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Switch subscription

New Here ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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Hi, I recently started the wrong Adobe subscription ("Lightroom") for my photography study. Now I tried to switch the licence to a new one ("Photography"), but I was only able to cancel the old one in the App Store instead of switching it. Now, I need to wait until my old subscription ends, until I can download the new one (as it constantly gives an error message, that I already have Lightroom, when I try to download the new one), but I need it already now. What can I do? 






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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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use a browser that allows popups and cookies and contact adobe support by clicking here, https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human

p.s you can also use phone (but chat is usually quicker), https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html

p.p.s. you can also use twitter to tweet @AdobeCare

p.p.p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an adobe.com domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam, https://community.adobe.com/t5/using-the-community-discussions/staying-safe-in-the-adobe-support-com...


<moved from download&install>





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