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camera raw error after update

New Here ,
Oct 23, 2017 Oct 23, 2017

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Just after updating my Adobe CC to 2018 all of my NEF files don't want to open.

PS just open a info window that thare is a program error.

What I did to solve the problem:

1. Re-instal photoshop

2. remove camera raw 10 from plug-in folder and instal it again

3. downgrade my PS to previes version.

everything fail.

My colleague have exactly the same problem.

Could someone help me with this?






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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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I am having the exact same problem.  And I tried pretty much the same thing to fix it.  I am running a 2012 version of Adobe Camera Raw on a mid-2009 MacPro with a 4 core Nehalem processor, 16 GB RAM and a 2 processor Nvidia GTX 680 with 2 GB VRAM.  I am running OS X version 10.10 (Yosemite).

I finally got a cryptic error message during a "forced" install that said my system was outdated and needed to be upgraded.  ACR now only works on OS X version 10.11 and beyond.  On Windows, you need to be running Windows 10 with the "Creative" update from August 2017 to be able to install this update.  This appears to be a trend across several apps with this latest Adobe CC update.  So far, on the other forums, there seems to be little concern on the part of Adobe about fixing this problem.  Good luck!!

According to a Google search, my video card seems to still be worth $500-$600.  Maybe I can sell it and buy another year of Adobe Creative Cloud...that no longer works on my system.

thank you for listening, Fred





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