Acrobat X Delete pages
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When i try to delete pages, i select the icon then enter from to page numbers, i always have to repeat this twice before the actual pages delete?
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I'm also having the same issue running Acrobat Pro on my Mac (Snow Leopard), but I have found that deleting a page works fine when using the backspace key on the keyboard and confirming simply by hitting enter. I have absolutely know idea WHY, but I've tested it a number of times and it does the trick.
BUT, another problem is what happens if I delete the wrong page. Undo is ALWAYS greyed out!! The only way to undo is to close the document and start over...
Adobe, this is very disappointing. In my mind Acrobat X should NEVER have been released is this sad state.

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Well, there are always PATCHES. That is, if anybody from Adobe is reading this thread.

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Knasper111, Can you explain what you mean by "using the backspace key on the keyboard"?
I am also having this problem. I am using Windows 7 & Acrobat X version 10.0.0.
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@ Cheryl
Just select the thumbnail of the page you want to delete and hit the backspace key.

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That does it! Actually, I have to select the thumbnail(s), hit backspace, and then hit delete.
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I've tried Acrobat X on OSX Lion as well, and it behaves the same way as on Snow Leopard.
Six months has passed since Adobe responded and still no solution. Something tells me their solution will be Acrobat XI. Just don't expect me to buy it, I feel cheated enough as it is...
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Just out of curiosity, does the Undo command work on your machine? No matter what I do in Acrobat Pro I can never undo anything, it's always greyed out. I wish Adobe would do something about this mess...

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No. Undo does not work for me, either.
I just discovered a new weirdness.
I made 2 test docs (by making copies of existing docs). On the first one, I was able to delete pages using your backspace trick. I saved and reopened it. Now I cannot delete pages because I'm getting the "in use" error. On the second doc, I was able to open it, delete pages, save & close, and then repeat the whole cycle several times.
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I don't think I've ever come across the "in use" error, it doesn't ring a bell. I repeated your test using a PDF downloaded from a software vendor and I'm having no trouble editing the two copies and saving them multiple times. Tried the same thing on one of my scanned PDF's, no trouble with that one either.

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Take a look at Satira17's long post on March 9. When I try to delete, first I get the "Are you sure" message. I click OK and then I get "One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted." I wish I could post the problem doc but (1) I don't see an "attach" ability here. Maybe I'm just overlooking it. (2) My problem doc contains proprietary info and I can't share it. I tried to reproduce the problem with a Greeked doc but, of course, the problem doesn't happen then.
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You might find this thread of interest:
I had no idea a page deletion can't be undone, only reverted.
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Frustrated with this issue I seem to have found a solution that works. Always open file from within Adobe (I'm using Pro 9 windows). From documents choose delete page. Select the page(s) you want to delete and use shift control D and it always works for me - hope it does for you too

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What worked for me: I printed the entire file to a new pdf ("v2"). That version allowed me to delete pages without error.
None of the other solutions in the string of responses worked in Acobate X.
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NOTHING is working for me. I copy to a new PDF, and I STILL can't delete a page. If I see that "pages in use" message one more time...
OK, I've cooled off a little now. I'm on a MacPro, OS 10.7.2, Acrobat X 10.1.1.
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The "pages in use" message is still with me too. Adobe ought to be ashamed
they have not fixed this with
an update in the many months the problem has existed!
Sometimes if I print selected pages to an Acrobat PDF, that will get me down to
the pages I want.
I also had another utility prn2pdf that prints to a PDF file and that works all
the time to get selected pages.
Doing a delete obviously means printing everything except what you don't want
there any more.
Dave Scott
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Could you try this? Open the JS Console (Ctrl+J), delete the text in it,
and enter the following code instead:
deletePages(0, 3);
Select this code and press Ctrl+Enter. This code should delete the first 4
pages of the file.
You can adjust the numbers in the code to point to the page range you want
to remove (just remember that it's zero-based, so page 1 is 0, page 2 is 1,
etc.), and see if that works... If so, I could create a script that will
allow you to easily delete the pages you can't delete through the Pages
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Thanks for the help but that doesn't work for me.
I also don't like the approach.
I feel Adobe owes me a fix.
Control-J doesn't open it.
I searched and found
but it doesn't look like that in version X. I turned everything on.
Saved. Exited the program. Opened again.
Control-J doesn't open it.
My method of printing selected pages in the file to a new file
makes more sense to me than remembering deletePages(x, z)/
I'm a user, not a programmer.
Acrobat is word processing.
Dave Scott

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Dave -
I printed my file to a new pdf file; then I could delete pages in that new
Agree -- Adobe needs to fix the issue.
Kind regards,
Greg Moss
Sr. Training & Instructional Design Specialist
DENSO International America, Inc.
Dave Scott <>
12/13/2011 06:55 PM
Please respond to
"Greg@DENSO" <>
Re: Acrobat X Delete pages
created by Dave Scott in Acrobat Windows - View the full discussion
Thanks for the help but that doesn't work for me.
I also don't like the approach.
I feel Adobe owes me a fix.
Control-J doesn't open it.
I searched and found
but it doesn't look like that in version X. I turned everything on.
Saved. Exited the program. Opened again.
Control-J doesn't open it.
My method of printing selected pages in the file to a new file
makes more sense to me than remembering deletePages(x, z)/
I'm a user, not a programmer.
Acrobat is word processing.
Dave Scott
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Thanks for trying to help, but it doesn't work for me, either. ADOBE?!?

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Peg --
I printed my file to a new pdf file; then I could delete pages in that new
file. (File > Print > > click OK > Save
Agree -- Adobe needs to fix the issue.
Kind regards,
Greg Moss, CPT
Sr. Training & Instructional Design Specialist
DENSO International America, Inc.
pegburke4 <>
12/13/2011 06:20 PM
Please respond to
"Greg@DENSO" <>
Re: Acrobat X Delete pages
created by pegburke4 in Acrobat Windows - View the full discussion
NOTHING is working for me. I copy to a new PDF, and I STILL can't delete a
page. If I see that "pages in use" message one more time...
OK, I've cooled off a little now. I'm on a MacPro, OS 10.7.2, Acrobat X
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