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Acrobat Reader crashing while printing multiple documents at a time

New Here ,
Aug 05, 2024 Aug 05, 2024

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We're facing an issue where Acrobat Reader will crash in the middle of printing PDFs. This causes the print to stop half way through, resulting in only around 2-7 of the pages out of the 15 selected actually ending up printing. This doesn't happen when printing any other format (when it's not Acrobat Reader handling the print).


We can see in the event viewer that it is indeed crashing with a code 0xC0000005.


This is happening on multiple machines within the building, regardless of if the files are stored locally or if they're on the mapped network drives. It could potentially be related, but printing through Microsoft Print to PDF works fine in this case, but otherwise, printing causes the crash as mentioned. The printing is done through a print server, deployed through group policy.


The workaround we have for now is to simply use a different PDF reader, which does work fine but isn't ideal as we'd like to keep the amount of additional software needed to the minimum, and Acrobat is used with other software in integrations, making it quite awkward switching between the two.


Is there any sort of setting in preferences that would affect this? There was another post about this, relating it to Internet Explorer registry edits, however it was left unanswered after that solution didn't work.

Crash or freeze , General troubleshooting , PDF






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