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I can't find anywhere to file a complaint or submit feedback, so here it is.
Acrobat DC is horrible. I feel like it wasn't made for professionals at all and makes it much more difficult to navigate a simple document. My custom toolbar at the top? Gone. Replaced by ridiculous pre-school style buttons on the right. Want to re-organize page order? It opens up an entirely separate window for that, totally unnecessarily.
Thanks for giving me a day of trying to figure out how I can delete this worthless pile of kindergarten garbage and somehow get back to just Acrobat XI while still using my cloud sub.
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If you want to uninstall Acrobat DC and get back Acrobat XI, follow these instructions.
Acrobat DC uninstalled Acrobat XI | How to get Acrobat XI back
You can always reinstall DC later.
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Over designed and under-engineered.
Adobe, this is your Windows Vista moment.
The interface seems to have been designedby people who have never used the product.
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Has Adobe made ANY attempt yet to address the interface catastrophe that it implemented in Acrobat DC?
I mean, I realise it's only been three years — and that Adobe cares slightly less than nothing what its paying suckers customers think...
But some progress towards actually taking onboard significant user feedback would be positive.
The words 'chance' and 'fat' spring to mind.
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I think you know the answer they could not give a SH 1 T, about users when is that staff post from? on page 1, 2015 says it all
As someone said stop making software act if we are on a phone, it does not work
Updates, progress, round spherical objects - do i say!!!
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Acrobat Pro DC is unuseable!
OMG it is the worst! Why, why, why was this version created? Maybe to sell a different product. I can't even create a simple form or hide some pages. To do anything, even open an attachment I have to create a script. Why is the product so bad that it can't even do simple, basic functions?
This is the first post I have ever left with Adobe, and I had to leave it because I want to cry. It is that bad.
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Yes... it's awful. I think I am finally ready to move on... find a product that is worth my time.
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I think the Acrobat DC development team is in contest with the Windows 10 development team to see who can write a crappier piece of software. If these two industry giants had a child it would be the Antichrist.
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Hahaha Mark, you made my day
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This thread can't be called anything other than legendary.
Tens of thousands of views, hundreds of likes and counting.
Did I mention that Adobe still doesn't give a flying hoot about the case?
Anyway, I have just archived the entire thread locally -- you never know what kind of ideas some mid-level CRM manager at Adobe might come up with to make his sub-division look better.
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Have they purged the forums? There are now significantly less likes on this thread and I can hardly find anything within the acrobat one.
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OMG, Acrobat is the most horrible application and interface I have used in 25 years as an IT professional. How could this come from the company that made Photoshop, Pagemaker and Acrobat. The cloud concept is not professional grade, it is slow and the user interface is awful. You have to search for how to accomplish anything. I have seen some bad software in my day but it is usually from small startups. There needs to be a professional version that does not require individual logins of every user in an enterprise. The amazing thing is you don't need a team of experts to redesign the interface. It was fine around acrobat 10 before it was dumbed down with the the current interface. Change for the sake of change is not always good. This is like Windows 8 when some amateur decides to drop the start menu. Anubha_Goel this doesn't need to be passed on to development. They created this, this needs to be passed to upper management and shareholders if Adobe is publicly held. Obviously development feels this version is an improvement. Some other ideas is to identify the most common operations and make the interface quick and easy to perform the most common. Then you can bury much less used option with a search option. Instead everything has to be looked up and searched. This is a model now for what not to do in interface design. You also need a PRO version for professionals that is not dumbed down.
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@ibarragan wrote:
"You also need a PRO version for professionals that is not dumbed down."
There is a PRO version of Acrobat that contains additional tools used by professionals in printing, graphics arts, accessibility, and other trades. See
The interface problems that people have complained about since 2015 have been well documented in these forums.
But in the 4 years since the interface was released, the "Hello Kitty/My Little Pony" appearance has been toned down a bit.
The gray-on-gray contrast has been heightened.
And some new tools/features have been added or enhanced.
I agree that the interface can sometimes be a royal PITA, but I've personally gotten used to its quirks and am able to process dozens of documents a day with its tools (mainly for print publishing, digital publishing, and accessibility). However, I'm far from being satisified with the program's capabilities and think another overhaul of its interface and functionality is needed. The 2015 GUI revamp was -- and still is -- awful.
I'd start with a good functionality statement defined from real customers and scenarios of use.
But then again, what do I know about this stuff and Acrobat!
In the meantime, Adobe listens to suggestions, feedback and bugs in the UserVoice forums, not here. We're just volunteers who help with tech support issues and have nearly no say in what Adobe does.
So I encourage you to voice your ideas (and complaints) at
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@ ibarragan wrote:
"You also need a PRO version for professionals that is not dumbed down."
There is a PRO version of Acrobat that contains additional tools used by professionals in printing, graphics arts, accessibility, and other trades. See
The interface problems that people have complained about since 2015 have been well documented in these forums.
But in the 4 years since the interface was released, the "Hello Kitty/My Little Pony" appearance has been toned down a bit.
The gray-on-gray contrast has been heightened.
And some new tools/features have been added or enhanced.
I agree that the interface can sometimes be a royal PITA, but I've personally gotten used to its quirks and am able to process dozens of documents a day with its tools (mainly for print publishing, digital publishing, and accessibility). However, I'm far from being satisified with the program's capabilities and think another overhaul of its interface and functionality is needed. The 2015 GUI revamp was -- and still is -- awful.
I'd start with a good functionality statement defined from real customers and scenarios of use.
But then again, what do I know about this stuff and Acrobat!
In the meantime, Adobe listens to suggestions, feedback and bugs in the UserVoice forums, not here. We're just volunteers who help with tech support issues and have nearly no say in what Adobe does.
So I encourage you to voice your ideas (and complaints) at
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Yet another feature of DC that is WORSE than previous versions of Acrobat: Say I am marking up a document and want to add a comment in a text box. This is a very common thing for people to do in the real world. Previous versions of Acrobat would place the blinking cursor inside the text box (knowing that the only reason someone would create a text box is to put words in it). Acrobat DC lets you create a text box but FAILS to put the cursor in the text box. So you have to click multiple times (maybe even enlarging the text box so you can click inside it) just to be able to type. You gotta be kidding me...
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me too - I un-installed it for many several different reasons. Now though it seems I am having other issues. AURGHH.
Been sending files back to customers because DC was rendering things wrong! When Opened with XI they were fine! made me look like and idiot!
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Why is it so hard to mark up in Adobe acrobat Pro DC.
I want to do a simple highlight over a pdf and it won't work. I know how to organize pages, rotate etc.
But I can't mark up. There is a highlighter icon at the top of the page. I click on it, it seems activated but when a click and drag my mouse over what i want to high light is doesn't work. Should this really be anymore complicated then that?
Anyone else have these difficulties. PDF Expert on my iphone is 1000 times more usefull in this regard.
Seriously, what am I missing here???
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I concur - I've just been going crazy as it's loading an earlier version of a file despite me clicking a brand new generated file from InDesign. I've never experienced a bug or feature this frustrating before.
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Everything anyone ever wanted to know about "Acrobat SO HORRIBLE it's making me want to cry"
and more could be read for years in the original legendary thread here:
[Code to change the language preference to German removed from link by moderator]
Since that thread has been locked by Adobe, instead of fixing that Acrobat has become, well so be it. We users are moving on to companies that listen [code to php link removed by moderator] and produce software [code to tracking software removed by moderator] that long has left Acrobat in the dust of history.
[abuse removed by moderator]