[INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" projectName: "Adobe Substance 3D Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersion: "8.2.0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" softwareVersionName: "" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildNumber: 1987 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" buildArchitecture: "x86_64" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" sourcesVersion: "772e8c568b0b05753504c17acf6c5f950b1c5093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" osVersion: "Windows 10.0.19044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" cpuModel: "AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" ram: "65457 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" swap: "Not bounded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "Substance 3D Painter launched with the following command line arguments: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Main]" "D:\\3D Assets\\Substance Painter\\Models\\Wood_Light_Test.spp" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVendor: "NVIDIA Corporation" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glRenderer: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glVersion: "4.5.0 NVIDIA 516.94" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" glslVersion: "4.50 NVIDIA" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" vram: "11049 MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" preemption: Pixel [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Number of detected GPU devices: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-desc: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-vendorid: 0x10de" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-deviceid: 0x1e04" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-version:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-supported: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minversion:" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minname: 442.50 WHQL" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-minurl: http://www.geforce.com/drivers" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][RunTimeInfo]" "Device[0] driver-outdated: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" OpenGL max version 4 . 50 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Max texture image units 32 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" GLSL max version 450 [INFO] "[DBG INFO][OpenGL Helpers]" Feature: Bindless textures [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" Iray dso path: "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/PlugIns/iray" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 DYNLIB main error: Failed to load library [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" 0.1 INDEX main error: Failed to load libnvindex.dll [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: c:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\MDL Material Exchange Package\mdl [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" MDL search dir path not found 'C:/Users/MB/Documents/mdl' [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Iray Service]" Fail to add Path: C:/Users/MB/Documents/mdl [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///quad.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : No Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : No Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Mesh 0 (Plane) | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3333%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 6 out: 4 | ~33.3%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///quad.fbx successfully loaded in 27 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ACEComponent]" "Adobe ACE: Using BIB version " 131076 . [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][ACEComponent]" "Duplicated profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 found. Ignoring profile" [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] Icons memory budget set to 100MB. [WARN] QObject::connect: signal not found in QItemSelectionModel [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_quarter.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_rotate_collision.obj successfully loaded in 1 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_scale.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_center.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_projection_surface_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_symmetry_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_translate.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LX.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_LY.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt:///gizmo/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///gizmo/gizmo_double_axis_collision.obj successfully loaded in 0 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Mouse3D]" Starting 3Dconnexion Navlib... [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Mouse3D]" "Could not initialize the 3Dconnexion library (error code: -2147024770). The SpaceMouse device will not work." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Automatic unwrap]" "Automatic UV unwrapping build version: 0.9.3+50.6e399dce, runtime version: 0.9.3+50.6e399dce" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin autosave" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin autosave located at file:///C:/Users/MB/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/autosave/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin dcc-live-link" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin dcc-live-link located at file:///C:/Users/MB/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/dcc-live-link/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin photoshop-export" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin photoshop-export located at file:///C:/Users/MB/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/photoshop-export/main.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin resources-updater" [INFO] No project open, resources updater discarded [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin resources-updater located at file:///C:/Users/MB/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/plugins/resources-updater/main.qml" [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Loading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Reloading plugin " [WARN] QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Plugins]" "Enable plugin located at qrc:/plugins/pythonjsonserver.qml" [INFO] Python environment: Version : 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] API version : 1013 Encoding : utf-8 File system encoding: utf-8 Modules search path : ['C:\\WINDOWS\\System32', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\python39.zip', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\DLLs', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk', 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\\resources\\pythonsdk\\lib\\site-packages'] Directory prefix : C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/pythonsdk PATH : "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\";C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Users\MB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; [INFO] substance_painter package: Version : 0.2.7 [INFO] Plugins: Version :0.0.1 Plugins search path :['C:/Users/MB/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/python', 'C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/resources/python'] Loaded plugins :{'asset_market_place': , 'handle_resource_import_messages': , 'painter_plugins_ui': , 'send_to_sg': , 'ui_layouts': } [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Application Status]" "Global temporary directory set to C:/Users/MB/AppData/Local/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-KtZkBJ: 375.95 GB/464.61 GB." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" TDR information: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDelay key: '20' (int type)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrDdiDelay key: '20' (int type)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" "-Registry TdrLevel key: None" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GPUIssuesCheck]" Current TDR delay set to 20 s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_mode_currentIndexChanged(int) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_resetShader_clicked() [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_undo_changed(bool) [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_can_redo_changed(bool) [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for set_shader_requested(Object,Object,ResourceShader*)" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for reset_shader_data_requested(Object)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///half-sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Assimp]" "Warn, T15748: Found 56 degenerated primitives" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Points: 0X, Lines: 1X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SplitMeshByUDIMProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Mesh 0 (SurfSphere_Mesh) | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8046%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 3480 out: 668 | ~80.8%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///half-sphere.obj successfully loaded in 5 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" Create SVT pool with the following configuration: [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- sparse enabled: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- budget: RAM:16364MB, VRAM:2762MB" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][SVT pool factory]" "- location: C:/Users/MB/AppData/Local/Temp/SubstancePainter-Tmp-KtZkBJ/svt-cache.EfliQK" [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 23 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Removed 3 nodes and 0 animation channels (3 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: TriangulateProcess finished. All polygons have been triangulated." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess finished. Tangents have been calculated" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Mesh 0 (thumbnail_sphere) | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2157%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 32512 out: 8383 | ~74.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///thumbnail_sphere.obj successfully loaded in 48 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [WARN] QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_stampBlendingComboBox_activated(int) [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Load qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Import root directory is 'qt://'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Normals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Binormals found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : Tangents found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : No Vertex Colors found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: [FBX] : UV found" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: ScenePreprocessor: Adding default material 'DefaultMaterial'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: RemoveVCProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: RemoveVCProcess finished. Data structure cleanup has been done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: FindDegeneratesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenUVCoordsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: PretransformVerticesProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Removed 2 nodes and 0 animation channels (2 output nodes)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Kept 0 lights and 0 cameras" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Moved 1 meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: 1)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: TriangulateProcess finished. There was nothing to be done." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Points: 0X, Lines: 0X, Triangles: 1, Polygons: 0 (Meshes, X = removed)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: SortByPTypeProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Skipping one or more lines with the same contents" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: GenVertexNormalsProcess finished. Normals are already there" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15748: Mesh 0 (plane_preview_stroke) | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.1905%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: 420 out: 142 | ~66.2%" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15748: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene qt:///plane_stroke_preview.fbx successfully loaded in 10 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 64 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 32 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 16 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 1024 MB [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Signal Slot]" "Alg::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for create_shader_requested(ViewerSettings*,IRayService_*,QVariantMap)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ShadowLightRays]" Finished generating light rays [INFO] "[DBG INFO][NGL Integration]" Preferred locales: en_US [INFO] "[DBG INFO][NGL Integration]" Using locale: en_US [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15224: Load file:///D:/3D%20Assets/Substance%20Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp/paint/scene.assbin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15224: Assimp 3.1.6393133 amd64 msvc shared singlethreaded" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15224: Found a matching importer for this file format" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15224: Import root directory is 'file:///D:/3D%20Assets/Substance%20Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp/paint/'" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15224: Entering post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15224: Generate spatially-sorted vertex cache" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15224: CalcTangentsProcess begin" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Debug, T15224: CalcTangentsProcess finished" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Assimp]" "Info, T15224: Leaving post processing pipeline" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Scene 3D]" "3D scene file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp/paint/scene.assbin successfully loaded in 93 ms" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.OutputSize" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.DilationWidth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Common.ApplyDiffusion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowAsHigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolyMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.UseCage" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.CageMesh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxHeight" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.MaxDepth" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.RelativeScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SmoothNormals" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.IgnoreBackface" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.SubSampling" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.FilterMethod" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.LowpolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.HipolySuffix" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking Document]" "Detail.BackfaceCullingSuffix" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackActions" [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Previews Manager]" "No preview engine for Object type" "DataStackLayers" [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::EditColor3' for property 'Alg::ColorButton::value' [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Paint Viewer]" "Open edition on M_Wood_Light stack while opening project." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Result surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 18770 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Source surfaces (RAM&VRAM)" 4692 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Surfaces (Results&Sources)" 9385 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "VRAM Mesh buffers" 128 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "RAM Stamps" 256 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Substance Render on the fly" 4692 MB [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" High profile EngineIntegration. Outside consumption estimation [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Margin: 536870912 (total=536870912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Screen back buffers and Fbos estimation: 15974400 (total=552845312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=552847272)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=552863400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=552863792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=552867376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552869728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552889104)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552891456)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552910832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552913184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552932560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552934912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552954288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552956640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552976016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=552978368)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=552997744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553000096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553019472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553021824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553041200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553043552)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553062928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553065280)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553084656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553087008)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553106384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553108736)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553128112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553130464)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553149840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553152192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553171568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553173920)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553193296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553195648)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553215024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553217376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553236752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553239104)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553258480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553260832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553280208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553282560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553301936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553304288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553323664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553326016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553345392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553347744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553367120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553369472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553388848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553391200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553410576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553412928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553432304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553434656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553454032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553456384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553475760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553478112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553497488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553499840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553519216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553521568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553540944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553543296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553562672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553565024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553584400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553586752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553606128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553608480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553627856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553630208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553649584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553651936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553671312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553673664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553693040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553695392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553714768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553717120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553736496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553738848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553758224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553760576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553779952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553782304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553801680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553804032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553823408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553825760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553845136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553847488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553866864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553869216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553888592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553890944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553910320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553912672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553932048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553934400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553953776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553956128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553975504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553977856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=553997232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=553999584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554018960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554021312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554040688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554043040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554062416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554064768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554084144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554086496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554105872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554108224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554127600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554129952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554149328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554151680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554171056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554173408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554192784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554195136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554214512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554216864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554236240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554238592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554257968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554260320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554279696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554282048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554301424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554303776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554323152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554325504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554344880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554347232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554366608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554368960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554388336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554390688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554410064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554412416)" [INFO] "[DBG 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(total=554562160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554564512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554583888)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554586240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554605616)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554607968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554627344)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554629696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554649072)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554651424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554670800)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554673152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554692528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554694880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554714256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554716608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554735984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554738336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554757712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554760064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554779440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554781792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554801168)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554803520)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554822896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554825248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554844624)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554846976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19824 (total=554866800)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554869152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554888528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554890880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554910256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554912608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554931984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554934336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=554953712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=554956064)" [INFO] "[DBG 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(total=555084472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555086824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19768 (total=555106592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555108944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555128320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555130672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555150048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555152400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555171776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555174128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555193504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555195856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555215232)" [INFO] "[DBG 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(total=555347952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555367328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555369680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555389056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555391408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555410784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555413136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555432512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555434864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555454240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=555454632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=555458216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=555460176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=555476304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555478656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555498032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555500384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555519760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555522112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555541488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555543840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555563216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555565568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555584944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555587296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555606672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555609024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555628400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555630752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555650128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555652480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555671856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555674208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555693584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555695936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555715312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=555717272)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=555733400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=555733792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=555737376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555739728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555759104)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=555761064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=555777192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=555777584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=555781168)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555783520)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555802896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555805248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555824624)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555826976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555846352)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555848704)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555868080)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555870432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555889808)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555892160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555911536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555913888)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555933264)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555935616)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555954992)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555957344)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555976720)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=555979072)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=555998448)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556000800)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556020176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556022528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556041904)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556044256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556063632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556065984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=556085416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556087768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556107144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556109496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556128872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556131224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556150600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556152952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556172328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556174680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556194056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556196408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556215784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556218136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556237512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556239864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556259240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556261592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556280968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556283320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556302696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556305048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556324424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556326776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=556346208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556348560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556367936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556370288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556389664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556392016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556411392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556413744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556433120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556435472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556454848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556457200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19488 (total=556476688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556479040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556498416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556500768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556520144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556522496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556541872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556544224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556563600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556565952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556585328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556587680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556607056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556609408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556628784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556631136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556650512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556652864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556672240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556674592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556693968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556696320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556715696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556718048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556737424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556739776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556759152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556761504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556780880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556783232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556802608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556804960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556824336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556826688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556846064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556848416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556867792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556870144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556889520)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556891872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556911248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556913600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556932976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556935328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556954704)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556957056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556976432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=556978784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=556998160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557000512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557019888)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557022240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557041616)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557043968)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557063344)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=557065304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=557081432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=557081824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=557085408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557087760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557107136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557109488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557128864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557131216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557150592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557152944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557172320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557174672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557194048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557196400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557215776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557218128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557237504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557239856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557259232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557261584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557280960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557283312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557302688)" [INFO] "[DBG 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(total=557435016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=557451144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=557451536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=557455120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557457472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557476848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557479200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557498576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557500928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557520304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557522656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557542032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557544384)" [INFO] "[DBG 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(total=557694128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557696480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557715856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557718208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557737584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557739936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=557759368)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557761720)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557781096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557783448)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=557802880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557805232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557824608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557826960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557846336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557848688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557868064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557870416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557889792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557892144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557911520)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557913872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557933248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557935600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557954976)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557957328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557976704)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=557979056)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=557998432)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558000784)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558020160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558022512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=558041944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558044296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558063672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558066024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558085400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558087752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558107128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558109480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=558128912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558131264)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=558150696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558153048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558172424)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558174776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558194152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=558196112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=558212240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=558212632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=558216216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558218568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558237944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558240296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558259672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558262024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558281400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558283752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558303128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558305480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558324856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558327208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558346584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558348936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558368312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558370664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558390040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558392392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558411768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558414120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558433496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558435848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558455224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558457576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558476952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558479304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558498680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558501032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558520408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558522760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558542136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558544488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558563864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558566216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558585592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558587944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558607320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558609672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558629048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558631400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558650776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558653128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558672504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558674856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558694232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558696584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558715960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558718312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558737688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558740040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558759416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558761768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558781144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558783496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558802872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558805224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558824600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558826952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558846328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558848680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=558867944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558870296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=558889560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558891912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558911288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558913640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558933016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558935368)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558954744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558957096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558976472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=558978824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=558998200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559000552)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559019928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559022280)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559041544)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559043896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559063160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559065512)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559084776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559087128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559106392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559108744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559128120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559130472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559149848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559152200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559171576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559173928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559193304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559195656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559215032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559217384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559236760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559239112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559258488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559260840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559279936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559282288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559301384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559303736)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559322832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559325184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559344280)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559346632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559365728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559368080)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559387456)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559389808)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559409184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559411536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559430800)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559433152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559452528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559454880)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559474144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559476496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559495760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559498112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19096 (total=559517208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559519560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=559538992)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559541344)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559560720)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559563072)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559582448)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559584800)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559604176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559606528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559625904)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559628256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559647632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559649984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559669360)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559671712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559691088)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559693440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559712816)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559715168)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559734544)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559736896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19488 (total=559756384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559758736)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559778112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559780464)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19264 (total=559799728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559802080)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559821456)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559823808)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559843184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559845536)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559864912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559867264)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559886640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559888992)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559908368)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559910720)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559930096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559932448)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559951824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559954176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559973552)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559975904)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=559995280)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=559997632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560017008)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560019360)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560038736)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560041088)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560060464)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560062816)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560082192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560084544)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560103920)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560106272)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560125648)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560128000)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560147376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560149728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560169104)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560171456)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560190832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560193184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560212560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560214912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560234288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560236640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560256016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560258368)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560277744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560280096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560299472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560301824)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560321200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560323552)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560342928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560345280)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560364656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560367008)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560386384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560388736)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560408112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560410464)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560429840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560432192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560451568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560453920)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560473296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560475648)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560495024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560497376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560516752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560519104)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560538480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560540832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560560208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560562560)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560581936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560584288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560603664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560606016)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560625392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560627744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560647120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560649472)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560668848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560671200)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560690576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560692928)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560712304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560714656)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560734032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560736384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560755760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560758112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560777488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560779840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560799216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560801568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560820944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560823296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560842672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560845024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560864400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560866752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560886128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560888480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560907856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560910208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560929584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560931936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560951312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560953664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560973040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560975392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=560994768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=560997120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=561016496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561018848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=561038224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561040576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=561059952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561062304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=561081680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561084032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65408 (total=561149440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561151792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561217648)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561220000)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561285856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561288208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561354064)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561356416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561422272)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561424624)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561446128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561448480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561469984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561472336)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561493840)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561496192)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561517696)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561520048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561585904)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561588256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561654112)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561656464)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561722320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561724672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561746176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561748528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561770032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561772384)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561793888)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561796240)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561817744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561820096)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561841600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561843952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561865456)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561867808)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 21504 (total=561889312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561891664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=561957520)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=561959872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=562025728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562028080)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=562093936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562096288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=562162144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562164496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65856 (total=562230352)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562232704)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65688 (total=562298392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562300744)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19432 (total=562320176)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562322528)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562341904)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562344256)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562363632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562365984)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562385360)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562387712)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562407088)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562409440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 65688 (total=562475128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562477480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562496856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562499208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562518584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562520936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562540312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562542664)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562562040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562564392)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562583768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562586120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562605496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562607848)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562627224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562629576)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562648952)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562651304)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562670680)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562673032)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562692408)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562694760)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562714136)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562716488)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562735864)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562738216)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562757592)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562759944)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562779320)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562781672)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562801048)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562803400)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562822776)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562825128)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562844504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562846856)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562866232)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562868584)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562887960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562890312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562909688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562912040)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562931416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562933768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562953144)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562955496)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562974872)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=562977224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=562996600)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2552 (total=562999152)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 71008 (total=563070160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1568 (total=563071728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 43568 (total=563115296)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563115688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10920 (total=563126608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 896 (total=563127504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 12656 (total=563140160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563142120)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563158248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563158640)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563162224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563164184)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563180312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563180704)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563184288)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563186248)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563202376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563202768)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563206352)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563208312)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563224440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563224832)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563228416)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563230376)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563246504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563246896)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563250480)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563252440)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563268568)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563268960)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563272544)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563274504)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563290632)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563291024)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563294608)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2552 (total=563297160)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 71064 (total=563368224)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1568 (total=563369792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 43568 (total=563413360)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563413752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 10976 (total=563424728)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563426688)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16128 (total=563442816)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563443208)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563446792)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 1960 (total=563448752)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 16184 (total=563464936)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 392 (total=563465328)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 3584 (total=563468912)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh indices: 2352 (total=563471264)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][EngineIntegration]" "Mesh vertices: 19376 (total=563490640)" [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransformGroup", which already has a layout [WARN] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Alg::GroupWidget "uvTransformGroup", which already has a layout [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: basecolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: basecolor (matched by usage: basecolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: roughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: roughness (matched by usage: roughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: metallic" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: metallic (matched by usage: metallic)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: opacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: opacity (matched by usage: opacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularlevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularlevel (matched by usage: specularlevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularEdgeColorEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularedgecolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: specularedgecolor (matched by usage: specularedgecolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: normal (matched by identifier: normal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: height (matched by identifier: height)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: displacement (matched by identifier: displacement)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: displacementSourceChannel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: heightScale, dispScale, displacement_scale, displacementScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropylevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropylevel (matched by usage: anisotropylevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: anisotropyangle" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: anisotropyangle (matched by usage: anisotropyangle)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissiveIntensity, emissive_intensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: emissive" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: emissive (matched by usage: emissive)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenopacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheenopacity (matched by usage: sheenopacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheencolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheencolor (matched by usage: sheencolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sheenroughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: sheenroughness (matched by usage: sheenroughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: translucency (matched by identifier: translucency)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: specularIoR" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: dispersion" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatter, sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 1" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sssType" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringcolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scatteringcolor (matched by usage: scatteringcolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringDistance, subsurface_scale, sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scattering" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: scattering (matched by usage: scattering)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: " [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringRedShift, sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringRayleigh, sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: sssScatteringColorSource" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: scatteringAnisotropy, subsurface_anisotropy" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatopacity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatopacity (matched by usage: coatopacity)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatcolor" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatcolor (matched by usage: coatcolor)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatroughness" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatroughness (matched by usage: coatroughness)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatIOR, coatIoR" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatspecularlevel" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatspecularlevel (matched by usage: coatspecularlevel)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatnormal" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + channel: coatnormal (matched by usage: coatnormal)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + aliases: coatNormalScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_source_channel: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + displacement_scale: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " + sss_enabled: 0" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter base_color identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_level identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularEdgeColorEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_edge_color identifier maps to Channel specularedgecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height_scale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy_rotation identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission_color identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheenEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen identifier maps to Channel sheenopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_color identifier maps to Channel sheencolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_roughness identifier maps to Channel sheenroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispersion [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scatter [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance_scale identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_red_shift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_rayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_anisotropy marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coatEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat identifier maps to Channel coatopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_color identifier maps to Channel coatcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_roughness identifier maps to Channel coatroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_specular_level identifier maps to Channel coatspecularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal identifier maps to Channel coatnormal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal_scale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter base_color identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_level identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularEdgeColorEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_edge_color identifier maps to Channel specularedgecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height_scale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy_rotation identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission_color identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheenEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen identifier maps to Channel sheenopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_color identifier maps to Channel sheencolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_roughness identifier maps to Channel sheenroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispersion [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scatter [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance_scale identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_red_shift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_rayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_anisotropy marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coatEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat identifier maps to Channel coatopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_color identifier maps to Channel coatcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_roughness identifier maps to Channel coatroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_specular_level identifier maps to Channel coatspecularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal identifier maps to Channel coatnormal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal_scale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Parsing mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameter description..." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter base_color identifier maps to Channel basecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter roughness identifier maps to Channel roughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter metallic identifier maps to Channel metallic -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter opacity identifier maps to Channel opacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_level identifier maps to Channel specularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specularEdgeColorEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_edge_color identifier maps to Channel specularedgecolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter normal identifier maps to Channel normal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height identifier maps to Channel height -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter displacement identifier maps to Channel displacement -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispSource maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter height_scale maps to a application driven displacement information -> hidden in order to avoid conflicting with application controlled data." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy identifier maps to Channel anisotropylevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter anisotropy_rotation identifier maps to Channel anisotropyangle -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter emission_color identifier maps to Channel emissive -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheenEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen identifier maps to Channel sheenopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_color identifier maps to Channel sheencolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sheen_roughness identifier maps to Channel sheenroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter translucency identifier maps to Channel translucency -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter specular_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter dispersion [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scatter [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssType [subsurface_scattering_type] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_color identifier maps to Channel scatteringcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_distance_scale identifier maps to Channel scattering -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssColor [color] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_red_shift [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_rayleigh [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter sssScatteringColorSource [subsurface_scattering_source_channel] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter scattering_anisotropy marked as hidden." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coatEnabled [bool] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat identifier maps to Channel coatopacity -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_color identifier maps to Channel coatcolor -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_roughness identifier maps to Channel coatroughness -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_ior [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_specular_level identifier maps to Channel coatspecularlevel -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal identifier maps to Channel coatnormal -> hidden in order to avoid overriding the texture channel." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][MdlParametersDescCreator]" "\t> Parameter coat_normal_scale [float] added." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][ShadowLightRays]" Finished generating light rays [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 23324 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Resource Import ]" Loaded 2092 files in 20891.4ms Alg::AbrResource (Loaded 1 files in 344.702 ms): Mean/Median: 344.702ms / 344.702ms Min/Max: 344.702ms / 344.702ms Samples: 0: 344.702ms 0.111: 344.702ms 0.222: 344.702ms 0.333: 344.702ms 0.444: 344.702ms 0.556: 344.702ms 0.667: 344.702ms 0.778: 344.702ms 0.889: 344.702ms 1: 344.702ms Alg::ResourceExportPreset (Loaded 44 files in 243.225 ms): Mean/Median: 5.52785ms / 5.6803ms Min/Max: 0.7918ms / 13.0415ms Samples: 0: 0.7918ms 0.111: 3.5596ms 0.222: 5.2257ms 0.333: 5.3685ms 0.444: 5.6126ms 0.556: 5.7009ms 0.667: 6.0076ms 0.778: 6.1975ms 0.889: 6.4203ms 1: 13.0415ms Alg::ResourceImage (Loaded 594 files in 7429.06 ms): Mean/Median: 12.5068ms / 18.3848ms Min/Max: 2.1358ms / 74.0253ms Samples: 0: 2.1358ms 0.111: 3.2562ms 0.222: 3.5902ms 0.333: 3.9913ms 0.444: 7.3529ms 0.556: 18.6684ms 0.667: 18.9909ms 0.778: 19.2547ms 0.889: 19.7741ms 1: 74.0253ms Alg::ResourceLayersPreset (Loaded 228 files in 2938.97 ms): Mean/Median: 12.8902ms / 10.1967ms Min/Max: 5.918ms / 72.1629ms Samples: 0: 5.918ms 0.111: 7.6121ms 0.222: 8.387ms 0.333: 9.3106ms 0.444: 9.9446ms 0.556: 10.3904ms 0.667: 10.7911ms 0.778: 11.678ms 0.889: 15.9043ms 1: 72.1629ms Alg::ResourceParticles (Loaded 20 files in 139.714 ms): Mean/Median: 6.98569ms / 6.3474ms Min/Max: 5.5037ms / 13.1696ms Samples: 0: 5.5037ms 0.111: 5.5253ms 0.222: 5.8369ms 0.333: 5.9447ms 0.444: 6.2873ms 0.556: 6.5089ms 0.667: 7.6912ms 0.778: 7.9803ms 0.889: 8.2ms 1: 13.1696ms Alg::ResourcePreset (Loaded 209 files in 1510.6 ms): Mean/Median: 7.22774ms / 6.2146ms Min/Max: 3.8449ms / 22.227ms Samples: 0: 3.8449ms 0.111: 4.3418ms 0.222: 4.8687ms 0.333: 5.2803ms 0.444: 5.7825ms 0.556: 6.5642ms 0.667: 7.4085ms 0.778: 9.5603ms 0.889: 11.3398ms 1: 22.227ms Alg::ResourceShader (Loaded 16 files in 48.7736 ms): Mean/Median: 3.04835ms / 2.962ms Min/Max: 2.7688ms / 3.3874ms Samples: 0: 2.7688ms 0.111: 2.7945ms 0.222: 2.8812ms 0.333: 2.9056ms 0.444: 2.96ms 0.556: 2.962ms 0.667: 3.2224ms 0.778: 3.2824ms 0.889: 3.3593ms 1: 3.3874ms Alg::ResourceSubstancePackage (Loaded 914 files in 7780.49 ms): Mean/Median: 8.51257ms / 6.8153ms Min/Max: 1.3192ms / 106.764ms Samples: 0: 1.3192ms 0.111: 5.6352ms 0.222: 5.9129ms 0.333: 6.2537ms 0.444: 6.6341ms 0.556: 7.0228ms 0.667: 7.6499ms 0.778: 9.0544ms 0.889: 12.1333ms 1: 106.764ms Alg::SmartMask (Loaded 66 files in 455.871 ms): Mean/Median: 6.90714ms / 6.7911ms Min/Max: 4.6921ms / 16.5157ms Samples: 0: 4.6921ms 0.111: 6.1715ms 0.222: 6.3797ms 0.333: 6.5016ms 0.444: 6.7349ms 0.556: 6.8408ms 0.667: 6.9858ms 0.778: 7.2669ms 0.889: 7.6112ms 1: 16.5157ms [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader asm-metal-rough successful" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][GenericMaterial]" "Creation of the shader preview-material-shader successful" [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QSortFilterProxyModel: invalid inserted rows reported by source model [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::PaintData::Int2' for property 'Alg::SizeWidget::pow2Size' [WARN] QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'Alg::PaintData::ByteArray' for property 'Alg::FileListWidget::value' [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Creating baking scene: "resource://project0/imported_scene?version=Not Versioned" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.214" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.220" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.221" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.222" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.219" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.223" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.225" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.226" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.217" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.224" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.229" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.212" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.215" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.227" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.230" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.231" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.232" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.233" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.234" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.228" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.216" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.212" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.213" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.218" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.115" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.123" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.116" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.114" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.118" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.117" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.120" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.121" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.119" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.122" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.125" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.052" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.124" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.126" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.053" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.023" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.020" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Cube.011" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.022" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Door_Interior.004" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.019" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.021" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.299" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.299" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.300" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.240" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.254" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.256" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.258" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.241" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.246" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.250" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.245" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.257" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.259" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.247" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.249" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.251" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.244" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.248" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.252" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.253" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.255" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.235" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.239" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.243" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.236" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.237" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.238" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.242" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.273" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.283" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.284" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.276" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.269" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.270" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.263" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.275" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.266" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.267" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.277" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.264" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.260" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.272" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.278" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.274" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.262" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.265" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.271" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.279" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.280" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.261" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.268" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.281" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.282" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.298" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.294" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.285" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.286" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.289" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.290" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.291" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.296" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.297" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.288" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.287" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.292" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.293" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.295" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.099" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.094" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.096" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.098" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.095" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.097" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.101" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.102" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.103" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.106" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.100" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.100" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.104" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.105" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.176" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.190" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.194" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.173" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.199" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.186" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.189" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.175" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.181" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.174" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.177" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.180" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.185" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.183" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.182" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.187" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.178" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.179" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.188" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.190" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.191" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.192" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.184" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.193" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.195" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.196" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.197" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.198" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.026" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.014" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.015" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.200" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.201" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.016" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.018" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.027" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.017" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.040" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.039" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.041" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.042" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.043" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 239msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [0,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 268msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [1,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 76msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [2,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 35msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [3,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 73msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [4,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 99msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [0,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 111msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [0,2])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 80msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [1,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 66msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [2,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 72msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [3,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 77msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [4,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 128msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [5,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 89msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [5,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 82msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [6,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 97msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [6,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 78msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [7,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 122msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [7,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 83msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [8,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 102msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [8,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 73msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [9,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 90msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalWS on M_Wood_Light [9,1])" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Creating baking scene: "resource://project0/imported_scene?version=Not Versioned" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.214" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.220" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.221" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.222" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.219" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.223" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.225" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.226" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.217" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.224" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.229" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.212" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.215" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.227" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.230" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.231" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.232" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.233" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.234" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.228" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.216" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.212" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.213" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.218" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.115" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.123" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.116" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.114" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.118" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.117" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.120" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.121" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.119" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.122" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.125" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.052" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.124" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.126" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.053" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.023" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.020" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Cube.011" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.022" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Door_Interior.004" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.019" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.021" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.299" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.299" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.300" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.240" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.254" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.256" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.258" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.241" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.246" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.250" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.245" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.257" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.259" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.247" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.249" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.251" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.244" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.248" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.252" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.253" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.255" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.235" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.239" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.243" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.236" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.237" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.238" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.242" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.273" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.283" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.284" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.276" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.269" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.270" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.263" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.275" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.266" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.267" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.277" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.264" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.260" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.272" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.278" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.274" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.262" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.265" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.271" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.279" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.280" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.261" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.268" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.281" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.282" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.298" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.294" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.285" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.286" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.289" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.290" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.291" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.296" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.297" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.288" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.287" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.292" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.293" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.295" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.099" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.094" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.096" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.098" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.095" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.097" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.101" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.102" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.103" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.106" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.100" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.100" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.104" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.105" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.176" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.190" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.194" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.173" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.199" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.186" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.189" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.175" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.181" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.174" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.177" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.180" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.185" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.183" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.182" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.187" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.178" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.179" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.188" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.190" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.191" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.192" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.184" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.193" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.195" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.196" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.197" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.198" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.026" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.014" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.015" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.200" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.201" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.016" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.018" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.027" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.017" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.040" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.039" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.041" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.042" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.043" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 46msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [0,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 386msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [1,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 448msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [2,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 384msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [3,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 405msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [4,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 320msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [0,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 480msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [0,2])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 409msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [1,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 428msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [2,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 344msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [3,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 396msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [4,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 375msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [5,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 443msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [5,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 440msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [6,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 431msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [6,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 411msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [7,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 458msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [7,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 459msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [8,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 425msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [8,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 447msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [9,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 1s 451msec (GLMapBakerManager.Position on M_Wood_Light [9,1])" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 265 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking progress dialog]" Delete BakingProgressDialog [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Creating baking scene: "resource://project0/imported_scene?version=Not Versioned" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.239" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.221" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.018" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.016" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.227" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.182" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.245" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.014" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.268" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.229" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.250" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.281" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.193" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.223" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.106" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.238" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.022" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.277" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.265" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.275" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.272" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.237" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.219" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.042" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.224" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.270" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Door_Interior.004" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.246" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.185" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.247" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.198" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.038" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.195" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.122" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.289" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.253" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.256" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.261" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.280" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.226" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.152" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.049" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.267" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.176" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.222" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.117" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.015" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.136" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.020" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.040" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.115" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.102" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.126" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.053" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.166" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.121" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.257" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.288" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.098" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.125" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.263" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.292" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.090" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.097" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.134" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.240" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.019" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.184" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.116" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.119" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.194" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.233" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.286" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.164" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.295" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.258" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.057" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.160" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.131" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.191" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.213" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.028" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.151" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.215" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.031" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.169" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.165" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.187" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.023" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.216" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.232" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.225" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.220" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.155" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.120" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.192" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.048" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.177" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.255" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.296" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.027" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.241" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.199" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.085" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.078" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.099" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.175" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.096" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.197" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.290" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.196" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.064" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.095" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.052" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.298" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.293" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.242" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.200" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.139" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.046" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.068" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.161" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.154" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.266" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.186" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.045" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.123" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.287" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.129" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.189" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.294" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.251" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.086" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.218" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.299" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.141" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.054" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.174" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.300" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.159" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.037" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.058" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.248" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.033" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.026" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.297" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.108" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.170" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.088" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.148" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.081" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.103" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.066" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.079" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.044" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Prop_Pink Room_Bed.021" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.260" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.059" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.055" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.181" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.235" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.111" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.047" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.112" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.032" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.043" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.243" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.101" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.212" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.128" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.074" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.291" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.157" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.178" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.071" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.188" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.230" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.180" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.158" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.035" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.276" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.080" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.127" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.132" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.234" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.143" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.075" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.077" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.091" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.282" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.179" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.144" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.082" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.142" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.249" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.094" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.274" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.153" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.092" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.228" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.051" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.089" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.262" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.269" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.118" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.162" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.271" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.284" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.113" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.190" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.067" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.236" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.137" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.201" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.183" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.062" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.214" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.065" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.110" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.167" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.061" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.083" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.140" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.149" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.244" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.264" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.163" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.114" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.034" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.217" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Coffee-Table.017" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.146" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.259" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.107" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.100" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.030" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.279" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Stairs.036" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.171" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.041" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.130" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.285" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.070" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.147" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.076" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.231" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.172" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.104" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.283" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.109" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.156" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.145" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.087" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.135" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.084" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.278" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.252" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.254" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Nightstand.072" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Chair_Table_Stool.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.133" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.138" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.039" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Living-Room.273" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.060" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.150" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_LR_Couch_Base.168" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Dining-Room.056" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Lower.105" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.093" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Right_Lower.069" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Desk_Adult_SR.124" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Left_Upper.173" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Lower.063" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Cabs_Kitchen_Center_Upper.073" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "SM_Ladder_Active.029" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Furniture_Living-Room_Window-Seat.050" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Processing Context]" Mesh: "Cube.011" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0527904s | Compute: 2.92086s | Postprocess: 1.79501s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 805msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [0,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0301282s | Compute: 2.78208s | Postprocess: 1.64816s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 468msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [1,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0408506s | Compute: 2.82825s | Postprocess: 1.72354s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 600msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [2,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0342196s | Compute: 2.91854s | Postprocess: 1.72929s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 689msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [3,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0332873s | Compute: 2.87725s | Postprocess: 1.77162s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 689msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [4,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0345798s | Compute: 2.83509s | Postprocess: 1.80335s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 681msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [0,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0330592s | Compute: 2.4991s | Postprocess: 1.72151s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 261msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [0,2])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0328363s | Compute: 2.86722s | Postprocess: 1.67476s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 582msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [1,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0331391s | Compute: 2.8395s | Postprocess: 1.72218s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 603msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [2,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0432268s | Compute: 2.8384s | Postprocess: 1.89297s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 782msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [3,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0413113s | Compute: 2.78924s | Postprocess: 1.8103s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 648msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [4,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0633871s | Compute: 2.8441s | Postprocess: 1.74934s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 664msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [5,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0339577s | Compute: 2.81138s | Postprocess: 1.66873s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 521msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [5,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0330753s | Compute: 2.84405s | Postprocess: 1.764s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 649msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [6,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0443031s | Compute: 2.78655s | Postprocess: 1.78592s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 624msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [6,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0413874s | Compute: 2.81734s | Postprocess: 1.75241s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 618msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [7,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0345323s | Compute: 2.77539s | Postprocess: 1.65118s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 468msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [7,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0333639s | Compute: 2.91426s | Postprocess: 1.77573s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 731msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [8,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0353933s | Compute: 2.93448s | Postprocess: 1.84859s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 826msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [8,1])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0366343s | Compute: 2.88523s | Postprocess: 1.74078s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 671msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [9,0])" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Bake started using CPU backend (Embree). [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 384 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking]" Baker: Normal Map from Mesh | Engine: Embree | Init: 0.0558454s | Compute: 2.88587s | Postprocess: 1.86149s [INFO] "[DBG INFO][BakingProcess]" "Elapsed: 0m 4s 811msec (GLMapBakerManager.NormalFromDetail on M_Wood_Light [9,1])" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [WARN] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Baking progress dialog]" Delete BakingProgressDialog [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Autosave/Wood_Light_Test_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/noise_directional_noise_4/ratio_directional_noise_4?version=1a5c8132844e7ff514d0551a758a5cea5826329f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_ambient_occlusion/mg_ambient_occlusion?version=511239d3c06c570860fd98d9aa423738caa26847.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_dirt/mg_dirt?version=9a9fa796ec214e861519d707b88f80e24d02437f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/grunge_spots/ratio_grunge_spots?version=b8d70bee9b6a04cc59f3e85f0689d98e3faf5a66.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_slope/blur_slope?version=4fa6eddc53def4818d3c6503ae5ddba37b6d4b2e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/light/light?version=4ed25e7d6af02e493efb44c20eeac5dac863189c.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/baked_lighting_stylized/baked_lighting_stylized?version=8a32e6067dde7ead9c2f8200322e698df34e5f16.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 289 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 1)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Autosave/Wood_Light_Test_autosave_1.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 270 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/noise_directional_noise_4/ratio_directional_noise_4?version=1a5c8132844e7ff514d0551a758a5cea5826329f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_ambient_occlusion/mg_ambient_occlusion?version=511239d3c06c570860fd98d9aa423738caa26847.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_dirt/mg_dirt?version=9a9fa796ec214e861519d707b88f80e24d02437f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/grunge_spots/ratio_grunge_spots?version=b8d70bee9b6a04cc59f3e85f0689d98e3faf5a66.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_slope/blur_slope?version=4fa6eddc53def4818d3c6503ae5ddba37b6d4b2e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/light/light?version=4ed25e7d6af02e493efb44c20eeac5dac863189c.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/baked_lighting_stylized/baked_lighting_stylized?version=8a32e6067dde7ead9c2f8200322e698df34e5f16.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 272 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Synchronizing shader parameter resource://assets/asm-metal-rough?version=3b561309c39707f49f335459148b18e03b200444.shader (GLSL) -> mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard (MDL)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specularEdgeColorEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> emission matched by usage emissiveIntensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sheenEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specular_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match dispersion by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scatter matched by usage sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssType matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_distance matched by usage sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssColor matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_red_shift matched by usage sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_rayleigh matched by usage sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssScatteringColorSource matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coatEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coat_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match coat_normal_scale by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Synchronizing shader parameter resource://assets/asm-metal-rough?version=3b561309c39707f49f335459148b18e03b200444.shader (GLSL) -> mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard (MDL)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specularEdgeColorEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> emission matched by usage emissiveIntensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sheenEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specular_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match dispersion by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scatter matched by usage sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssType matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_distance matched by usage sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssColor matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_red_shift matched by usage sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_rayleigh matched by usage sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssScatteringColorSource matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coatEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coat_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match coat_normal_scale by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" Update material instance [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Use mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard mdl material" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Processing mdl mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard parameters metadatas" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > base_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > metallic [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > opacity [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specularEdgeColorEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_edge_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > displacement [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispSource [mdl::alg::base::core::displacement_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > height_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > anisotropy_rotation [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > emission_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheenEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sheen_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > translucency [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > specular_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > dispersion [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scatter [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssType [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_type]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_distance_scale [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssColor [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_red_shift [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_rayleigh [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > sssScatteringColorSource [mdl::alg::base::core::subsurface_scattering_source_channel]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > scattering_anisotropy [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coatEnabled [mdl::bool]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_color [mdl::color]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_roughness [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_ior [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_specular_level [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal [mdl::float3]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" " > coat_normal_scale [mdl::float]" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_anisotropy neither visible or part of displacement information." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11035601754837862354] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1513071287560921959] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7841392406139664709] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12552485608826816862] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [10812570288270373766] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11242391131441699850] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14641472019241447664] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7027707254175793252] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [16450802342426259606] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8713039805666998764] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [16505189481271501100] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3853163548944222206] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [153482255597505063] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [18314452946301486289] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11481163413523249084] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14017932561458982526] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [2286401948116470648] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12799781912770536605] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12081355967525070437] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [13463404967973741360] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [10130840729040104677] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5613869851776854095] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1059338889054677402] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3027177196571458862] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [15125930136541034607] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9910375962898451206] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [13542182634618325144] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5306097979415785508] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1898043749323120349] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12336644484301406805] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9749183461447861701] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [798733066799828104] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1274948150908638203] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [18024113976964602856] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1273086161514236374] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11554185495508975271] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17482551248773128004] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12424607443988439149] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [15313544872263654821] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7629373280274711496] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [13364336034222798939] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8000413143695637525] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3022345902091523690] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11640287550511481185] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7152064986550177598] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7626399202751938767] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1765977766487485467] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [18403402315281523146] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9798000172528539054] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7157669011882457498] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [34797894438044211] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [4673215788822688224] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14286770089056029314] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [16339311831505551626] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8743732204983046871] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [6499107004596552667] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8958639146871810093] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [15419105273295013392] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17270764084987828732] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7445737498279261027] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17160284216843100017] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5343252865526157414] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9433261757144254724] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14400299236292793495] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [4846062159853618390] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9422671334535542542] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [16680553297459544993] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [648574360812747246] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [475784079985438254] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5166200390154275991] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5496001318598146082] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7835585163054353312] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1239936217489891262] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [2507958767154458011] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14651646399377625647] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12762810015538091755] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7291592490389300023] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [2223304655157357469] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3592759092303434213] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [7279541273810513093] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [10266575223618104860] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1672923364426029982] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [14583510349363951362] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8843177282269136349] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [2037848298107273212] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9584058332726199624] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3657477221297141576] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8648165644171443067] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [5739699057064839521] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [9209945902769300598] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8910855472154123973] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17338343902401481992] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17816620764870152131] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [15885207958167724617] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [8670233632725980915] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [11352635413484550263] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [17334305640729903917] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [3646052762324568070] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [16974444540435321733] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [13827297676793597028] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [1125897040066943072] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [12060504196287992429] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [4460603922920362797] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [823543320210694639] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE MISS [859206254035366643] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11035601754837862354] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1513071287560921959] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7841392406139664709] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12552485608826816862] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [10812570288270373766] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11242391131441699850] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14641472019241447664] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7027707254175793252] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [16450802342426259606] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8713039805666998764] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [16505189481271501100] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3853163548944222206] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [153482255597505063] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [18314452946301486289] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11481163413523249084] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14017932561458982526] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [2286401948116470648] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12799781912770536605] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12081355967525070437] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [13463404967973741360] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [10130840729040104677] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5613869851776854095] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1059338889054677402] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3027177196571458862] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [15125930136541034607] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9910375962898451206] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [13542182634618325144] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5306097979415785508] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1898043749323120349] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12336644484301406805] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9749183461447861701] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [798733066799828104] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1274948150908638203] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [18024113976964602856] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1273086161514236374] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11554185495508975271] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17482551248773128004] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12424607443988439149] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [15313544872263654821] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7629373280274711496] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [13364336034222798939] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8000413143695637525] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3022345902091523690] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11640287550511481185] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7152064986550177598] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7626399202751938767] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1765977766487485467] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [18403402315281523146] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9798000172528539054] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7157669011882457498] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [34797894438044211] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [4673215788822688224] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14286770089056029314] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [16339311831505551626] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8743732204983046871] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [6499107004596552667] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8958639146871810093] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [15419105273295013392] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17270764084987828732] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7445737498279261027] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17160284216843100017] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5343252865526157414] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9433261757144254724] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14400299236292793495] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [4846062159853618390] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9422671334535542542] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [16680553297459544993] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [648574360812747246] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [475784079985438254] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5166200390154275991] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5496001318598146082] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7835585163054353312] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1239936217489891262] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [2507958767154458011] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14651646399377625647] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12762810015538091755] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7291592490389300023] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [2223304655157357469] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3592759092303434213] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [7279541273810513093] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [10266575223618104860] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1672923364426029982] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [14583510349363951362] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8843177282269136349] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [2037848298107273212] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9584058332726199624] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3657477221297141576] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8648165644171443067] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [5739699057064839521] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [9209945902769300598] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8910855472154123973] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17338343902401481992] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17816620764870152131] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [15885207958167724617] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [8670233632725980915] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [11352635413484550263] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [17334305640729903917] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [3646052762324568070] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [16974444540435321733] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [13827297676793597028] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [1125897040066943072] - Parameter base_color updated with mapped channel basecolor texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [12060504196287992429] - Parameter roughness updated with mapped channel roughness texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [4460603922920362797] - Parameter metallic updated with mapped channel metallic texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter opacity reset because mapped channel opacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_level reset because mapped channel specularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter specular_edge_color reset because mapped channel specularedgecolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [823543320210694639] - Parameter normal updated with mapped channel normal texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "CACHE HIT [859206254035366643] - Parameter height updated with mapped channel height texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter displacement reset because mapped channel displacement does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy reset because mapped channel anisotropylevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter anisotropy_rotation reset because mapped channel anisotropyangle does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter emission_color reset because mapped channel emissive does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen reset because mapped channel sheenopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_color reset because mapped channel sheencolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter sheen_roughness reset because mapped channel sheenroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter translucency reset because mapped channel translucency does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_color reset because mapped channel scatteringcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter scattering_distance_scale reset because mapped channel scattering does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat reset because mapped channel coatopacity does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_color reset because mapped channel coatcolor does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_roughness reset because mapped channel coatroughness does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_specular_level reset because mapped channel coatspecularlevel does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][IrayRenderer]" "Parameter coat_normal reset because mapped channel coatnormal does not have a valid texture." [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Synchronizing shader parameter mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard (MDL) -> resource://assets/asm-metal-rough?version=3b561309c39707f49f335459148b18e03b200444.shader (GLSL)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specularEdgeColorEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> emission matched by usage emissiveIntensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sheenEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specular_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match dispersion by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scatter matched by usage sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssType matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_distance matched by usage sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssColor matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_red_shift matched by usage sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_rayleigh matched by usage sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssScatteringColorSource matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coatEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coat_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match coat_normal_scale by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "Synchronizing shader parameter mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard (MDL) -> resource://assets/asm-metal-rough?version=3b561309c39707f49f335459148b18e03b200444.shader (GLSL)" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specularEdgeColorEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> emission matched by usage emissiveIntensity" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sheenEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> specular_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match dispersion by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scatter matched by usage sssEnabled" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssType matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_distance matched by usage sssScale" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssColor matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_red_shift matched by usage sssRedShift" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> scattering_rayleigh matched by usage sssRayleigh" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> sssScatteringColorSource matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coatEnabled matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> coat_ior matched by identifier" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Iray Service]" "\t> failed to match coat_normal_scale by identifier and usages" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 273 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 270 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] Autosaving... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] Auto saving project (backup number 0)... [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Project]" "Saving project copy to 'D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Autosave/Wood_Light_Test_autosave_0.spp' in mode incremental" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 262 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" Invalid File URL: QUrl("") [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" context: "project0" [ ERR] "[DBG ERROR][Url Helpers]" archive: QUrl("file:///D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter/Models/Wood_Light_Test.spp") [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/noise_directional_noise_4/ratio_directional_noise_4?version=1a5c8132844e7ff514d0551a758a5cea5826329f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.8f011773-1b16-4f4b-bd58-7d2231d1bcc2/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_ambient_occlusion/mg_ambient_occlusion?version=511239d3c06c570860fd98d9aa423738caa26847.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/mg_dirt/mg_dirt?version=9a9fa796ec214e861519d707b88f80e24d02437f.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/grunge_spots/ratio_grunge_spots?version=b8d70bee9b6a04cc59f3e85f0689d98e3faf5a66.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_slope/blur_slope?version=4fa6eddc53def4818d3c6503ae5ddba37b6d4b2e.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/blur_directional/blur_directional?version=b932867889050f6d40e77e339ab7475528553988.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/light/light?version=4ed25e7d6af02e493efb44c20eeac5dac863189c.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [WARN] "[DBG WARNING][Data url converter]" Resource QUrl("resource://assets.d357b1f7-4881-4a7a-a1a9-9e1e8dcb3292/baked_lighting_stylized/baked_lighting_stylized?version=8a32e6067dde7ead9c2f8200322e698df34e5f16.sbsar") can't be found, trying to find a similar one [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling started for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter" [INFO] "[DBG INFO][Library agent]" Resources crawling duration: 273 ms for: "D:/3D Assets/Substance Painter"