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Can you test compiled IPAs using Xcode Instruments?

Feb 11, 2012 Feb 11, 2012

I'd like to look for leaks and other various things that the instruments supports over flash builder profiling. Is it possible to test a compiled IPA from flash builder using Xcodes instruments? If so, how do you set the target properly?

I'd like to do it on the device itself but if only the simulator is possible, either is fine. I just can't figure out how to specify the IPA as the target.

I did rename it to a .zip and uncompress the Payload folder and point to that app in instruments and it just tells it it fails to load the app.

Thanks for any tips!

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Advocate ,
Feb 11, 2012 Feb 11, 2012

If you want - I can test your IPA on my iPhone 4G 32 gb 5.0.1 You do not need provide me any profiles. I will install it without any issues and will provide feedback for you. If you want- send me your app to colorsite_ru @ mail.ru

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2012 Feb 11, 2012

on the device it is possible

install the ipa using xcode

if it was built with a developer (not a distribution) provisioning profile

open instruments and you will see the app among the targets

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Advocate ,
Feb 11, 2012 Feb 11, 2012

but from my experience - somewhy ipa made with distribution profiles sometime slowly loading )

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2012 Feb 11, 2012

if you try to test in Instruments an app with a distribution profile, it throws an error

it doesn't let you test it

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Engaged ,
Feb 12, 2012 Feb 12, 2012

Yes it definitely works, no need to uncompress the payload folder or anything. This is what I did to live profile on device via usb:

Test app is installed on ipod4 with my profile as normal. (I am not using a distribution profile)

Open instruments

-new test

-click choose target >put a check next to your hardware device name.

-from this drop down there is another choose target menu - these are the installed apps on the device, you can only profile your own apps.

Select the app, hit record, it launches it on your device automatically and begins profiling!


When I first tried this, I was not able to choose the target, I don't remember why or what I did.

Today I was getting an error when trying to select the target device again (the ipod).

I closed instruments, open iphone config utility - yes it see's the ipod.

I closed iphone config util, open instruments again and then it started working.

Perhaps I had iphone config utility open already and this caused instruments not to see the ipod, or maybe just 'attaching' from iphone config and then closing kicked it in... I don't know.

hope this helps

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Feb 13, 2012 Feb 13, 2012

therabbitwindfall~ Thanks for the offer but I really need to figure out how to do it myself

tarentola~ Thank you that is very helpful advice because I have never tried to do it on a developer profile.

boat5~ What's weird is I see my ipad in Xcode organizer but I don't see it like you say, as a target. Perhaps it's just because I didn't have any apps installed with a developer profile but I will try this and let everyone know if that enables me to see the ipad as a target. Thanks for the detailed reply!

I have to go generate the dev certificate, install, profile, yada yada and I will report back so anyone else facing this issue will know what to do.

Thank you!

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