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subscription payments weirdness

New Here ,
May 09, 2019 May 09, 2019

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Is anyone experiencing profoundly odd cancellations of their cloud subscriptions?

I'm experiencing them all the time. Ive tried speaking to support staff about this but they are very little help. My subscription was cancelled again today. After re - entering my PayPal details 2x it seems to have restarted, but I have no idea why it cancelled in the first place. So I have no idea if it will cancel again.

The support staff are weird to downright kafkaesque. This is a typical encounter...

March 24,  3:32 PM

We'll connect you with an agent as soon as possible. For a faster resolution, please tell us how we can help you today.

I’ve been receiving messages saying there’s a billing issue with my account.



I’ve been receiving messages saying there’s a billing issue with my account.

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

You are now connected to Subha, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hello, I'll be happy to assist you. How may I assist you?

4:00 PM

Conversation ended

March 24,  5:13 PM

I’ve been receiving messages saying there’s a billing issue with my account.

Is this spam? I’ve checked and can’t see a problem

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

You are now connected to LM, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hi there!  Apologies for the delay in responding.  I'll be happy to assist you.

If I understand your issue you've been receiving notification there is a billing issue right?

5:36 PM

Conversation ended

March 25,  9:10 AM


I've been receiving numerous emails saying there is a billing issue with my account. Is this spam? I've checked and there seems no issue at my end.

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

March 25,  9:37 AM



Isn't it 3pm on a sunday afternoon over there? Are you really that flat out?

You are now connected to Abhishek, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hello Tony, I'll be happy to assist you.

I understand that you are concerned about emails you are receiving stating that you have a billing issue.

Did I understand your issue correctly?

Looks like my shift is ending for the day. You'll be helped by another agent who can pick up where we’ve left off.

11:05 AM

Conversation ended

March 25,  09:50 AM

We'll connect you with an agent as soon as possible. For a faster resolution, please tell us how we can help you today.

Hello again. Still trying to resolve a billing issue. As I've said , and said, and said. I am getting emails from you saying there is a billing issue and I cant see what the hell you're talking about. How about letting me know if you can see a problem from your end?

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

You are now connected to Sudesh, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

March 25,  10:40 AM



Hi there!  Apologies for the delay in responding.  I'll be happy to assist you.

10:50 AM


Are you there?

I guess not

Yes, I am right here.

10:51 AM

Have you read my issue?

I can see that the PayPal has rejected the transaction which is why the payment did not go through yet.

Yes, I read it.

10:52 AM

Great. Thats an answer I can deal with

PayPal has rejected the transaction. Transaction cannot complete

This is the message we received on your account when we tried to take the payment.

10:52 AM

Does it give any reason. Because I've not had any other PayPal rejections lately

I cant see any issue with it

No, this is the only reason which I see which I just posted.

May be PayPal can confirm it to you.

10:53 AM

Ok. This is confounding. As I'm using PayPal regularly

I've tried PayPal and they reset everything about ten days ago

Well, I am afraid but this is what I see when we tried to take the payment.

10:54 AM

Thats why I though it may be an adobe issue. I will reset again.

Sure, I understand.

10:55 AM

Is there a way I can reset PayPal , then immediately check with you guys that it is now ok? I dont want to wait and then find out that it still isn't working?

Well, there is one way that as soon as you are able to update or reset your PayPal via Adobe, you contact us and the associate will trigger the payment.

It will process in couple of hours then.

10:56 AM

Ok. I'll give that a go. Should I use the chat window to do that or is phone conversation quicker?

Well, this is completely your wish, you will get the resolution from both the channels. By the way, the phone number for customer support is 1-800-833-6687.

10:58 AM

is that from australia?

This is the universal number.

10:59 AM

Ok. I'll try that right now. Thanks. I'm signing off

Conversation ended

Today  11:31 AM

We'll connect you with an agent as soon as possible. For a faster resolution, please tell us how we can help you today.

Today  11:32 AM

hello. Me again.

I've spent 20 minutes with Paypal. Paypal are adamant that its an adobe problem. There is nothing wrong with my account. In fact the last payment to adobe came from paypals money , not mine. So you seem to have an issue internally. Also you've just sent me 4 separate emails crediting me with 8 days of service free. I presume that is an inconvenience gift? In any event , something is very weird at your end

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

Today  11:31 AM


Today  11:37 AM

I've no idea how long I need to wait for you guys. Is there some sort of "expected delay " message you could institute?

Like other large well known companies?

or even small companies?


coming up to 20 minutes


Sent 11:59 AM

Well here we go again. I'm going to have to hang up and try again later. You guys are working in a very difficult position as your management seem to have no idea how to look after their customers.

I'll wait for your next email telling me that you haven't been able to work out how to use my PayPal account. And we'll have yet another pointless chat.

Oh, and I now have 6 emails from you crediting me with 12 days of free service for March alone. I assume for the irritation that you've caused me? I assume for your inability to charge me from my PayPal account? Which you still cant do , even though you keep giving me free days. Boy, have you guys lost it.

Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

March 24,  5:13 PM

You are now connected to Purnima, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hello, I'll be happy to assist you, can you please explain your issue in brief?

So that I can understyand you better


12:15 PM


anyone there?

Tony, if I understand you are facing payment error.

12:26 PM

I am

Paypal says its your fault

As i can see from my end there is no issue with payment to your adobe plan.

12:27 PM

And can you please explain how I've clocked up 12 free days?

Ok. Why am I getting messages saying that there is billing problem? Is this some sort of phishing scam?

And what are all those free days from adobe about?

As you have been a loyal customer to us and there was delay in payment Adobe added free days to your plan.

12:28 PM

but why 12 free days.

And 6 emails?

As now the payment is received by Adobe you will not receive any emails regarding payment.

This was so every time if there is delay Adobe adds 2 days free. so, adobe have added 6 time 2 days.

12:29 PM

It is resolved and now there will no no more emails.

12:31 PM

So my next bill, for april, will only be for 19 days?

Just clarifying, for being clear purposes

Now you will be charged on 09 Apr 2019.

12:32 PM

Um. Not what I asked.

Recently what we received was for month of March and now we will charge you for April month on 09 Apr 2019.

12:33 PM

Just to be clear. Adobe has credited me 12 days. How is that going to appear?

Free 12 days have been already used by you.

12:35 PM

I just got 2 free days an hour ago. How did I use them up?

Just looking at the emails you sent me. It says that they will be credited to my next invoice

How can I have used them up already? Time is different for you guys?

As we have not received the payment therefore we added free 2 days and after adding free days we have received payment.

12:37 PM

This is an unusual way of measuring time. It seems that time changes according to the reciept of payment. Before I somehow was able to magically connect PayPal to you, without doing anything at my end, I had 10 days that were being credited to me on the next month.

After I did nothing but contact you, I magically had 2 more days added to my credits that then went away after I did nothing again.

The result of doing nothing again was the connection of my PayPal account , according to you.

Im fairly sure you dont know what your doing

Tony, as a goodwill gesture from my end I will add free 2 days.

12:42 PM

Certainly what you are saying makes no sense

Will this be helpful?

12:42 PM

So I'm now up to 14 days of credit?

or 2?

Only 2 days.

12:42 PM

Because somehow the 12 days I got credited to next month have dissaperaed this morning

Is this really Adobe I'm talking to ?

Hmmm. Guess not.

Sent 12:44 PMType your message here

Tony, as we were tying to charge you on 9th of march and we were not and the payment was received on 28th of march.

The free 12 days were adjusted in the days when we have not received the payment.

12:49 PM

Guys. I have no idea anymore what you are talking about. This makes no sense. But it doesn't matter. I'm calling a halt to the whole thing and just walking away. If the payment thing has been resolved  then thats all I care about. Hopefully things just go back to the way they were before I did nothing so many times that created so many days of free things that apparently never were. I hope you all have a very nice day. Goodbye!

Yes, now there is no issue with your payment.

1:18 PM


Your subscription service has been cancelled according to your request.

Today  2:52 PM

Hello, guess what, I'm back! I gather that you think I asked you to cancel my subscription? Is that how you interpreted my last message about hoping that everything was resolved?

You just emailed a sad message saying you were sorry that I'd cancelled my subscription. Pretty sure that nowhere in any of the conversations I've had with you guys is there a mention of that.


Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience.

anyone there?

As you clearly dont need my permission to cancel my plan I guess you don't need to have my permission to put me back on. Would that be correct? It'd be a lot less hassle.

Ok. Just so its on record for the next adobe elf that I talk to, or gazes at this list of messages, I never asked for my subscription to be cancelled. Never. Thats an important word. Someone acted without authority. While I applaud your initiative in trying to read between the lines , or perhaps just read, I want my subscription returned to the state it was in before someone started screwing around with it.

I'm looking at you Purnima!

Sent 3:39

You are now connected to Anamika, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hello, I will be happy to assist you.May I know the issue you are facing?

4:20 PM


The last person I communicated with on this web chat apparently cancelled my subscription. I've just received an email saying that Adobe is sorry to see me go and that they are cancelling myself subscription. I never asked for that

Apparently I found the product too complicated to learn.

Tony, I really apologize for the inconvenience. Due to some technical glitch you have received that cancellation email.I have checked your account and i can see the plan for Creative Cloud All Apps is active and there is no issues with the services.I request you to avoid those cancellation emails.

May I know which application you are using?

4:28 PM

Ok. Its been a very weird day. I really hope that I dont have any more communications from you. Not in a negative way. I just don't have the time to deal with all this confusion - fire hosing down on me from adobe.

Im using all of them. Since 1994

or thereabouts.

I have to say that the communications that I have had with adobe over the last few days have been indistinguishable from spam or phishing. Its quite concerning how little understanding of english grammar and syntax the response team seem to have.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.I request you to avoid those cancellation emails as it is send to some customers due to the technical glitch.May I know the app, you are facing issues with so that I can connect you with the technical department of the app?

4:32 PM

I have no problems with any apps. Wow! this is kafkaesque. I had a billing problem. Which turned out not to be of my making. It was of your making. Look, I've had enough of this craziness. I'm signing off now. Life is just too short for this.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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Has this been solved Tony, I'm in EXACLY the same nightmare at the moment. Half a year long Paypal payments went well. In January I suddenly couldn't pay anymore. On the Paypal end everything is in order. Adobe says: Paypal rejects it, Paypal says: yes it's a serious problem with Adobe.


"The last person I communicated with on this web chat apparently cancelled my subscription. ... I never asked for that"

Also EXACTLY the same here.


I'm in the laundromat for 5 days now. Clients are waiting. Did you solve it?





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Community Expert ,
Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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I called for Adobe staff to look into this. If you do not get a timely response, you can post again here and you may pm me. 


Just one word about Adobe staff: Adobe staff is marked as "Adobe employee" and has the Adobe logo as a badge attached to their avatar. Be aware there are many imposters contacting you.


Look here for more information: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-camera/avoid-phishing-3-easy-ways-to-identify-adobe-staff/t...

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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Thanks Abambo!

How do I get in contact with 'Adobe staff'? When I asked for someone higher up, Adobe Twitter justs sends me back to that horrible Asian help chat.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 30, 2020 Jan 30, 2020

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As I put a message in a private forum, Adobe staff should have contacted you by now. If not, still give them until friday and pm me if there was nothing happening. In that case, I will pm some of my contacts.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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I'm still without Adobe. It's a nightmare.





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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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Going through exactly the same issue. Apparently all of my credit cards (3) have stopped working, although every other bill and payment is just fine. Absolutely hopeless customer support and I'm absolutely fuming, and still without Lightroom, after 20 days. 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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contact adobe support.  there are 3 ways to contact adobe; chat, phone and twitter:

use a browser that allows popups and cookies
and click here, https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.


tweet @AdobeCare

p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an adobe.com domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam, https://community.adobe.com/t5/using-the-community-discussions/staying-safe-in-the-adobe-support-com...





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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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Hi there, contacted the chat a bunch of times, allegedly speaking with humans. Get vague and inconsistent answers each time. They don't seem to know what they're doing. Just spent another hour on the chat with an agent, and they say that I need to try again once the new error message has resolved itself... it's been 20 days and 5 chats now... how long do I need to wait for the system to stop cr*pping itself? I love Lightroom, it's great software. The price is fine. I just want to pay and get on with my work. Why is it impossible to pay by any of the offered methods?!





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Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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if you entered "agent" in the chat field, you were chatting with a human.


other than that, i can't say much. i don't have access to anything related to your account.





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Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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Moving to Account, Payment, & Plans.





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