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Request for Financial Assistance Regarding Adobe Subscription Fee

New Here ,
Aug 16, 2023 Aug 16, 2023

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I hope this email finds you well. My name is Pradeep Yadav, and I am writing to you as a dedicated student who has been utilizing Adobe's software to further my education and creative endeavors. I am facing a challenging situation due to financial constraints that make it difficult for me to continue my Adobe subscription.

I have been using Adobe's tools extensively for my studies, projects, and personal creative pursuits. They have been instrumental in enhancing my skills and aiding my academic progress. However, I regret to inform you that I am currently unable to afford the subscription fee, which is posing a significant obstacle to my learning journey.

I am reaching out to kindly request your consideration for a possible solution. I understand the value of the services Adobe provides, and I genuinely wish to continue utilizing them to their fullest extent. If there are any options for discounted rates, deferred payments, or special arrangements that could ease my financial burden, I would be immensely grateful.

I am committed to my education and the pursuit of knowledge, and Adobe's software plays a pivotal role in facilitating my growth. I assure you that any form of assistance would not only alleviate my immediate financial situation but also contribute to my long-term development and success.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email and considering my request. I sincerely hope that there might be a way we can work together to find a solution that allows me to continue benefiting from Adobe's tools without the strain of financial constraints.

I look forward to your response and am hopeful for a positive outcome. Please feel free to reach out to me at [Moderator: Personal information removed] if you require any further details or information.

Thank you once again for your time and understanding.

Warm regards,

[Moderator: Personal information removed]







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Aug 16, 2023 Aug 16, 2023

Hi @Pradeep31709790z791,

These are peer to peer forums so no one here can act on your request, you are not addressing Adobe here. You seem to be a student, in such a case you may be entitled for a student discount, check the following


Beyond that if you want to discuss anything in this regards I would say Adobe support would be better avenue for that. They would let you know if there are some discounts that you can avail of. To contact sup




Community Expert ,
Aug 16, 2023 Aug 16, 2023

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Hi @Pradeep31709790z791,

These are peer to peer forums so no one here can act on your request, you are not addressing Adobe here. You seem to be a student, in such a case you may be entitled for a student discount, check the following


Beyond that if you want to discuss anything in this regards I would say Adobe support would be better avenue for that. They would let you know if there are some discounts that you can avail of. To contact support follow the instructions given below
1. Go to https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen
2. Wait a bit on the page that opens up, it should automatically open a chat popup. If that does not happen then look for a call out/chat icon at the bottom right, click over it and the chat popup should open
3. In order to talk to a human type "AGENT" in the chat box
4. If you are not able to get to the chat window, then disable your adblockers, firewall, enable cookies/scripts on your browser. If it still fails then change your browser/machine/network.

P.S. Be mindful of answering anyone who sends you a private message. See the following for more information about scammers





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Community Expert ,
Aug 17, 2023 Aug 17, 2023

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adobe suggestions have greater effect if made elsewhere.


for applicable apps, you can make (some) suggestions to adobe here, https://helpx.adobe.com/ie/x-productkb/global/how-to-user-voice.html


for others, use https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html





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