[INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersion: "2019.1.3" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersionName: "" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildNumber: 3176 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" sourcesVersion: "24697ceee1618f568b3fe12129ec06efec166247" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" osVersion: "Windows 10" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" cpuModel: "11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" ram: "16122 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" swap: "Not bounded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVendor: "NVIDIA Corporation" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glRenderer: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVersion: "4.5.0 NVIDIA 496.13" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glslVersion: "4.50 NVIDIA" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" vram: "6023 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Number of detected GPU devices: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-desc: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-vendorid: 0x10de" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-deviceid: 0x2520" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-version:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minversion:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minname: 411.63 WHQL" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minurl: http://www.geforce.com/drivers" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" OpenGL max version 4 . 50 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Max texture image units 32 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" GLSL max version 450 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Feature: Bindless textures [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" Iray dso path: "D:/Apps/Substance Painter/PlugIns/iray" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU): compute capability 8.6: unsupported by this version of iray, please look for an update with your software provider. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : GPU 1 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU) with CUDA compute capability 8.6 cannot be used by iray photoreal. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.1 IRAY rend warn : There is no CUDA-capable GPU available to the iray photoreal renderer. [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\physically_metallic_roughness.mdl(64,16): unused parameter 'heightScale' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\physically_specular_glossiness.mdl(81,19): unused parameter 'displacement' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\physically_specular_glossiness.mdl(258,8): declaration shadows parameter 'displacement' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\physically_specular_glossiness.mdl(81,19): Note: 'displacement' previously defined here [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\skin_metallic_roughness.mdl(58,19): used parameter 'height' marked with anno::unused() annotation [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\skin_metallic_roughness_coated.mdl(61,16): used parameter 'height' marked with anno::unused() annotation [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 1.0 MDLC comp warn : D:\Apps\Substance Painter\resources\iray-mdl\alg\materials\skin_specular_glossiness.mdl(99,16): used parameter 'height' marked with anno::unused() annotation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///quad.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Mesh 0 (Plane) | Verts in: 4 out: 4 | ~0%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: JoinVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///quad.fbx successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" License server started on port 55099 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" DELAY SET TO 3600 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" Hardware id = win-FA5EA01A5D9C [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" ProgramData path retrieved: C:\ProgramData [INFO] "[DBG INFO][License]" License path used: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T20684: Assimp 3.1.151580502 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T20684: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin autosave" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin autosave located at file:///C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter/plugins/autosave/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin dcc-live-link" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin dcc-live-link located at file:///C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter/plugins/dcc-live-link/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin photoshop-export" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin photoshop-export located at file:///C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter/plugins/photoshop-export/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin resources-updater" [INFO] No project open, resources updater discarded [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin resources-updater located at file:///C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter/plugins/resources-updater/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin substance-source" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin substance-source located at file:///C:/Users/Krystian/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter/plugins/substance-source/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Google Analytics]" "Log event Global>Version>Substance Painter.2019.1.3>0"