Hi, im able to do Blurays with this conversion, saving in .m4v files and mux in the program tsMuxeR GUI saving in .m2ts format files. But you have to do manually and also deselect "Continally insert SPS/ PPS" and chang to "Do not change SEI and VUI data". This way, the Adobe Encore accept the files!!! Have someone to alter format TS in encore to do this in M2TS and this two alterations in export commands in nvenc? This way the file will be perfect for encore with no extra jobs. Tanks for de posts, I read all of them. In my experience: I do a timeline predefined that works and it contain: 1 - A title file from begginin to the end of the video, exactly, and insert just one point of opacity: This prevents for titles or photos to appear and disappear rapidly in export, the time changes and out of sync audio. 2 - No extra empty audios. This give me errors like no export 3 - In CC 2014 have a bug, you have to close and reopen Media encoder, and than it will accept convert 4 - No way to do multicam. But all the effects, and nest works fine, but if have one multicam, export don work 5 - I Have GTX 1080, and I see that Nvenc have a new upgrade to use 100% of this new card, but the plugin here is for de old GPUS, if someone know how to do this... Because mine is usin 40% in max of video render, but it save in minuts, is very fast. 6 - bitrate of nvenc is not the same of the adobe. you need to put more Mbs, to have the same files. Nvenc change my work, is very fast and nothing more of doing all night long exporting projects. TX all that comment on this forum, I film weddings and anniversary, and give DVD, Bluray and Pen Drive of my jobs, and the encore export the 3 ways simultaneously.
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