photoshop elements 4.0
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my computer was upgraded and i am trying to download elements 4.0 with my carom. i am being told adobe is blocking this because its an old version. i am perfectly very happy with elements 4.0 and would like to continue using it. thank you.
jerson suarez 201-344-4205
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jersons74350846 wrote
my computer was upgraded and i am trying to download elements 4.0 with my carom. i am being told adobe is blocking this because its an old version. i am perfectly very happy with elements 4.0 and would like to continue using it. thank you.
jerson suarez 201-344-4205
This is a user-to-user forum, not Adobe corporate. If you scroll through the posts on the forum pages, you will see that many users have had problems with the older versions of PSE on the latest operating systems, as is probably installed on your "upgraded" machine.
Suggest that you download the free 30-day trial of PSEv.15. If you like it, you can purchase the license.
Download Photoshop Elements free trial | Adobe Photoshop Elements
You may get a discount from Adobe since you have an old version. but shop around in the box stores & at Amazon, as the price may be more favorable.