Using the Air version of the SDK & a certificate for distribution, debugging is not possible with the following error. [iOS 11.2.6] Error occurred while installing the application: Installation Error: APIInternalError. [iOS 9.3.5] Error occurred while installing the application: Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed. There is no error when packaging as a release build(adhoc, distribution), but it can not be installed on a device. # I used iFunbox.(iOS 9.3.5 : -402620394, iOS 11.2.6 : -402653081) # Using a certificate for development and a provisioning file is fine. However, using version Air has no problem. # I tested it with a basic Flex mobile project provided by Flash Builder.(no ane, no swc) -app.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <application xmlns=""> <!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template. Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications. xmlns - The Adobe AIR namespace: The last segment of the namespace specifies the version of the AIR runtime required for this application to run. minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR runtime required to run the application. Optional. --> <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all AIR applications. Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. --> <id>com.aaaa.test</id> <!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. --> <filename>TestAir29_122</filename> <!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer. May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. --> <name>TestAir29_122</name> <!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application version which can be used to check for application upgrade. Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value. An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 . For iOS Apps, this represents build number. --> <versionNumber>0.0.0</versionNumber> <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. For iOS Apps, this represents application version number and format should be (<0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999>). If this tag is not specified or the value is not according to the format, then this tag will be ignored and <versionNumber> will be used for application version number. Optional. --> <!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> --> <!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer. May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. --> <!-- <description></description> --> <!-- Copyright information. Optional --> <!-- <copyright></copyright> --> <!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior to 1.5.3 --> <!-- <publisherID></publisherID> --> <!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. --> <initialWindow> <!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. --> <!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. --> <content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content> <!-- The title of the main window. Optional. --> <!-- <title></title> --> <!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. --> <!-- <systemChrome></systemChrome> --> <!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is none. Optional. Default false. --> <!-- <transparent></transparent> --> <!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. --> <!-- <visible></visible> --> <!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. --> <!-- <minimizable></minimizable> --> <!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. --> <!-- <maximizable></maximizable> --> <!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. --> <!-- <resizable></resizable> --> <!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. --> <!-- <width></width> --> <!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. --> <!-- <height></height> --> <!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. --> <!-- <x></x> --> <!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. --> <!-- <y></y> --> <!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "400 200". Optional. --> <!-- <minSize></minSize> --> <!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. --> <!-- <maxSize></maxSize> --> <!-- The aspect ratio of the app ("portrait" or "landscape" or "any"). Optional. Mobile only. Default is the natural orientation of the device --> <!-- <aspectRatio></aspectRatio> --> <!-- Whether the app will begin auto-orienting on launch. Optional. Mobile only. Default false --> <!-- <autoOrients></autoOrients> --> <!-- Whether the app launches in full screen. Optional. Mobile only. Default false --> <!-- <fullScreen></fullScreen> --> <!-- The render mode for the app (either auto, cpu, gpu, or direct). Optional. Default auto --> <!-- <renderMode></renderMode> --> <!-- Whether the default direct mode rendering context allocates storage for depth and stencil buffers. Optional. Default false. --> <!-- <depthAndStencil></depthAndStencil> --> <!-- Whether or not to pan when a soft keyboard is raised or lowered (either "pan" or "none"). Optional. Defaults "pan." --> <!-- <softKeyboardBehavior></softKeyboardBehavior> --> <!-- Display Resolution for the app (either "standard" or "high"). Optional. Default "standard" --> <!-- <requestedDisplayResolution></requestedDisplayResolution> --> <autoOrients>true</autoOrients> <fullScreen>false</fullScreen> <visible>true</visible> <softKeyboardBehavior>none</softKeyboardBehavior> </initialWindow> <!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, --> <!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all --> <!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment --> <!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list --> <!-- only the profiles which your application does support. --> <!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> --> <!-- Languages supported by application --> <!-- Only these languages can be specified --> <!-- Android Native uses "in" code for indonesean language, wherein native iOS uses "id" as its language code. --> <!-- We have added support of "id" in "in" code to support iOS with the same tag.--> <!-- <supportedLanguages>cs da de el en es fi fr in it iw ja ko ms nb nl pl pt ru sv th tr vi zh</supportedLanguages> --> <!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. --> <!-- <installFolder></installFolder> --> <!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems without a Programs menu.) Optional. --> <!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> --> <!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution, specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. --> <!-- <icon> <image16x16></image16x16> <image29x29></image29x29> <image32x32></image32x32> <image36x36></image36x36> <image40x40></image40x40> <image44x44></image44x44> <image48x48></image48x48> <image50x50></image50x50> <image57x57></image57x57> <image58x58></image58x58> <image60x60></image60x60> <image66x66></image66x66> <image72x72></image72x72> <image75x75></image75x75> <image76x76></image76x76> <image80x80></image80x80> <image87x87></image87x87> <image96x96></image96x96> <image100x100></image100x100> <image114x114></image114x114> <image120x120></image120x120> <image128x128></image128x128> <image144x144></image144x144> <image152x152></image152x152> <image167x167></image167x167> <image180x180></image180x180> <image192x192></image192x192> <image512x512></image512x512> <image732x412></image732x412> <image1024x1024></image1024x1024> </icon> --> <!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false). Optional. Default false. --> <!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> --> <!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser. Optional. Default false. --> <!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> --> <!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. --> <!-- <fileTypes> --> <!-- Defines one file type. Optional. --> <!-- <fileType> --> <!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. --> <!-- <name></name> --> <!-- The extension to register. Required. --> <!-- <extension></extension> --> <!-- The description of the file type. Optional. --> <!-- <description></description> --> <!-- The MIME content type. --> <!-- <contentType></contentType> --> <!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. --> <!-- <icon> <image16x16></image16x16> <image32x32></image32x32> <image48x48></image48x48> <image128x128></image128x128> </icon> --> <!-- </fileType> --> <!-- </fileTypes> --> <!-- A preferred GPU type (either "discrete" or "integrated") in case the app utilizes GPU. Desktop only. Optional --> <!-- <gpuPreference></gpuPreference> --> <!-- iOS specific capabilities --> <!-- <iPhone> --> <!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Info.plist --> <!-- <InfoAdditions> <![CDATA[ <key>UIDeviceFamily</key> <array> <string>1</string> <string>2</string> </array> <key>UIStatusBarStyle</key> <string>UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque</string> <key>UIRequiresPersistentWiFi</key> <string>YES</string> ]]> </InfoAdditions> --> <!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Entitlements.plist --> <!-- <Entitlements> <![CDATA[ <key>keychain-access-groups</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> ]]> </Entitlements> --> <!-- Display Resolution for the app (either "standard" or "high"). Optional. Default "standard" --> <!-- <requestedDisplayResolution></requestedDisplayResolution> --> <!-- Forcing Render Mode CPU for the devices mentioned. Optional --> <!-- <forceCPURenderModeForDevices></forceCPURenderModeForDevices> --> <!-- File containing line separated list of external swf paths. These swfs won't be packaged inside the application and corresponding stripped swfs will be output in externalStrippedSwfs folder. --> <!-- <externalSwfs></externalSwfs> --> <!-- </iPhone> --> <!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml file. --> <!--<android> --> <!-- <manifestAdditions> <![CDATA[ <manifest android:installLocation="auto"> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/> <application android:enabled="true"> <activity android:excludeFromRecents="false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest> ]]> </manifestAdditions> --> <!-- Color depth for the app (either "32bit" or "16bit"). Optional. Default 16bit before namespace 3.0, 32bit after --> <!-- <colorDepth></colorDepth> --> <!-- Indicates if the app contains video or not. Necessary for ordering of video planes with graphics plane, especially in Jellybean - if you app does video this must be set to true - valid values are true or false --> <!-- <containsVideo></containsVideo> --> <!-- This app is also for Android TV (either "true" or "false"). Optional. Default is 'false' --> <!-- <supportsAndroidTV></supportsAndroidTV> --> <!-- Path to the image used for banner when the app is shown on TV. The banner should be a .png image of size 320*180.--> <!-- <banner></banner> --> <!-- Indicates if webContents (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) can be inspected in browser. Optional . Default value is 'false' --> <!-- <webContentsDebuggingEnabled></webContentsDebuggingEnabled> --> <!-- Indicates if disableMediaCodec is enabled or not. Optional . Default value is 'false' --> <!-- <disableMediaCodec></disableMediaCodec> --> <!-- </android> --> <!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml file --> <android> <colorDepth>16bit</colorDepth> <manifestAdditions><![CDATA[ <manifest android:installLocation="auto"> <!--See the Adobe AIR documentation for more information about setting Google Android permissions--> <!--Removing the permission android.permission.INTERNET will have the side effect of preventing you from debugging your application on your device--> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>--> <!--The DISABLE_KEYGUARD and WAKE_LOCK permissions should be toggled together in order to access AIR's SystemIdleMode APIs--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>--> <!--The ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permissions should be toggled together in order to use AIR's NetworkInfo APIs--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>--> <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>--> </manifest> ]]></manifestAdditions> </android> <iPhone> <InfoAdditions><![CDATA[ <key>UIDeviceFamily</key> <array> <string>1</string> <string>2</string> </array> ]]></InfoAdditions> <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> </iPhone> </application> Thanks.
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