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I just installed Acrobat 2017 from a DVD on my PC and have to run my purchased software as a trial version because it is impossible to register it.
It might be chic that one doesn't have to read and type the serial number anymore, but if you depend on the scan, you should first have a scanner for it (I don't have one on my PC) and second, it would be nice if there were any instructions. The registration process as such doesn't even ask for the barcode scan but for the serial number which I am forbidden to know as it seems. I can find a manual neither on Adobe's website neither in the DVD package. There are some instructions on how to log in, but not a word about how to put the scan into the game. Why the hell is the serial number no longer on the package? There is a number under the barcode, but it doesn't have enough cyphers.
To make matters worse, I installed the program just before midnight; now it's half past twelve and one test day is already gone! Who thinks up something like that?? I feel like I'm being taken for a ride! Hope someone here can help me with a comprehensible manual.
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By the way, I photographed the barcode and had it read by a barcode reader. That also only gives the 16-digit number that is written underneath. I can't activate the product with it.
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The full 20 character serial number would have been on a separate card or a label inside the DVD package. Serial numbers are never complete on the outside of packages for everyone to see.
If you installed and properly registered this before on another machine, you should be able to obtain the full serial from your Adobe Account page, but ONLY if you registered the product.
If you haven't installed this before, where did you buy it?
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...and when did you buy it?
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i've never hear of adobe using a bar code to activate one of their products. (btw, registering is not the same as activating, and you want to activate to change the trial to fully licensed.)
you should be looking for 24 -digit serial number,
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Yes I knew I had to produce a 24-digits number therefore this sticker on the package's back "Zur Aktivierung des Produkts scannen", follwed by the barcode, was rubbish, good for nothing.
Meanwhile, I got the serial number the seller had forgotten to include, and could eventually activate. That is, the "Trial"sign has disappeared from Acrobats left corner and on the first page of my account, there was some sort of a confirmation for Acrobat 2017. But I am surprised Acrobat 2017 doesn't instantly appear in my products' list. Is the system catching a nap?
There was a time Adobe was really easier to handle. Who thinks all that rubbish up to make things complicated and to steal users' time and nerves? I am not amused.
By the way - what is exactly the difference between activating and registering a product?
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that sounds like you purchased it recently. if so, that vendor may have sold acrobat illegally.
i don't know that for a fact, but it's more likely than not. it's especially suspicious if the vendor sent you a serial number. the vendor shouldn't even know your serial number, unless the vendor were adobe.
p.s. yes, the activation process is an aggravation for many people. it was created to help thwart piracy. i'm not sure it helped do anything but aggravate legitimate users.
p.p.s. activation is what you do to license your app and move it from trial to fully licensed. registration is a process for letting adobe have info about you and the app. in exchange, some info (like that serial number) would be available to you in the future, if you lost your other source(s) of documentation.
p.p.p.s. i doubt you can register that now, because of its provenance
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"But I am surprised Acrobat 2017 doesn't instantly appear in my products' list"
Did you register it?
Go to your Adobe Accounts page and enter the serial number:
From the fact you had to get the "seller" to send the serial which should have been in the "sealed" package as new makes me suspect you may have an issue registering a pre-used product.