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Here's the rundown:
Last month I needed to use lightroom to edit a few photos. I don't use lightroom often, I haven't touched it in a few years. But, I needed it for these photos so I ended up purchasing what I thought was a monthly subscription with the intention of cancelling later. It's marketted on their website as a "monthly payment," right beside the annual payment option. "Perfect!" I thought, "I don't need a full year, I only need the software for these photos I'll buy it for a month and cancel once I'm done, I won't be using it past that."
Boy was I suprised when I realized it wasn't a monthly subscription at all. Hiden inside pages of fine print is a $25.98 cancelation fee for ending a yearly subscription. WHAT??
I didn't want a yearly subscription! I never did! I only wanted this product for a few photos thats why I selected a monthly payment. This intentionally misleading and a total scam.
What's even more ridiculous is that there is no was to contact customer support!
There's literally a button on their support page that says:
"Contact us. Real Help from Real People"
When you press the button it just takes you back to the default support page. No phone number, no email, even when you try doing the online chat it just bounces you back to the default page. They've now billed me for another month of a plan I don't want and are trying to charge me even more money to get out.
I can't believe a company like adobe would rely on hidden fees and misleading advertising to try and milk it's customers for an extra few dollars. I am truly disgusted.
I want my money back and I want out of this ridiculous plan!
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SOME programs are available Monthly - links and pictures
-the special Photography Plan is ONLY available on an annual plan, with monthly or 1 annual payment
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You're missing the point entirely.
There are pages and pages of info on different plans, prices and products that adobe offers. As a new customer (someone who is not familiar with adobe plans and payment structures) I shouldn't be expected to dig through dozens of pages and forums to figure out what I'm buying and where I'll be hammered on hidden fees. This information should be clear and transparent from the beginning and it isn't.
When I registered for adobe I got an email with a "more info" link that said the following:
"Cancellation details:
Cancel your annual subscription before Oct. 25 to get a full refund and avoid a fee.
You can cancel your subscription anytime via your Adobe Account page or by contacting Customer Support."
Avoid a fee? I wonder what that's all about? I'm guessing they're talking about cancelling before next months bill? Let me double check the "more info" link to see if there is a cancellation fee I missed somewhere during the checkout.
When I click the "more info" link right underneath the cancellation policy it takes me to this page:
There is something incredibly devious about this page. Something that I expect most users won't notice but I did.
I clicked that link the day I registered for adobe looking specifically for anything that mentioned a cancellation fee. There was NOTHING. Not one word mentioning any form of cancellation fee. There is a section titled "Cancellation Fee and Refund" but says absolutely nothing about a cancellation fee, only talks vaguely about a 14 day refund.
I was quite suprised when I went to the same link this afternoon and noticed a new section that explains the cancelation fee: 50% of the remaining balance of the contract. What?? How can this be? I read that entire page a few weeks ago and I could have sworn it wasn't there before??
I figured out why. The section explaining the cancellation fees is not visible if you are logged out of your adobe account. When I navigate to the link while logged in: boom there it is plain as day; an entire section at the top of the page explaining the cancellation fees. But when I log out this entire section of the website magically dissapears!!!
This is a disgusting system designed specifically to trick new customers into thinking they can cancel at any time.
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Sorry about your situation. I can understand that you are unhappy with the cancellation terms, but those are the terms you agreed upon when you finalize the buy. The plan is labled "annual plan, paid monthly", so you really should explain what about annual is misleading.
Also in the terms that you explicitly agree upon, is clearly stated, that you will have to pay a cancellation fee, if you cancel early.
Again, I can understand that you didn't read all this beforehand, but all the terms and conditions are not that long and are not that fine print. The terms and conditions I agreed upon for my phone service were one full page, written in 8 point font and were really hard to read.
Now if you want to contact Adobe on this, you can do so, by simply following the instruction hereafter (fyi it works):
Adobe customer care can be contacted by beginning a secure chat session at Pop-up blockers need to be disabled! If the chat window fails to open, or is non-responsive, use a different device to start the interaction.
Support phone numbers may be found here: Please note that phone charges may apply.
(see also here: or here
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This guy is 100% right. I can't believe there is still this yearly subscription in 2023. Streaming services provide way more data and IP protected content and you can cancel them at any time. I just got roped in for a year again after forgetting to cancel a free trial because I needed to edit a PDF on my phone for work, a rare occassion. Frankly this is a business practice of failing high pressure sales businesses like a local gym.
[abuse removed by moderator]
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I just got roped in for a year again after forgetting to cancel a free trial
By @trevora21596975
If you contact Adobe Customer Service and explain that, they may let you cancel and give you a full refund.
There is some leeway in their enforcement of the contract:
(Make sure to sign in to your Adobe account first and allow popups and cookies on your browser. You may not be able to see the chat window if using a VPN.): will automatically open the chat window.
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person.
or Twitter:
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No they wont, I tried and they litterally wouldn't continue to speak to me after making me pay hundreds of dollars while the annual plan was still going, I told them to cancel it because it was unused and they still took my money. I contacted them asking why it changed to be so expensive and why I was locked in for a year when I wanted the monthly plan that I was originally signed up for. They shouldnt be doing this to their customers.
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(…) when I wanted the monthly plan that I was originally signed up for. They shouldnt be doing this to their customers.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
You are mixing fact and fiction. You did not sign up to a monthly plan, but an annual plan paid on the month. If you have a plan, you have a plan, if you use it or not, you have to pay it, as you wanted it. Adobe makes it's investment plans according to the number of subscriptions they have. If you have an annual plan, your commitment is for a year, not for a month. That's why there is a substantial discount for the annual subscription. The early termination fee compensates that.
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No infact you are wrong, I had a month to month plan but they canceled my student subscription and changed it to a full one with an annual contract without informing me. I have been paying them since 2018.
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And to clarify they may have contacted me when this happened years ago but from what I recall they were not very helpful at all and they setup the annual contract which I asked them to remove multipul times and to refund but they never got back to me, ive spoken to them almost every year when this happens. Sometimes I miss the renew date and sometimes I just say forget it, but thats what their hoping for.
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And to clarify they may have contacted me when this happened years ago (…)
By @elliott22381345j3zk
"May have" is conditional.
(…) but from what I recall they were not very helpful at all and they setup the annual contract (…)
By @elliott22381345j3zk
So they send yo an e-mail, that the contract was now a standard one, as you failed to prove your student allegiance. An annual student contract, if to cancelled before the end, changes into an annual standard contract, when the student discount is no more granted.
(…jwhich I asked them to remove multipul times and to refund but they never got back to me,
By @elliott22381345j3zk
How did you contact them? A refund is only due in specific conditions that you surely did not meet. Very often Adobe employees gracefully initiate a refund. The story you tell them needs to have some credibility.
ive spoken to them almost every year when this happens.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
Why didn't yo cancel? The early termination fees are half of what is due, so for anything that you do not use, that is a good deal. A better deal than paying years and years…just to miss the cancellation date again.
Sometimes I miss the renew date and sometimes I just say forget it,
By @elliott22381345j3zk
You need to cancel only once, so you can't miss "sometimes" the renewal date. If you say forget it, you assume to have a subscription and you pay for it, regardless of it's use to you. You know that you can set up reminders in your calendar?
(…j but thats what their hoping for.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
They (Adobe) are hoping for a longstanding happy relationship with you for mutual profit. They rather prefer losing you as a customer than having you unhappyly keeping on to pay for their products.
Your behavior is not logical. Either you need the software and you use it, or you cancel it. I strongly recommend you to cancel and move on.
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Its not that simple when you have images and data stored on their cloud system that they automatically setup, the cloud model in general is used to centralize data, but not only that its used to limit your access to your own data. Its not easy to take everything off of there and they say they will delete it if you cancel.
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(when others, like me, can't determine what really occurred, it's problematic when you're incorrect about a few things. it makes everything you say suspect.)
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I understand your perspective but you can't expect a random reviewer to have perfect memory, I cared enough to say something about it and that should be enough for some people, if you don't want to believe me im not stopping you. I said what I could remember from my experience to the best of my ability but its not about my specific problem, its about a system that isnt designed to cater to people like me who have been fond of these programs for almost a decade and only in the last few years began having these subscription model problems.
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(i was trying to give you some advice for the future. i'm not critiquing your criticisms.)
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I get it, im just saying that if admitting you may not know or remember everything perfectly is enough to cause you to lose all credibility then who can you trust? The ones who would lie?
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saying something is suspect is not the same as saying you've lost all credibility. and yes, there may be some unfairness in that, but that's the way it works in real life (and in us courts of law).
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This is real life. And im not in court, its up to whoever reads this to understand what im saying. What I may have gotten wrong was about my specific problem (it might still be true) but what im trying to say is about the bigger picture and the detail I was unsure about was regarding something else. If this was a court you can be sure I would get the details.
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No infact you are wrong, I had a month to month plan but they canceled my student subscription and changed it to a full one with an annual contract without informing me. I have been paying them since 2018.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
As I said. Facts and fiction. There is no monthly student subscription. Student subscriptions are all annual. Student subscriptions are only valid as long as you are a student (you fullfill the conditions!). There is a first year discount on the student price, the second year, the student price is around half of the regular price.
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you can keep claiming "fact and fiction" but the facts are, they changed the pricing model a couple years ago, your belief doesnt change that reality. They had a month to month subscription back in about 2018. There were three options back then, anual - paid monthly, annual -paid yearly, and then there was just monthly, I had the monthly plan for a couple years on and off because i couldnt always afford it, until they changed the pricing model. Since the change they have made me get the annual subscription and auto renewed it for the last couple years even when i asked them not to, last time I spoke with them they finally cancelled the autorenew but they did not refund anything and it lasted for the rest of the year even though I asked for a refund at the beginning of the last subscription informing them i probably wouldnt even be using it as I hadn't used it more than a few times in the previous 10 months. Im not sure why you can't remember the other pricing model.
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The point is this is not very becoming of a large company that has many users. This kind of difficulty didnt happen in the past or it was taken care of in a way that was honorable and straightforward. Its not like that anymore. All these terms and rules are used to protect the company at the users expense. Even if im wrong about a few memories and details im not wrong about that.
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The point is this is not very becoming of a large company that has many users. This kind of difficulty didnt happen in the past or it was taken care of in a way that was honorable and straightforward. Its not like that anymore. All these terms and rules are used to protect the company at the users expense. Even if im wrong about a few memories and details im not wrong about that.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
Since I'm following these (and the preceeding) fora, people waere unhappy with Adobe products and services. But those expressing their discomfort are largely in a minority as obviously millions are using Adobe products without complaining. This said, you are entitled to be unhappy with the services provided, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
As the conditions may have changed over the years and I can't remember all that was initially the case, I know that the current terms and conditions were in place for years now. I would bet that the termination terms were similar to the current terms in 2018. I would need to painfully search my e-mails to prove that, however, which I will not do, as nobody is paying me for the hours of research.
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you can keep claiming "fact and fiction" but the facts are, they changed the pricing model a couple years ago, your belief doesnt change that reality. They had a month to month subscription back in about 2018. There were three options back then, anual - paid monthly, annual -paid yearly, and then there was just monthly, I had the monthly plan for a couple years on and off because i couldnt always afford it, until they changed the pricing model.
By @elliott22381345j3zk
Sorry, but those models are still available:
Student plans are annual only. And a student plan is valid only for a creative cloud subscription. You do not have single apps subscriptions.
I don't know when I took a full annual Creative Cloud subscription, but it was 2014 or before. Before I had a Photography plan. Both were/are annual subscriptions.