/* Author: Derek Nelsen 2017 Description: PSD script for automating image batching for large, normal, and thumbnail sized images Instructions: Run this script in photoshop. Open the folder with your images. Open the folder for image output. Change the image size adjustment by changing the large, normal, and thumbnail variables. */ // variables var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("SELECT A FOLDER OF IMAGES TO RESIZE"); var outputFolder = inputFolder // check that the folder has files in it if (inputFolder != null) { var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles(/.+\.(?:gif|jpe?g|[ew]mf|eps|tiff?|psd|pdf|bmp|png|webp)$/i); } else { alert("Couldn't find any files. Check your directory path and try again."); Exit(); } // set background color var BGcolor = new SolidColor(); BGcolor.rgb.red = 255; BGcolor.rgb.green = 255; BGcolor.rgb.blue = 255; // set your color as background color backgroundColor.rgb.hexValue = BGcolor.rgb.hexValue; // new image sizes var large = 700; var normal = 500; var thumbnail = 200; // new image name extentions var largeNameExt = '_l'; var normalNameExt = '_n'; var thumbnailNameExt = '_t'; // set jpeg save options var jpegSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions(); jpegSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true; jpegSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE; jpegSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE; jpegSaveOptions.quality = 8; // error logging var errors = []; /* Function: createFolder Description: creates the new folders for export imageSize: the new image size used to create the folder path */ function createFolders(imageSize) { var addFolder = new Folder(outputFolder + '/' + imageSize.toString() + 'px' + '/'); addFolder.create(); } // createFolders /* Function: createImages Description: scales the image then exports the jpeg imageSize: the new image size to be exported */ function createImages() { // add new folder paths createFolders(large); createFolders(normal); createFolders(thumbnail); // trim the images then resize for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { // open the image try { var doc = app.open(fileList[i]); // set the output locations and names // check only filenames of these types var fileName = fileList[i].name.replace(/\.(?:gif|jpe?g|[ew]mf|eps|tiff|psd|pdf|bmp|png|webp|jpg)$/, ''); var saveImgLarge = new File(outputFolder + "/" + large.toString() + 'px' + '/' + fileName + largeNameExt); var saveImgNormal = new File(outputFolder + "/" + normal.toString() + 'px' + '/' + fileName + normalNameExt); var saveImgThumbnail = new File(outputFolder + "/" + thumbnail.toString() + 'px' + '/' + fileName + thumbnailNameExt); // trim whitespace doc.trim(); // if height > width (portrait-mode) resize based on height otherwise, resize based on width if (doc.height > doc.width) { doc.resizeImage(null, UnitValue(large, "px"), 72, ResampleMethod.BICUBICAUTOMATIC); } else { doc.resizeImage(UnitValue(large, "px"), null, 72, ResampleMethod.BICUBICAUTOMATIC); } // even out the dimentions to a square Large x Large doc.resizeCanvas(large, large, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); doc.saveAs(saveImgLarge, jpegSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); // Normal x Normal doc.resizeImage(UnitValue(normal, "px"), UnitValue(normal, "px"), 72, ResampleMethod.BICUBICAUTOMATIC); doc.saveAs(saveImgNormal, jpegSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); // Small x Small doc.resizeImage(UnitValue(thumbnail, "px"), UnitValue(thumbnail, "px"), 72, ResampleMethod.BICUBICAUTOMATIC); doc.saveAs(saveImgThumbnail, jpegSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); doc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } catch (err) { // log errors for reference errors.push(fileList[i].name); } } // end for } createImages(); if (errors.length > 0) { alert("Oops! We ran into some errors.\nWhile the program did run successfully, you will still need to double-check the files listed below for issues like these:" + "\n\n1) Files are corrupt (files don't open, or cause an error when you try to open them)\n2) Files have unusual characters in their file names\n3) Files are not one of these types of image files:\ngif, jpeg, jpg, eps, tiff, tif, psd, pdf, bmp, png" + "\n\n*** FILE ERRORS ***\n" + errors.join("\n")); } else { alert("Task Completed!"); }