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Since Adobe seems to be allergic to email interactions I will post this here. I was overcharged by Adobe for 368 euro last month on top of my already 61 euro monthly charge. I have been trying to contact ye but your private support networks are impossible to get a hold of. If ye continue to make this difficult I will have to get the banking institution involved here as that may be quicker. I am not discussing bank details on a public forum, give me an email so I can discuss this with support staff in a private manner. I do not have a twitter so don't even think of linking me to that.
The only possible thing I can see as a cause is my student subscription on my student email. However my student email was voided by the college in July due to having graduated, and as such can no longer access my Adobe account as it sees it as an illigitimate email address. I have already contacted the college about this also so they are involved too.
Please reply to this as soon as possible.
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Please go to Adobe Customer Service (Make sure to sign in to your Adobe account first and allow popups and cookies on your browser. You may not be able to see the chat window if using a VPN.): will automatically open the chat window.
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person.
You may also be able to contact Adobe by phone:
or Twitter:
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I've moved this from the Using the Community forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the Account, Payment, & Plan forum.
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Adobe does NOT do support by email, so beware of answering anyone who sends you a private message
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