Re: non-profit licenses
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This is pretty messed up. I did everything right, got the e-mail from goodstack, and as soon as I tried to sign up was told that I already have Acrobat Pro. Sure, I signed up for a 15 day trial to evaluate it to see if I wanted it. After speaking with three different reps, none of whom knows anything useful, I concluded I needed to cancel the trial first. I did that today... and now I am being told I can't get it because I have Adobe Express for non-profits (it was free)! So, I canceled Adobe Express. However, you can't just end Adobe Express, because you have to wait until it runs out. 45 days in my case. Yes, when I try to get the new 1yr license for Acrobat Pro, it still says I cannot because I have Adobe Express.
This issue has been going on for almost two months, will it be fixed? or just scrapped?
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Maybe I am misinterpreting the error?
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it's not clear what you're doing.
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Sorry, I applied for this non-profit license for Acrobat Pro
Adobe Acrobat Pro for Nonprofits: Your professional document solution
Went through Goodstack, was approved, then Goodtack emailed me a link. The link leads me to the page displayed. I have spent a few hours on the chat lines with Adobe Support, they are insisting now it's Goodstacks problem. The error seems to indicate that I cannot get Acrobat Pro because I already have Acrobat Express, but the two products do not have the same functionality.
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So let me answer my question, at least a bit. If you run into this problem you can call the sales or billing team. DO NOT ask them to solve the problem. Tell them you want them to remove any subscriptions immediately from your account, regardless of status. Once they do that you will immediately be able to register acrobat pro. Don't buy into the whole Goodstack thing. In no way is this Goodstacks fault. It's 100% Adobe.
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if you cancel an adobe annual subscriptions without signing up for another subscription (same or different), there's a probable penalty likely to be enforced by adobe.
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I have had this same problem. Adobe tells me it's a Goodstack problem. Goodstack says it's an Adobe problem. Plus I need to get licences for 2 volunteers. Goodstack says they have to apply individually. But then they would have to apply as our organization, which is not accurate, and they would have pay for their own licenses.
I left a negative review at and that at least got Goodstack's quick attention. But they haven't fixed the problem.
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one of its vendors -- Goodstack. Everyone I've communicated with at
Adobe insists that it's Goodstack's problem. People at Goodstack say
they are evaluating the process even though it violates the procedures
that Adobe has stated at
I need 3 copies ASAP without my volunteers applying and paying for them
Mary Ellen Smolinski
President and Founder
Working On Wellness Foundation
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Goodstack is not the vendor. They only have the job of varifying the non-profit status and eligibility. Once that is done you are directed back to Adobe to purchase the license.
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I'm in the same boat. Have Adobe express for 3 of our team members. Trying to buy them a acrobat pro, getting the same "transaction not supported" message. Sigh...
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I'm not sure how to tell? It just says Adobe Express everywhere I look.
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check your account,
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what do you mean by, "If I had to get more licenses I would be in trouble for sure."?