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My Adobe license has already expired since August 5!!!
I have received some mails from regarding this, asking me to contact my Adobe account manager. Who my current account manager is was not mentioned. I have written 4 mails to all Adobe employees I have had contact with in the past, but unfortunately I still haven't received an answer or documentation on how I am supposed to pay for the renewal.
Why is the renewal such a complicated issue every year?
Last year I paid on time and correctly, but Adobe could not find my transfer. Even though I sent Adobe the transfer documents umpteen times, the renewal took over half a year and I was unable to access Adobe Creative Cloud at times. Finally, I had to make a new license agreement!
Does anyone have any advice on who I can contact at adobe?
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Please go to Adobe Customer Service (make sure to sign in to your Adobe account first and allow popups on your browser): will automatically open the chat window.
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person.
You may also be able to contact Adobe by phone:
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Meine Adobe Lizenz ist bereitsseit 5. August abgelaufen!!!
Ich habe diesbezüglich einige Mails vom bekommen, mit der Aufforderung mich an meinen Adobe-Kundenbetreuer zu wenden. Wer mein aktueller Kundenbetreuer ist, wurde nicht genannt. Ich habe mitlerweile 4 Mails an alle Adobe-Mitarbeiter geschrieben, mit denen die ich in der Vergangeheit Kontakt hatte, doch leider habe ich noch immer keine Antwort bzw. Unterlagen bekommen, wie ich das Renewal bezahlen soll.
Warum ist das Renewal jedes Jahr so eine komplizierte Angelegenheit?
Letztes Jahr habe ich zeitgerecht und richtig eingezahlt, doch Adobe konnte meine Überweisung nicht finden. Obwohl ich Adobe die Überweisungsunterlagen zig-mal zugesandadt habe, hat das Renewal über ein halbes Jahr gedauert und ich hatte zeitweise keinen Zugriff auf die Adobe-Creative-Cloud. Schlussendlind musste ich einen neue Lizezvertrag machen!!!
Hat jemand einen Rat an wem ich mich bei adobe wenden kann?
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Be sure to remain signed in with your Adobe ID before accessing the link below
Do be aware that Adobe's staffing is impacted by the virus, so wait times are long
-you MUST make sure that your browser does NOT block ads, scripts, or pop-ups
-you MUST also allow 'cookies' in your web browser for the link to work
This link will go directly to the chat option
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person
-Meaning type in the word Agent without the quote " " marks
- or by telephone
Adobe does NOT do support by email, so beware of answering anyone who sends you a private message
-click for more information about scammers