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Macromedia Flash Player

New Here ,
Feb 04, 2007 Feb 04, 2007
Everytime I download Macromedia Flash Player is disapears! No where to be found! I try doing a search and it say its' not there. It downloads properly but after a few days it's gone! I always check Add and Remove programs to make sure it's there and it is for a few days. When I download the uninstaller from the site, it uninstalls it! The I reinstall it and its fine for a few days. The only reason I know it's not there, is when I go to youtube to view a particuler video and youtube says you need Flash Player to view and you need to have Java script on, which I do! Am I missing something here? I'm just getting tired of the uninstall and reinstall. Is anyone else having this problem?
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New Here ,
Feb 04, 2007 Feb 04, 2007
Thanks for adding a message to my Topic! Unfortunately my knowledge of all this is virtually nil, all I know is that a week ago I could watch video clips (not just youtube) and now I can't ....I keep getting directed to the Adobe site to install stuff but it never seems to install properly....at least I still can't see videos afterwards. I've tried uninstalling 'Flash Player 9 Active X' and 'Shockwave Player' then installing again but no luck.

Let's hope we can get some more help!
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New Here ,
Feb 04, 2007 Feb 04, 2007
PLEEEEEZ.....ANYONE!!! SAME PROBLEM.....I have a practically new Dell, all the bells and whistles, no idea why flashplayer will not install. I can not use youtube, yahoo videos, ANYTHING that requires flash player....It says my=ust download, I select download, NOTHING.......HELP!@#@!&#&#&#%
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New Here ,
Feb 04, 2007 Feb 04, 2007
I have this problem, too, as I just updated to Flash 9 today. It's interesting to note that wherever a flash instance should be (be it a video, game, or even the little flash that's supposed to play after you install the flash player) there is simply a white field. However, if I right click in that white field, it brings up a menu that says "About Flash Player 9". So it IS installed, but it's just not working with anything. Also, with the flash files I've downloaded to my harddrive, they will play in a Flash Player 9 standalone player, but not in a browser (in this case, IE).
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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I've been having the same problem and can't figure it out. Hopefully someone will get it figured out soon. This is driving me CRAZY!
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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
I've having this issue in IE7 for Windows Vista.

The Adobe trigger page says the ActiveX control is installed and it displays the test content. However, all other web sites display the install plugin message.

Using the Adobe Flash uninstaller helps -- somewhat -- I can install the plugin again and it appears to be fine. The Flash Player install appears in 'Programs and Features' and in IE7s 'Managed Add-ons'.

As I said, it's fine -- for awhile at least -- then it just randomly disappears (or unregisters itself?!?)
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New Here ,
Feb 06, 2007 Feb 06, 2007
Same problem. Lately when I visit many websites I've been getting a message telling me that I should install the Adobe Flash Player. Until a few weeks ago I've had no problem playing video on the web. I know nothing

about Java or the Flash Player and the only possible changes (as far as I know) that may have been made before this problem arose would have been an update of some kind that my system notified me was available for download. One site in particular is Youtube.com. When I visit it I get this message:

"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest flash player."


I click on 'Get the latest flash player' and I'm brought to an Adobe Flash Player download page: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash

I click 'Download Now' and an 'Internet Explorer - Securtiy Warning' pops up giving me the option to install Adobe Flash Player. I choose 'Install' and the 'Securtiy Warning' window disappears. Now nothing else happens. I'm given no indication of success or failure and I get the same 'Download Flash Player' message when I revisit the site. After reading through the information dealing with 'download failure' I have downloaded and ran the 'Flash Player Uninstall Tool'. I then restarted my computer, tried reinstalling the Flash Player, but had the same results. If I go to START> CONTROL PANEL> ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAMS the Flash Player is in the list of installed programs.

I don't know what information may be relevant so I'll just mention this. In the list of currently installed programs is 'Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.2_03' and three updates 'J2SE Runtime Environment

5.0 Update 6' and 'J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 9' (both are 119 MB) and J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 10 (120 MB). I wonder if Java is somehow turned off but I'm basically at a loss as what to do next. Any information or advice would be greatly apprectiated. This is very frustrating.
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New Here ,
Feb 06, 2007 Feb 06, 2007

Originally posted by: Broken Link
Same problem. Lately when I visit many websites I've been getting a message telling me that I should install the Adobe Flash Player. Until a few weeks ago I've had no problem playing video on the web. I know nothing about Java or the Flash Player and the only possible changes (as far as I know) that may have been made before this problem arose would have been an update of some kind that my system notified me was available for download.


I don't know what information may be relevant so I'll just mention this. In the list of currently installed programs is 'Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.2_03' and three updates 'J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 6' and 'J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 9' (both are 119 MB) and J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 10 (120 MB). I wonder if Java is somehow turned off but I'm basically at a loss as what to do next. Any information or advice would be greatly apprectiated. This is very frustrating.

We might be onto something here... I've uninstalled the J2SE Runtime Environment from my Vista computer and the Adobe Flash ActiveX control hasn't done its disappearing trick on me. (Well, not yet at least!)

I can do without the Java plugin for the time-being, but Adobe Flash Player is essential for web browsing!

Note to: Broken Link
You can uninstall the previous J2SE Runtime Enviroment Updates and just keep the most recent.
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New Here ,
Feb 06, 2007 Feb 06, 2007
Besides this topic I've also posted in one other. I've heard mention of using other web browsers besides IE7 (Firefox, Opera, Mozilla) in order to be able to view video on the web. I've been hesitant to try anything new because I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff, but some people present this as an option that works for them. I still wasn't sure what to do so I asked about the pros and cons of switching from IE7. The opinions seem to vary but I've been informed that it is possible to keep and use IE7 along with another browser of my choice. For instance, using IE7 for usual web searches and Firefox for video on Youtube. I haven't tried this myself but until the IE7 issue is resolved I see this as my best option.

Thanks for the info about deleting previous Java updates. I was unsure if it was safe to do so and they were starting to pile up. Later guys.
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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
Wow! I had no idea this many people were having the same problems! So why then is Adobe not working on this problem? Is it a result of IE 7? I upgraded to IE 7, than uninstalled it because I was having so many problems with it. I went back to IE6. I had not discovered the problem with Macromedia Player till I went to veiw a video on youtube and couldn't! That is when all this mess happened. I'm sick and tired of unintalling and reinstalling it!

OK The powers at be need to fix this!
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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
I actually upgraded to IE7 thinking the flash problem might be an issue with IE6.
They could at least have instances of Flash Player 8 around for us to download to fall back on until things get fixed.
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Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
There is a FP8 for non-linux/unix platforms

There never was a FP8 for Linux/unix.. it jumped straight from 7 to 9

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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2007 Feb 05, 2007
The standalone of Flash Player 9 got messed up with all the uninstalling and reinstalling I did. Then I downloaded a manual install of Flash Player 8, uninstalled Flash Player 9, and installed 8. However, for some reason, 8 did not get integrated into IE as a plugin. At least I have a stand alone flash player that works, tho. If I need to view a flash in a browser, I'm forced to use Firefox to view it.
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