFW.location.x += mover; this.stResizeTIFFPXW.location.x += mover; } // align the resize groups var farRight = p.grpJPEG.grpRight.location.x; if ( p.grpPSD.grpRight.location.x > farRight ) { farRight = p.grpPSD.grpRight.location.x; } // if ( p.grpPNG.grpRight.location.x > farRight ) { farRight = p.grpPNG.grpRight.location.x; } // if ( p.grpTIFF.grpRight.location.x > farRight ) { farRight = p.grpTIFF.grpRight.location.x; } p.grpJPEG.grpRight.location.x = farRight; p.grpPNG.grpRight.location.x = farRight;// p.grpPSD.grpRight.location.x = farRight; p.grpTIFF.grpRight.location.x = farRight; // make the copyright and action drop downs as large as possible // and align them with the third line var leftAdjuster = this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.bounds.left; leftAdjuster += this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.parent.bounds.left; leftAdjuster += this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.parent.parent.bounds.left; var mover = this.line3.bounds.right - this.etCopyrightInfo.bounds.right; mover -= leftAdjuster; this.etCopyrightInfo.bounds.right += mover; // make all the parents bigger to fit the new size of the copyright this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.bounds.right += mover; this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.parent.bounds.right += mover; this.etCopyrightInfo.parent.parent.parent.bounds.right += mover; // split the adjustment above into the two dropdowns // make sure the right edges line up by looking at the oddness var halfMover = mover / 2; var isOdd = halfMover % 2 ? true : false; this.ddSet.bounds.width += halfMover; this.ddAction.bounds.width += halfMover; this.ddAction.location.x += halfMover + ( isOdd ? 1 : 0 ); // make your parents bigger so everybody looks nice this.ddSet.parent.bounds.right += mover; this.ddSet.parent.parent.bounds.right += mover; } if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { this.dlgMain.rbUseOpen.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.rbUseFolder.value = ! this.value; d.cbOpenFirst.enabled = ! this.value; d.btnSource.enabled = ! this.value; d.stSource.enabled = ! this.value; d.cbIncludeSubFolders.enabled = ! this.value; } this.dlgMain.rbUseFolder.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.rbUseOpen.value = ! this.value; d.cbOpenFirst.enabled = this.value; d.btnSource.enabled = this.value; d.stSource.enabled = this.value; d.cbIncludeSubFolders.enabled = this.value; } this.dlgMain.btnSource.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); var selFolder = Folder.selectDialog( strPickSource, d.sourceLongText ); if ( selFolder != null ) { d.sourceLongText = selFolder.fsName.toString() d.stSource.text = d.sourceLongText; } d.defaultElement.active = true; } } this.dlgMain.rbSaveInSame.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.rbSaveInNew.value = ! this.value; d.btnDest.enabled = ! this.value; d.stDest.enabled = ! this.value; if ( ! d.ip.runningFromBridge ) { d.cbKeepStructure.enabled = ! this.value; } } this.dlgMain.rbSaveInNew.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.rbSaveInSame.value = ! this.value; d.btnDest.enabled = this.value; d.stDest.enabled = this.value; if ( ! d.ip.runningFromBridge ) { d.cbKeepStructure.enabled = this.value; } } this.dlgMain.SetDropDown = function ( dd, strSet ) { var index = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < dd.items.length; i++ ) { if ( dd.items[ i ].toString() == strSet ) { index = i; break; } } if ( dd.items.length > 0 ) { dd.items[ index ].selected = true; } return index; } this.dlgMain.btnLoad.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); var loadFile = null; Folder.current = Folder( "~/" ); if ( File.fs == "Windows" ) { loadFile = File.openDialog( strPickXML, strPickXMLWin ); } else { loadFile = File.openDialog( strPickXML, MacXMLFilter ); } if ( loadFile != null ) { d.ip.LoadParamsFromDisk( loadFile ); d.ip.InitDialog(); d.loadFromDisk = true; d.ip.ForceDialogUpdate(); } d.defaultElement.active = true; } this.dlgMain.btnSave.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); var saveFile = null; Folder.current = Folder( "~/" ); if ( File.fs == "Windows" ) { saveFile = File.saveDialog( strPickXMLSave, strPickXMLWin ); } else { saveFile = File.saveDialog( strPickXMLSave, MacXMLFilter ); } if ( saveFile != null ) { d.ip.GetParamsFromDialog(); d.ip.SaveParamsToDisk( saveFile ); } d.defaultElement.active = true; } this.dlgMain.btnDest.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); var selFolder = Folder.selectDialog( strPickDest, d.destLongText ); if ( selFolder != null ) { d.destLongText = selFolder.fsName.toString() d.stDest.text = d.destLongText; } d.defaultElement.active = true; } this.dlgMain.cbPSD.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.cbMaximize.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizePSD.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizePSD.onClick(); } this.dlgMain.cbTIFF.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.cbTIFFLZW.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizeTIFF.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizeTIFF.onClick(); } this.dlgMain.cbJPEG.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.stQuality.enabled = this.value; d.etQuality.enabled = this.value; d.cbConvertICC.enabled = this.value; d.cbKeepCMYK.enabled = this.value;// d.cbResizeJPEG.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizeJPEG.onClick(); } this.dlgMain.cbResizeJPEG.onClick = function( inValue ) { var d = FindDialog( this ); var realValue = this.value; if ( ! d.cbJPEG.value ) realValue = false; d.stResizeJPEGW.enabled = realValue; d.etResizeJPEGW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeJPEGPXW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeJPEGH.enabled = realValue; d.etResizeJPEGH.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeJPEGPXH.enabled = realValue; } /// this.dlgMain.cbPNG.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.cbResizePNG.enabled = this.value; d.cbInterlace.enabled = this.value; d.cbResizePNG.onClick(); } this.dlgMain.cbResizePNG.onClick = function( inValue ) { var d = FindDialog( this ); var realValue = this.value; if ( ! d.cbPNG.value ) realValue = false; d.stResizePNGW.enabled = realValue; d.etResizePNGW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePNGPXW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePNGH.enabled = realValue; d.etResizePNGH.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePNGPXH.enabled = realValue; } /// this.dlgMain.cbResizePSD.onClick = function( inValue ) { var d = FindDialog( this ); var realValue = this.value; if ( ! d.cbPSD.value ) realValue = false; d.stResizePSDW.enabled = realValue; d.etResizePSDW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePSDPXW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePSDH.enabled = realValue; d.etResizePSDH.enabled = realValue; d.stResizePSDPXH.enabled = realValue; } this.dlgMain.cbResizeTIFF.onClick = function( inValue ) { var d = FindDialog( this ); var realValue = this.value; if ( ! d.cbTIFF.value ) realValue = false; d.stResizeTIFFW.enabled = realValue; d.etResizeTIFFW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeTIFFPXW.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeTIFFH.enabled = realValue; d.etResizeTIFFH.enabled = realValue; d.stResizeTIFFPXH.enabled = realValue; } this.dlgMain.cbAction.onClick = function() { var d = FindDialog( this ); d.ddSet.enabled = this.value; d.ddAction.enabled = this.value; } if ( this.actionInfo.length > 0 ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.actionInfo.length; i++ ) { this.dlgMain.ddSet.add( "item", this.actionInfo[i].name ); } this.dlgMain.ddSet.items[0].selected = true; this.dlgMain.ddSet.onChange = function( forcedSelectionIndex ) { var index = 0; var d = FindDialog( this ); d.ddAction.removeAll(); if ( undefined == forcedSelectionIndex ) { forcedSelectionIndex = this.selection.index; if ( undefined != d.ip.actionIndex ) { index = d.ip.actionIndex; d.ip.actionIndex = undefined; } } for ( var i = 0; i < d.ip.actionInfo[ forcedSelectionIndex ].children.length; i++ ) { d.ddAction.add( "item", d.ip.actionInfo[ forcedSelectionIndex ].children[ i ].name ); } if ( d.ddAction.items.length > 0 ) { d.ddAction.items[ index ].selected = true; } if ( null != this.selection ) { this.helpTip = this.selection.text; } } } else { this.dlgMain.grpLeft.grpAction.enabled = false; } this.dlgMain.ddAction.onChange = function() { this.helpTip = this.selection.text; } // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etQuality.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizeJPEGW.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizeJPEGH.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); /// // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizePNGW.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizePNGH.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); /// // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizeTIFFW.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizeTIFFH.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizePSDW.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); // do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 this.dlgMain.etResizePSDH.addEventListener ('keydown', NumericEditKeyboardHandler); this.dlgMain.btnRun.onClick = function () { var testFolder = null; var d = FindDialog( this ); if ( ! this.runningFromBridge ) { if ( this.rbUseFolder ) { if ( d.sourceLongText.length > 0 && d.sourceLongText[0] != '.' ) { testFolder = new Folder( d.sourceLongText ); if ( !testFolder.exists ) { alert( strSpecifySource ); return; } } else { alert( strSpecifySource ); return; } } } if ( d.rbSaveInNew.value ) { if ( d.destLongText.length > 0 && d.destLongText[0] != '.' ) { testFolder = new Folder( d.destLongText ); if ( !testFolder.exists ) { alert( strSpecifyDest ); return; } } else { alert( strSpecifyDest ); return; } } if ( d.cbJPEG.value ) { var q = Number( d.etQuality.text ); if ( q < 0 || q > 12 || isNaN( q ) ) { alert( strJPEGQuality ); return; } if ( d.cbResizeJPEG.value ) { var w = Number( d.etResizeJPEGW.text ); var h = Number( d.etResizeJPEGH.text ); if ( isNaN( w ) || w < 1 || w > gMaxResize || isNaN( h ) || h < 1 || h > gMaxResize ) { alert( strJPEGWandH ); return; } } } /// if ( d.cbPNG.value ) { if ( d.cbResizePNG.value ) { var w = Number( d.etResizePNGW.text ); var h = Number( d.etResizePNGH.text ); if ( isNaN( w ) || w < 1 || w > gMaxResize || isNaN( h ) || h < 1 || h > gMaxResize ) { alert( strPNGWandH ); return; } } } /// if ( d.cbTIFF.value && d.cbResizeTIFF.value ) { var w = Number( d.etResizeTIFFW.text ); var h = Number( d.etResizeTIFFH.text ); if ( isNaN( w ) || w < 1 || w > gMaxResizeTIFF || isNaN( h ) || h < 1 || h > gMaxResizeTIFF ) { alert( strTIFFWandH ); return; } } if ( d.cbPSD.value && d.cbResizePSD.value ) { var w = Number( d.etResizePSDW.text ); var h = Number( d.etResizePSDH.text ); if ( isNaN( w ) || w < 1 || w > gMaxResize || isNaN( h ) || h < 1 || h > gMaxResize ) { alert( strPSDWandH ); return; } } // make sure they have at least one file format specified for output var outputCount = 0; if ( d.cbJPEG.value ) { outputCount++; } /// if ( d.cbPNG.value ) { outputCount++; } /// if ( d.cbPSD.value ) { outputCount++; } if ( d.cbTIFF.value ) { outputCount++; } if ( outputCount == 0 ) { alert( strOneType ); return; } d.ip.GetParamsFromDialog() d.close( gRunButtonID ); } this.InitDialog(); this.ForceDialogUpdate(); // in case we double clicked the file app.bringToFront(); this.dlgMain.center(); return this.dlgMain.show(); } // if I get here then the dialog params are ok and it is time // to do what they want // the heart of the script is this routine // loop through all the files and save accordingly this.Execute = function() { var cameraRawParams = new Object(); cameraRawParams.desc = undefined; cameraRawParams.useDescriptor = false; var inputFiles; if ( this.runningFromBridge ) { inputFiles = this.filesFromBridge; } else if ( this.params["useopen"] ) { inputFiles = OpenDocs(); } else if ( this.params["includesub"] ) { inputFiles = new Array(); inputFiles = FindAllFiles( this.params["source"], inputFiles ); } else { inputFiles = Folder ( this.params["source"] ).getFiles (); } var rememberMaximize; var needMaximize = this.params["max"] ? QueryStateType.ALWAYS : QueryStateType.NEVER; if ( this.params["psd"] && app.preferences.maximizeCompatibility != needMaximize ) { rememberMaximize = app.preferences.maximizeCompatibility; app.preferences.maximizeCompatibility = needMaximize; } for (var i = 0; i < inputFiles.length; i++) { try { if ( ( inputFiles[i] instanceof File && ! inputFiles[i].hidden ) || this.params["useopen"] ) { cameraRawParams.fileName = inputFiles[i].fullName.toString(); if ( IsFileOneOfThese( cameraRawParams.fileName, gFileExtensionsToRead ) || IsFileOneOfTheseTypes( cameraRawParams.fileName, gFileTypesToRead ) ) { gFoundFileToProcess = true; if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["useopen"] ) { app.activeDocument = inputFiles[ i ]; app.activeDocument.duplicate(app.activeDocument.name.replace(/ copy/, '')); } else { if ( ! gOpenedFirstCR && this.params["open"] && IsFileOneOfThese( cameraRawParams.fileName, gFilesForCameraRaw ) ){ // this is the first CR file and the user elected to open it and choose settings to apply to the // rest of the CR files gOpenedFirstCR = true; cameraRawParams.useDescriptor = true; this.OpenCameraRaw( cameraRawParams, true ) } else { this.OpenCameraRaw( cameraRawParams, false, DialogModes.NO ); } } this.AdjustFile( cameraRawParams ); if ( this.params["saveinsame"] ) { var destFolder = inputFiles[i].parent.toString(); if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["useopen"] ) { var destFolder = inputFiles[i].fullName.parent.toString(); cameraRawParams.fileName = app.activeDocument.name; } } else { var destFolder = this.params["dest"]; } this.SaveFile( cameraRawParams.fileName, destFolder ); app.activeDocument.close( SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES ); } } } // don't let one file spoil the party! // trying to stop on user cancel is a problem // during the open of a large file the error we get is no such element // and not the actual cancel 8007 // it's all about timing, hit the cancel right after a document opens // and all is well and you get the cancel and everything stops catch( e ) { if ( e.number == 8007 ) { // stop only on cancel break; } this.fileErrors.push( inputFiles[i] ); } } if ( rememberMaximize != undefined ) { app.preferences.maximizeCompatibility = rememberMaximize; } if ( ! gFoundFileToProcess ) alert( strNoOpenableFiles ); // crash on quit when running from bridge cameraRawParams.desc = null; $.gc(); } // using the dialog adjust the active document this.AdjustFile = function ( inOutCameraRawParams ) { var docRef = app.activeDocument; if ( this.params["info"] != "" ) { docRef.info.copyrightNotice = this.params["info"]; docRef.info.copyrighted = CopyrightedType.COPYRIGHTEDWORK; } } // I can save in three formats, JPEG, PSD, TIFF /// plus PNG this.SaveFile = function ( inFileName, inFolderLocation ) { var lastDot = inFileName.lastIndexOf( "." ); if ( lastDot == -1 ) { lastDot = inFileName.length; } var fileNameNoPath = inFileName.substr( 0, lastDot ); var lastSlash = fileNameNoPath.lastIndexOf( "/" ); fileNameNoPath = fileNameNoPath.substr( lastSlash + 1, fileNameNoPath.length ); if ( this.params["jpeg"] ) { if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["keepstructure"] && ! this.params["saveinsame"] ) { var subFolderText = activeDocument.path.fsName.toString(); subFolderText = subFolderText.replace( this.params["source"], this.params["dest"] ); subFolderText += "/"; } else { var subFolderText = inFolderLocation + "/JPEG/"; } Folder( subFolderText ).create(); var historyState = app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState; app.activeDocument.flatten(); if ( DocumentMode.RGB != app.activeDocument.mode ) { if( !this.params["keepcmyk"] ){// ConditionalModeChangeToRGB(); }else if( DocumentMode.CMYK != app.activeDocument.mode ) {// ConditionalModeChangeToRGB();// } } app.activeDocument.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT; RemoveAlphaChannels(); if ( this.params["converticc"] && !this.params["keepcmyk"] ) {// ConvertTosRGBProfile(); } if ( this.params["jpegresize"] ) { FitImage( this.params["jpegw"], this.params["jpegh"] ); } if ( this.params["runaction"] ) { doAction( this.params["action"], this.params["actionset"] ); } var uniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName( subFolderText, fileNameNoPath, ".jpg" ); if ( ! IsFolderWritable( subFolderText ) ) { alert( strCannotWriteToFolder + File( subFolderText ).fsName ); } else { SaveAsJPEG( uniqueFileName, this.params["q"], this.params["icc"] ); } app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState = historyState; } /// if ( this.params["png"] ) { if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["keepstructure"] && ! this.params["saveinsame"] ) { var subFolderText = activeDocument.path.fsName.toString(); subFolderText = subFolderText.replace( this.params["source"], this.params["dest"] ); subFolderText += "/"; } else { var subFolderText = inFolderLocation + "/PNG/"; } Folder( subFolderText ).create(); var historyState = app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState; // don't flatten saveAs copy to deal with layers while keeping transparency if ( DocumentMode.RGB != app.activeDocument.mode ) { ConditionalModeChangeToRGB(); } app.activeDocument.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT; RemoveAlphaChannels(); // Convert to indexed color mode var idconvertMode = stringIDToTypeID( "convertMode" ); var desc256 = new ActionDescriptor(); var idto = stringIDToTypeID( "to" ); var desc257 = new ActionDescriptor(); var idpalette = stringIDToTypeID( "palette" ); var idcolorPalette = stringIDToTypeID( "colorPalette" ); var idselective = stringIDToTypeID( "selective" ); desc257.putEnumerated( idpalette, idcolorPalette, idselective ); var idcolors = stringIDToTypeID( "colors" ); desc257.putInteger( idcolors, 256 ); var idforcedColors = stringIDToTypeID( "forcedColors" ); var idforcedColors = stringIDToTypeID( "forcedColors" ); var idblackAndWhite = stringIDToTypeID( "blackAndWhite" ); desc257.putEnumerated( idforcedColors, idforcedColors, idblackAndWhite ); var idtransparency = stringIDToTypeID( "transparency" ); desc257.putBoolean( idtransparency, true ); var idmatteColor = stringIDToTypeID( "matteColor" ); var idmatteColor = stringIDToTypeID( "matteColor" ); var idnone = stringIDToTypeID( "none" ); desc257.putEnumerated( idmatteColor, idmatteColor, idnone ); var iddither = stringIDToTypeID( "dither" ); var iddither = stringIDToTypeID( "dither" ); var iddiffusion = stringIDToTypeID( "diffusion" ); desc257.putEnumerated( iddither, iddither, iddiffusion ); var idditherAmount = stringIDToTypeID( "ditherAmount" ); desc257.putInteger( idditherAmount, 75 ); var idditherPreserve = stringIDToTypeID( "ditherPreserve" ); desc257.putBoolean( idditherPreserve, true ); var idindexedColorMode = stringIDToTypeID( "indexedColorMode" ); desc256.putObject( idto, idindexedColorMode, desc257 ); executeAction( idconvertMode, desc256, DialogModes.NO ); ///// if ( this.params["pngresize"] ) { FitImage( this.params["pngw"], this.params["pngh"] ); } if ( this.params["runaction"] ) { doAction( this.params["action"], this.params["actionset"] ); } var uniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName( subFolderText, fileNameNoPath, ".png" ); if ( ! IsFolderWritable( subFolderText ) ) { alert( strCannotWriteToFolder + File( subFolderText ).fsName ); } else { SaveAsPNG( uniqueFileName, this.params["interlace"] ); } app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState = historyState; } /// if ( this.params["psd"] ) { if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["keepstructure"] && ! this.params["saveinsame"] ) { var subFolderText = activeDocument.path.fsName.toString(); subFolderText = subFolderText.replace( this.params["source"], this.params["dest"] ); subFolderText += "/"; } else { var subFolderText = inFolderLocation + "/PSD/"; } Folder( subFolderText ).create(); var historyState = app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState; if ( this.params["psdresize"] ) { FitImage( this.params["psdw"], this.params["psdh"] ); } if ( this.params["runaction"] ) { doAction( this.params["action"], this.params["actionset"] ); } var uniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName( subFolderText, fileNameNoPath, ".psd" ); if ( ! IsFolderWritable( subFolderText ) ) { alert( strCannotWriteToFolder + File( subFolderText ).fsName ); } else { SaveAsPSD( uniqueFileName, this.params["icc"] ); } app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState = historyState; } if ( this.params["tiff"] ) { if ( ! this.runningFromBridge && this.params["keepstructure"] && ! this.params["saveinsame"] ) { var subFolderText = activeDocument.path.fsName.toString(); subFolderText = subFolderText.replace( this.params["source"], this.params["dest"] ); subFolderText += "/"; } else { var subFolderText = inFolderLocation + "/TIFF/"; } Folder( subFolderText ).create(); var historyState = app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState; if ( this.params["tiffresize"] ) { FitImage( this.params["tiffw"], this.params["tiffh"] ); } if ( this.params["runaction"] ) { doAction( this.params["action"], this.params["actionset"] ); } var uniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName( subFolderText, fileNameNoPath, ".tif" ); if ( ! IsFolderWritable( subFolderText ) ) { alert( strCannotWriteToFolder + File( subFolderText ).fsName ); } else { SaveAsTIFF( uniqueFileName, this.params["icc"], this.params["lzw"] ); } app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState = historyState; } } // open a camera raw file returning the camera raw action desc this.OpenCameraRaw = function( inOutCameraRawParams, updateCRDesc, inDialogMode ) { var keyNull = charIDToTypeID( 'null' ); var keyAs = charIDToTypeID( 'As ' ); var adobeCameraRawID = stringIDToTypeID( "Adobe Camera Raw" ); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putPath( keyNull, File( inOutCameraRawParams.fileName ) ); if ( inOutCameraRawParams.desc != undefined && inOutCameraRawParams.useDescriptor && IsFileOneOfThese( inOutCameraRawParams.fileName, gFilesForCameraRaw ) ) { desc.putObject( keyAs, adobeCameraRawID, inOutCameraRawParams.desc ); } if ( inDialogMode == undefined ) { inDialogMode = DialogModes.ALL; // Suppress choose file dialog. var overrideOpenID = stringIDToTypeID( 'overrideOpen' ); desc.putBoolean( overrideOpenID, true ); } var returnDesc = executeAction( charIDToTypeID( 'Opn ' ), desc, inDialogMode ); if ( returnDesc.hasKey( keyAs ) ) { if (updateCRDesc) inOutCameraRawParams.desc = returnDesc.getObjectValue( keyAs, adobeCameraRawID ); if ( returnDesc.hasKey( keyNull ) ) { inOutCameraRawParams.fileName = returnDesc.getPath( keyNull ).toString(); return true; } } return false; } // given a folder return the first valid file in that folder this.GetFirstFile = function ( inFolder ) { if ( inFolder.length > 0 && inFolder[0] != '.' ) { var fileList = Folder( inFolder ).getFiles(); for ( var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { if ( fileList[i] instanceof File && ! fileList[i].hidden && (IsFileOneOfThese( fileList[i], gFileExtensionsToRead ) || IsFileOneOfTheseTypes( fileList[i], gFileTypesToRead ) ) ) { return fileList[i].toString(); } } } return ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ConfigForBridge // Usage: see if the Bridge app is running this script // Input: gFilesFromBridge is a variable that is defined in photoshop.jsx // Return: runningFromBridge and filesFromBridge are initialized /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.ConfigForBridge = function() { if ( typeof( gFilesFromBridge ) != "undefined" ) { this.filesFromBridge = gFilesFromBridge; if ( this.filesFromBridge.length > 0 ) { this.runningFromBridge = true; } else { this.runningFromBridge = false; } } else { this.runningFromBridge = false; this.filesFromBridge = undefined; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ReportErrors // Usage: pop the name of the files we had trouble with // Input: // Return: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.ReportErrors = function() { if ( this.fileErrors.length ) { var message = strCouldNotProcess; for ( var i = 0; i < this.fileErrors.length; i++ ) { message += File( this.fileErrors[i] ).fsName + "\r"; } alert( message ); } } // initialize properties this.fileErrors = new Array(); this.params = this.InitParams(); this.actionInfo = GetActionSetInfo(); this.ConfigForBridge(); } function SaveAsJPEG( inFileName, inQuality, inEmbedICC ) { var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions(); jpegOptions.quality = inQuality; jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = inEmbedICC; app.activeDocument.saveAs( File( inFileName ), jpegOptions ); } /// function SaveAsPNG( inFileName, interlace ) {// only option for PNG is lnterlaced var pngOptions = new PNGSaveOptions(); pngOptions.interlaced = interlace; app.activeDocument.saveAs( File( inFileName ), pngOptions, true ); } /// function SaveAsPSD( inFileName, inEmbedICC ) { var psdSaveOptions = new PhotoshopSaveOptions(); psdSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = inEmbedICC; app.activeDocument.saveAs( File( inFileName ), psdSaveOptions ); } function SaveAsTIFF( inFileName, inEmbedICC, inLZW ) { var tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions(); tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = inEmbedICC; if ( inLZW ) { tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW; } else { tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.NONE; } app.activeDocument.saveAs( File( inFileName ), tiffSaveOptions ); } // use the fit image automation plug-in to do this work for me function FitImage( inWidth, inHeight ) { if ( inWidth == undefined || inHeight == undefined ) { alert( strWidthAndHeight ); return; } var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var unitPixels = charIDToTypeID( '#Pxl' ); desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( 'Wdth' ), unitPixels, inWidth ); desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( 'Hght' ), unitPixels, inHeight ); var runtimeEventID = stringIDToTypeID( "3caa3434-cb67-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4" ); executeAction( runtimeEventID, desc, DialogModes.NO ); } // a very crude xml parser, this reads the "Tag" of the Data function ReadHeader( inFile ) { var returnValue = ""; if ( ! inFile.eof ) { var c = ""; while ( c != "<" && ! inFile.eof ) { c = inFile.read( 1 ); } while ( c != ">" && ! inFile.eof ) { c = inFile.read( 1 ); if ( c != ">" ) { returnValue += c; } } } else { returnValue = "end of file"; } return returnValue; } // very crude xml parser, this reads the "Data" of the Data function ReadData( inFile ) { var returnValue = ""; if ( ! inFile.eof ) { var c = ""; while ( c != "<" && ! inFile.eof ) { c = inFile.read( 1 ); if ( c != "<" ) { returnValue += c; } } inFile.seek( -1, 1 ); } return returnValue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: CheckVersion // Usage: Check our minimum requirement for a host version // Input: Photoshop should be our target environment but i just look at the version // Return: throws an error if we do not pass /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CheckVersion() { var numberArray = version.split("."); if ( numberArray[0] < 9 ) { alert( strMustUse ); throw( strMustUse ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StrToIntWithDefault // Usage: convert a string to a number, first stripping all characters // Input: string and a default number // Return: a number /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function StrToIntWithDefault( s, n ) { var onlyNumbers = /[^0-9]/g; var t = s.replace( onlyNumbers, "" ); t = parseInt( t ); if ( ! isNaN( t ) ) { n = t; } return n; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: CreateUniqueFileName // Usage: Given a folder, filename, and extension, come up with a unique file name // using a numbering system // Input: string for folder, fileName, and extension, extension contains the "." // Return: string for the full path to the unique file /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CreateUniqueFileName( inFolder, inFileName, inExtension ) { inFileName = inFileName.replace(/[:\/\\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g, "_"); // '/\:*?"<>|' -> '_' var uniqueFileName = inFolder + inFileName + inExtension; var fileNumber = 1; while ( File( uniqueFileName ).exists ) { uniqueFileName = inFolder + inFileName + "_" + fileNumber + inExtension; fileNumber++; } return uniqueFileName; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IsWindowsOS // Usage: Are we running on the Windows OS? // Input: // Return: true if on a Windows /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IsWindowsOS() { if ( $.os.search(/windows/i) != -1 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IsMacintoshOS // Usage: Are we running on the Macintosh OS? // Input: // Return: true if on a macintosh /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IsMacintoshOS() { if ( $.os.search(/macintosh/i) != -1 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: RemoveAlphaChannels // Usage: Remove all of the extra channels from the current document // Input: (must be an active document) // Return: activeDocument now has only component channels /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RemoveAlphaChannels() { var channels = app.activeDocument.channels; var channelCount = channels.length - 1; while ( channels[channelCount].kind != ChannelType.COMPONENT ) { channels[channelCount].remove(); channelCount--; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ConvertTosRGBProfile // Usage: Convert to sRGB profile // Input: (must be an active document) // Return: activeDocument is now in sRGB profile /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ConvertTosRGBProfile() { app.activeDocument.convertProfile("sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, true); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GetScriptNameForXML // Usage: From my file name, get the XML version // Input: // Return: String for XML version of my script, taken from strTitle which is a global // NOTE: you can't save certain characters in xml, strip them here // this list is not complete /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetScriptNameForXML () { var scriptNameForXML = new String( strTitle ); var charsToStrip = Array( " ", "'", "." ); for (var a = 0; a < charsToStrip.length; a++ ) { var nameArray = scriptNameForXML.split( charsToStrip[a] ); scriptNameForXML = ""; for ( var b = 0; b < nameArray.length; b++ ) { scriptNameForXML += nameArray[b]; } } return scriptNameForXML; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: MacXMLFilter // Input: f, file or folder to check // Return: true or false, true if file or folder is to be displayed ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function MacXMLFilter( f ) { var xmlExtension = ".xml"; var lCaseName = f.name; lCaseName.toLowerCase(); if ( lCaseName.indexOf( xmlExtension ) == f.name.length - xmlExtension.length ) return true; else if ( f.type == 'TEXT' ) return true; else if ( f instanceof Folder ) return true; else return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GetDefaultParamsFile // Usage: Find my default settings, this is last ran values // Input: // Return: File to my default settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetDefaultParamsFile() { return ( new File( app.preferencesFolder + "/" + strTitle + ".xml" ) ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: FindDialog // Usage: From a deeply grouped dialog item go up til you find the parent dialog // Input: Current dialog item, an actual item or a group // Return: top parent dialog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FindDialog( inItem ) { var w = inItem; while ( 'dialog' != w.type ) { if ( undefined == w.parent ) { w = null; break; } w = w.parent; } return w; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GetFilesFromBridge // Usage: Use this to retrieve the current files from the Bridge application // Input: // Return: arary of the current documents that have file paths // NOTE: I don't use this routine as I run differently only when called from // the Bridge, see photoshop.jsx /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetFilesFromBridge() { var fileList; if ( BridgeTalk.isRunning( "bridge" ) ) { var bt = new BridgeTalk(); bt.target = "bridge"; bt.body = "var theFiles = photoshop.getBridgeFileListForAutomateCommand();theFiles.toSource();"; bt.onResult = function( inBT ) { fileList = eval( inBT.body ); } bt.onError = function( inBT ) { fileList = new Array(); } bt.send(); bt.pump(); $.sleep( 100 ); var timeOutAt = ( new Date() ).getTime() + 5000; var currentTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); while ( ( currentTime < timeOutAt ) && ( undefined == fileList ) ) { bt.pump(); $.sleep( 100 ); currentTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); } } if ( undefined == fileList ) { fileList = new Array(); } return fileList; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GetActionSetInfo // Usage: walk all the items in the action palette and record the action set // names and all the action children // Input: // Return: the array of all the ActionData // Note: This will throw an error during a normal execution. There is a bug // in Photoshop that makes it impossible to get an acurate count of the number // of action sets. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetActionSetInfo() { var actionSetInfo = new Array(); var setCounter = 1; while ( true ) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIndex( gClassActionSet, setCounter ); var desc = undefined; try { desc = executeActionGet( ref ); } catch( e ) { break; } var actionData = new ActionData(); if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyName ) ) { actionData.name = desc.getString( gKeyName ); } var numberChildren = 0; if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyNumberOfChildren ) ) { numberChildren = desc.getInteger( gKeyNumberOfChildren ); } if ( numberChildren ) { actionData.children = GetActionInfo( setCounter, numberChildren ); actionSetInfo.push( actionData ); } setCounter++; } return actionSetInfo; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GetActionInfo // Usage: used when walking through all the actions in the action set // Input: action set index, number of actions in this action set // Return: true or false, true if file or folder is to be displayed /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetActionInfo( setIndex, numChildren ) { var actionInfo = new Array(); for ( var i = 1; i <= numChildren; i++ ) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIndex( gClassAction, i ); ref.putIndex( gClassActionSet, setIndex ); var desc = undefined; desc = executeActionGet( ref ); var actionData = new ActionData(); if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyName ) ) { actionData.name = desc.getString( gKeyName ); } var numberChildren = 0; if ( desc.hasKey( gKeyNumberOfChildren ) ) { numberChildren = desc.getInteger( gKeyNumberOfChildren ); } actionInfo.push( actionData ); } return actionInfo; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ActionData // Usage: this could be an action set or an action // Input: // Return: a new Object of ActionData /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ActionData() { this.name = ""; this.children = undefined; this.toString = function () { var strTemp = this.name; if ( undefined != this.children ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { strTemp += " " + this.children[i].toString(); } } return strTemp; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: OpenDocs // Usage: we want the current open documents that have a path // Input: // Return: arary of the current documents that have file paths // NOTE: We want the current open documents that have a path // if I do inputFiles = documents then I have a reference // and if I add documents it also adds them to my inputFiles // I want to copy the current state /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OpenDocs() { var docs = new Array(); var i = 0; var docIndex = 0; var alertNonSavedDocs = false; var nonSavedDocs = new Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++ ) { try { var temp = app.documents[ i ].fullName; docs[ docIndex ] = app.documents[ i ]; docIndex++; } catch( e ) { if ( e.number == 8103 ) { // this document has not been saved alertNonSavedDocs = true; nonSavedDocs.push( app.documents[ i ].name ); } else { throw e; } } } if ( alertNonSavedDocs ) { alert( strMustSaveOpen + "\r" + strFollowing + "\r( " + nonSavedDocs + " )" ); } return docs; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ConditionalModeChangeToRGB // Usage: Convert the front document to RGB no matter what the original space is // Input: // Return: activeDocument is now in RGB mode, this actually is another script now /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ConditionalModeChangeToRGB() { var eventModeChange = stringIDToTypeID( "8cba8cd6-cb66-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4" ); var descSource = new ActionDescriptor(); var keySourceMode = charIDToTypeID( "SrcM" ); var list = new ActionList(); var keyCondition = charIDToTypeID( "Cndn" ); var keyBitmap = charIDToTypeID( "UBtm" ); var keyGrayscale = charIDToTypeID( "UGry" ); var keyDuotone = charIDToTypeID( "UDtn" ); var keyIndex = charIDToTypeID( "UInd" ); var keyRGB = charIDToTypeID( "URGB" ); var keyCMYK = charIDToTypeID( "UCMY" ); var keyLab = charIDToTypeID( "ULab" ); var keyMultichannel = charIDToTypeID( "UMlt" ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyBitmap ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyGrayscale ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyDuotone ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyIndex ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyRGB ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyCMYK ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyLab ); list.putEnumerated( keyCondition, keyMultichannel ); descSource.putList( keySourceMode, list ); var keyDestination = charIDToTypeID( "DstM" ); var descDest = new ActionDescriptor(); var keyRGB = charIDToTypeID( "RGBM" ); descSource.putObject( keyDestination, keyRGB, descDest ); executeAction( eventModeChange, descSource, DialogModes.NO ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: FindAllFiles // Usage: Find all the files in the given folder recursively // Input: srcFolder is a string to a folder // destArray is an Array of File objects // Return: Array of File objects, same as destArray /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FindAllFiles( srcFolderStr, destArray ) { var fileFolderArray = Folder( srcFolderStr ).getFiles(); for ( var i = 0; i < fileFolderArray.length; i++ ) { var fileFoldObj = fileFolderArray[i]; if ( fileFoldObj instanceof File ) { destArray.push( fileFoldObj ); } else { // folder FindAllFiles( fileFoldObj.toString(), destArray ); } } return destArray; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: NumericEditKeyboardHandler // Usage: Do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9 // Input: ScriptUI keydown event // Return: key is rejected and beep is sounded if invalid /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NumericEditKeyboardHandler (event) { try { var keyIsOK = KeyIsNumeric (event) || KeyIsDelete (event) || KeyIsLRArrow (event) || KeyIsTabEnterEscape (event); if (! keyIsOK) { // Bad input: tell ScriptUI not to accept the keydown event event.preventDefault(); /* Notify user of invalid input: make sure NOT to put up an alert dialog or do anything which requires user interaction, because that interferes with preventing the 'default' action for the keydown event */ app.beep(); } } catch (e) { ; // alert ("Ack! bug in NumericEditKeyboardHandler: " + e); } } // key identifier functions function KeyHasModifier (event) { return event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey; } function KeyIsNumeric (event) { return (event.keyName >= '0') && (event.keyName <= '9') && ! KeyHasModifier (event); } function KeyIsDelete (event) { // Shift-delete is ok return (event.keyName == 'Backspace') && ! (event.ctrlKey); } function KeyIsLRArrow (event) { return ((event.keyName == 'Left') || (event.keyName == 'Right')) && ! (event.altKey || event.metaKey); } function KeyIsTabEnterEscape (event) { return event.keyName == 'Tab' || event.keyName == 'Enter' || event.keyName == 'Escape'; } // End Image Processor.jsx