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Hope this is the correct forum i am posting this.
I have a user,with a problem concerning a Acrobat Pro license.
It keeps showing that it is a trial version that the user is using but I have issued a Acrobat Pro license from adobe admin console.
I have tried the following:
1. I removed the user from Adobe admin console both license and user
2. I have uninstalled Acrobat Pro on the users laptop
3. I logged the user out of
4. I waited the weekend over
5. I created the user again and assigned a license
6. I installed Acrobat Pro based on the email that came from Adobe to the user and it still shows it as a trial version
What am I doing wrong?
Hope you can help
Thanks in advance
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Thx for your suggestions
It didn't work though, I fixed the problem by changing the users laptop to a new one
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i removed Adobe and rebooted, THen installed it again. Now it worked
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Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
Please ask the user to login using his company account as described in the help page and see if that works.
If it still doesn't work, Please perform following steps on the user machine as per the operating system to fix this issue.
1) Close all adobe related processes in activity monitor (Creative cloud, Core sync, CC library, services for adobe desktop app, adobe desktop service, Adobe IPC broker, AAM updater)
2) Navigate to following locations and assign the current user full permissions to adobe folders. To navigate click go from menu bar at then click goto.. type /Library/application support/ and click go.
3) To assign the permission right click on adobe folder and click Get info.. A property window will open. Then click on lock symbol to enable editing. Then click + sign to add your username. Then change read only to read and write. Then click gear symbol at the bottom and click apply to enclosed items and click ok.. Proceed to next step then.
3) Navigate to following location /Library/application support/adobe and Delete Slstore and slcache .
4) Navigate to ~/Library/application support /adobe/oobe and delete opm.db
5)Navigate to /etc and open hosts file. Check if it has adobe entries . If no its fine, if yes replace the hosts file with a new hosts file with no adobe entries
6) Launch the app and it should work fine
1) Close all adobe related processes in task manager (Core sync, services for adobe desktop app, adobe desktop service, Adobe IPC broker, AAM updater)
2) Navigate to following locations and assign the current user full permissions to adobe folders. (Right click on adobe folder select properties then click security tab , click edit and select current user you are signed in with , select full control , click apply and then ok)
C://program data (enable view hidden files to see this folder)
C://program files 86x/common files
C://program files 86x/
C://program files/common files
C: //program files/
3) rename SLstore to Slstore.old at following location c://program data/Adobe/
4) Rename SLcache to Slcache.old at following location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
4) Navigate to c://users/username/appdata/local/adobe/oobe and rename Opm.db to opm.old
5) Navigate to c://windows/system32/drivers/etc/ and open hosts file using notepad. IF you see any Adobe entry there please replace that hosts file with a new hosts file which does not have any adobe entry. If there is no Adobe entry leave the hosts file as it is.
6) Launch the app and sign in .
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Hi Amal
Thx very much I will try this ASAP!
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It's probably not the user, but the computer.
I would do the following tests:
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Thx for your suggestions
It didn't work though, I fixed the problem by changing the users laptop to a new one
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Thx for your suggestions
It didn't work though, I fixed the problem by changing the users laptop to a new one
By @Morten297239328623
That's like my second suggestion. Same user different computer.
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i removed Adobe and rebooted, THen installed it again. Now it worked