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Acrobat X Pro (10 and lower) won't start on Windows 7 (64-bit)

New Here ,
May 28, 2012 May 28, 2012

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Hello, does anyone know why Acrobat X Pro (10 and lower) won't start on Windows 7 (64-bit)? It just doesn't respond whether I try to open files with it or double-click to start the program. Re-installation and Repair doesn't help. I had the same issue with the previous versions of Acrobat on this computer. 

Thank you!

Install update and subscribe to Acrobat






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Dec 13, 2012 Dec 13, 2012

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Enthusiast ,
May 28, 2012 May 28, 2012

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Kindly try the cleaner tool available on http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/acrobatcleaner.html

Reboot the machine

Then try to install Acrobat

Feel free to write back if it doesn't work.

~Sandeep V.





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New Here ,
May 28, 2012 May 28, 2012

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It worked!!! Thank you soo much Sandeep!!!!





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Engaged ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Hi Sandeep,

The page for downloading the Cleaner warns me NOT to use it if Acrobat X was installed in a suite. Mine was installed with CS6 Master Collection. So I assume I shouldn't run it.

Am I wrong? Will it be safe to run?

Acrobat (both X and Reader X) appear in the task manager for a few seconds, and then disappear. Reboots don't help. The rest of CS6 MC works fine.

Thanks in advance,






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Enthusiast ,
Jun 09, 2012 Jun 09, 2012

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Hi Allen,

You are right. Don't use it. It doesn't work for Acrobat installed as a part of Creative Suite.

To me it seems an issue with eir  licensing or  activation of  product. But, at  same time, it doesn't apply for Reader X. Have you installed Reader X or you are talking about AcroRD32.exe  appears under Processes?

Was re an older version of Acrobat installed on this machine?

Try to launch Acrobat and soon after it crashes, get se logs from temporary folder (%temp%):



Attach these logs here using  'Advanced Editor'.


Or use any uploader (dropbox etc.)

~Sandeep V.





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Engaged ,
Jun 09, 2012 Jun 09, 2012

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Hi Sandeep,

Thanks for the response. In the meantime, I had tried "repairing" Acrobat X Pro from the control panel's Programs and Features applet, with no luck. I had previously found an Acrobat X Pro install in Programs and Features, and had uninstalled that. I also tried applying the Adobe Application Manager update, which gave me access to Creative Cloud install options, and both Acrobat and Photoshop were shown as "not installed," although they were (no problems with Photoshop). So I didn't try installing from the cloud, fearing it might tie my license to the subscription (which I haven't activated).

In the end, I uninstalled from the CS6 Master Collection item in Programs and Features, and rebooted. There were reboots in between all these operations, by the way. After rebooting again, I re-installed from the CS6 Master Collection download, instead of from Programs and Features. This worked.

The problem appeared quite suddenly a few days ago, when Acrobat simply disappeared while I was viewing a PDF file. The next time I tried it, the app just loaded and immediately unloaded. I can't help suspecting that something got "upgraded" in the background and damaged the install.

In any case, it's working now. If it occurs again (and I've seen a few reports of the problem recurring), I'll send the logs to this thread.

To answer your other questions: Reader X was indeed installed, and did still work. There had been an instance of AcroRD32 in Processes, but it is not there now. In fact, there are no visible Processes with "Adobe" in the description or "Ad*" in the image name (all users). The Services panel shows only AdobeARMservice and SwitchBoard (and Akamai). The item I was seeing appear and disappear was "Acrobat.exe" in Processes.

Thanks again for getting back to me on this. Much appreciated.






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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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This is similar to the problem I am having. I have Creative Suite 5 and all of my other products work fine. I'm trying to use the Acrobat Pro 9.3 that came with this but I cannot get past the agreement screen. It locks up. It has a seperate serial number than the other things...could I use the uninstaller that you mentioned above? I really need this to work. Any other suggestions?





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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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Same story here.  Design & Web Premium CS6 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.  Acrobat X Pro doesn't even start up any more.

Complete uninstall/reinstall?  Do you know how long that takes including the installation of the updates?

Great job, Adobe.  The more we pay the less reliable software we get from you.

And no thanks, I'm not gonna call in because I don't want to talk to anyone in India.





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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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Just to be sure I wasn't misleading anyone -- I only uninstalled Acrobat, not the whole suite. In Win7 it only took about 5 minutes.

Obviously, though, Adobe needs to get this situation taken care of asap.





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New Here ,
Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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actually i did had it installed with the web and design premium and and i followed ur steps and it works perfectly. all my pdf are working fine and acrobat opens up faster than ever before haha. thank u





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New Here ,
Sep 20, 2012 Sep 20, 2012

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I have had to do the "Amrita" method of re-licensing twice now, and the Acrobat Reader X problems do not seem to coincide with any "30-day" problems. It could be completely unrelated, but the Explorer browser was opened just before Acrobat failed. Maybe it was just coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised if Explorer caused some kind of registry conflict because it's Microsoft, after all. I have to reaffirm what others have been saying in this forum: Adobe really must figure out the problem and release a permanent fix to CS6 Master Suite users, people pay way too much money for this software to have to deactivate/reactivate over and over again. Get it together, Adobe.





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New Here ,
Nov 25, 2013 Nov 25, 2013

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Very funny; sending a .PDF file with the Cleaner. Too bad I can't read it.





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Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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Hi, I got the same problem, it just load for a few second then vanish. So I did some experiment with virtual PC. Clean install windows 7 then install CS6 suite, doesn't have this problem. Clean install windows 7 then install only acrobat x, uninstall acrobat x, then install CS6, this problem occur. Clean install windows 7, then install CS5.5, unistall CS5.5, then install CS6, this problem occur. Conclusion, once acrobat installed then uninstall, it wont start on cs6. Adobe should create clean util just for acrobat.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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exactly same issue here....

all was working fine and some days ago, it sarted to not work anymore...

reader works, all my CS6 standard works, but acrobat sarts and the vanishes....

the only solution found is to remove   programfiles x86/commmon files/adobe/adobe pcd/cache directory    and then re insert serial number.  but the next day it begins to not work anymore...

did adobe update something in background and it won't work now?






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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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Ditto to all of the above. Acrobat Pro was working fine until a day or two ago, then kaput.  Reader still functions.  I have Win 7 (64bit), CS6 Design and Web Premium. Anyone with any new ideas? 

I don't seem to have an alm.log file, but I do have the amt3.log, see below.


2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: START SESSION, library version,3.5

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Initializing C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Adobe License Manager version 3.5 (build 2.0) RELEASE

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Virtualization Turned off

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\adobe_caps.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\adobe_caps.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: PCD Service in threaded mode

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  performance: AMTPreObtainProductLicense took 4.550707 ms

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCD thread: PCD thread started

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: App Product Locale [0] = en_US

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Loading configuration for C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\AMT\application.xml

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Found payload code {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: found driver code {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: config: Host app was installed, using installed license configuration.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [FLMap] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Setting current license to the driver at startup because no mapping was found.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Setting current license to DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM [ALL]

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: payload code: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: driver payload code: {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: driver licensing code: DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: current licensing code: DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: current locale code: ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Done loading configuration

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Locale from PCD [0] = en_US

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Reordered Installed App Product Locale [0] = en_US

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Setting insalled locales

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Changing locale to "en_US" because old locale "" is not in the new list of installed languages

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\asneu.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\asneu.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: config: Finding license info for payload: {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: config: PayloadCode: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: config: Driver PayloadCode: {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: config: Installed LicensingCode: DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [BridgeTalkCode] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [BridgeTalkCode] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [ISO_TAGGING_DISABLED] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Registration] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Registration] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Growl] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Growl] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: config: No BridgeTalkCode found in configuration; Bridgetalk will be disabled.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SuiteFeatureCount] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Application can be serialized (sif file found).

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AMTConfigPath] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [LineCV 6] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [LineCV 7] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: First launch (serial [90148700767331006075]).

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Application state initialized.  Obtaining Product License.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Obtaining client features from cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Obtaining client product info from cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Forcing first launch workflow because product is not licensed from previous launch.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: AMT: Obtaining Product License.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Launch Workflow not yet done in foreground in this session.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Starting First Launch Workflow

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Running in PROV_APP

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [EULADelay] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [EULADelay] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [MediaTag] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No media tag found for payload {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Using default media policy RET

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  uiswitch: EULA has already been accepted.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Starting ALM workflow.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Initializing ALM for serialized activation.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALMService: Initializing as licensed app

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Start ALM 3.5 Release (build

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  SLCoreService: Starting up SLCore 1.5 Release (build

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  SLCoreService: Service construction took 0.0 ms and succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: LEID passed DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM is used to configure SLCore = 0

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Host app is Licensable App

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}16] in hive [SSC-AS1-LE-Dominance] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: SSC LEID dir not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS3.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: SSC LEID dir not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS3.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\AMT

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID AcrobatSuite-AS1-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\AcrobatSuite-AS1-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID FrameMakerServer-TS3-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\FrameMakerServer-TS3-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS3-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS3-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID DesignSuiteStandard-CS5.5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\DesignSuiteStandard-CS5.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID WebSuitePremium-CS5.5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\WebSuitePremium-CS5.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID DesignSuitePremium-CS5.5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\DesignSuitePremium-CS5.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID MasterCollection-CS5.5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\MasterCollection-CS5.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID ELearningSuite-ES2.5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\ELearningSuite-ES2.5-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS3.5-Win-GM with AMT Path

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID V6{}TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS4-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\V6{}TechnicalCommunicationSuite-TS4-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID V6{}FrameMakerServer-TS4-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\V6{}FrameMakerServer-TS4-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID DesignSuiteStandard-CS6-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\DesignSuiteStandard-CS6-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID MasterCollection-CS6-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\MasterCollection-CS6-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID V6{}ELearningSuite-ES6-Win-PR with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\V6{}ELearningSuite-ES6-Win-PR

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID CreativeCloud-CS6-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\CreativeCloud-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium\AMT

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [MediaTag] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No media tag found for payload {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: Using default media policy RET

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: MediaTagPolicy is RET

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [NTL_WO_SN] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Canonical LEID is AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Driver LEID is DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [901487007673310060752956] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  SLCoreService: Reading product config

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _time_: (func: ALM_Initialize, duration: 0.016 sec)

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  AMT: Performing ALM silent license verification.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [EncryptedSerial] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Serial] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No pre-serial number found in {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [PSN] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No en_US provisional serial number found in DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [PSN] in hive [DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No ALL provisional serial number found in DesignWebSuitePremium-CS6-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Validate license at Pre-Chrome time

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Searching license for locale en_US ...

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [970787040936944783527623] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  SLCoreService: Reading product config

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Found existing serialization under LEID AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM, the serial number locale is ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [970787040936944783527623] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [970787040936944783527623] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Cached license is expired for locale en_US, continue the search to next locale

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: No valid license found, fall back to the most preferred locale: en_US

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [970787040936944783527623] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [970787040936944783527623] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed

2012-06-12 07:54:34 [5740]  SLCoreService: Syncing to license store...

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Found server mkey.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Loading license references...

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Found 4 license file(s)

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [20566957.lic] succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [226832637.lic] succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [28738525.lic] succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [7412525.lic] succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: License store synchronization took 32.2 ms and succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  config: Setting current license to AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM [ALL]

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [LoadTrial] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [LoadTrial] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [PDApp_WF] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [ALM_Info_S1] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Performing Block Check

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Subscription] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Subscription] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [ACT_NOINTERNET] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [SERVICE_ONLINE] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _time_: (func: ALM_License_SilentValidate, duration: 0.046 sec)

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _info_: ALM_License_SilentValidate return license status: Invalid

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: License check shows product is unlicensed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: Product is not activated.  Starting ALM launch-time product licensing UI.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [PDApp_WF] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Entered ALM_NeedANAG

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = 30 days, remaining = expired.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [ADOBEID_EXT_PROFILE] in hive [970787040936944783527623] in cache.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _info_: Exiting ALM_NeedANAG

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: NAG Ignored!!.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: Licensing has been refused.  Application must exit.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: Starting Data Collection for SWTag_Init()

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productCanonicalLEID = AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM;outMappedLEID =  AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM, unused =

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productPayloadCode = {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005};driverPayloadCode =  {402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [EPIC_APP_543] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: SWTag_Init() Tags Arguments CS6 Design and Web Premium; AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM;

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: DoISOTagging() License Status = unlicensed

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Tags 970787040936944783527623; 10.0; TRIAL

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Product Version 10; 0

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  performance: AMTObtainProductLicense took 117.355057 ms

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}] in master.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AUMService: config: No AdobeUpdaterCode found in configuration; AUM will be disabled.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\updaternotifications.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Windows\system32\updaternotifications.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ServiceLoader: Failed to find updaternotifications.dll

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALMService: Terminating

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Shutting down SLCore 1.5 Release (build

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  SLCoreService: Service destruction took 0.6 ms and succeed.

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  ALM: _info_: End ALM

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  performance: AMTReleaseProductLicense took 5.815388 ms

2012-06-12 07:54:35 [5740]  AMT: END SESSION.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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seems to be a widespread issue.

i phoned adobe this morning and all i could get for a solution is to uninstall completely then clear the install with two adobe cleaners then reinstall which, according to the interlocutor, is supposed to work. I'll test this tonight.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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i did yesterday evening what i was told in the email, uninstall, clean, reinstall,   and for now it seems to be working...

let's wait and see.

in the mean time, here's the email content sent from the adobe support crew (sorry it's in french)

A) Ouvrez le Panneau de configuration Ajout/Suppression de programmes (Windows XP) ou le Panneau de configuration Programmes et Fonctionnalités (Windows Vista/Windows 7).

Sélectionnez le produit Adobe Creative Suite et cliquez sur Supprimer ou sur Désinstaller.

Suivez les instructions à l’écran pour effectuer le processus de désinstallation.

Redémarrez votre système et fermez toutes les applications ouvertes.

B) 1.Téléchargez l’outil Adobe CS5 Cleaner Tool pour Windows.


2.Décompressez le fichier AdobeCreativeSuiteCleanerTool.zip. 

3.Cliquez deux fois sur le fichier AdobeCreativeSuiteCleanerTool.zip pour l’ouvrir.

4.Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur InstallerDatabaseUtility.exe et sélectionnez Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur.

Remarque : si la commande Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur n’est pas disponible, cliquez deux fois sur InstallerDatabaseUtility.exe.

5.Suivez les invites pour compléter le script :

Remarque : vous pouvez utiliser les caractères minuscules ou majuscules dans le script.

•Sélectionnez votre langue en tapant e pour anglais ou j pour japonais.

•Lisez l’accord de licence de l’utilisateur final Adobe et tapez y pour accepter ou n pour refuser. Refuser ferme le script.

•Sélectionnez la version de Creative Suite que vous souhaitez nettoyer.

•Sélectionnez le produit à supprimer en saisissant son numéro, puis appuyez sur Entrée.

•Pour confirmer que vous voulez supprimer le produit, tapez y, puis appuyez sur la touche Entrée. Pour revenir à la liste des produits installés, tapez n, puis appuyez sur la touche Entrée.

Remarque : si vous choisissez l’option de suppression Clean All (Nettoyer tout), tous les produits et fichiers liés au programme d’installation seront supprimés pour la version de Creative Suite spécifiée.

•A la fin du script, appuyez sur Entrée pour quitter.

C) Appliquer l'outil de nettoyage Acrobat Cleaner Tool :


D) Dès que les 3 premières manipulations ont été faites, merci de bien vouloir refaire l'installation de la suite entière.





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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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After a brief detour to google translate - this worked. 

Granted it was a time consuming pain in the neck.. but, it worked

Thanks Bagou001





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Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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Same problem here as well. Couple of days ago went to open a file in Acrobat Pro, blinked and went away. Has not worked at all since....  Came here to see if there might be a solution and just found this and plenty of other having the same issue all of the sudden. I'm assuming something updated that has totally broken Acrobat Pro. If I try to open a file or just opening Acrobat Pro no blink, nothing. Just does nothing at all. This is installed as part of the CS6 Suite and a production machine in use all day every day with a lot of custom color settings, plugins, etc. I refuse nor have the time to uninstall the entire suite and re-install everything. This needs a fix ASAP. Acrobat Reader does still work and I can still open PDF files in Illustrator as well but I really need this fixed. System is Windows 7 X64 if that matters.





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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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I was able to correct the situation by uninstalling Acrobat X Pro via Programs and Features in Control Panel. Then I unselected the app in the Adobe CS6 Master Collection applet in Programs and Features. And then I rebooted and reinstalled from Adobe CS6 Master Collection applet.

I believe that's the sequence that worked. The main thing was that Acrobat appeared to have been installed both as a part of CS6 MC, and as a standalone app, and I had to get both of them uninstalled.

Hope this helps.





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Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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Stuck in the same mudhole. I really don't want to uninsall/reinstall. Please somebody tell me Adobe has a fix on this.





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Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2012 Jun 14, 2012

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Was your system MAC or PC?





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 22, 2012 Sep 22, 2012

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I am having the same problem...I got Acrobat X Pro with the CS 6.  I found that I couldn't open Acrobat X Pro, also that I couldn't open PDF's from emails that people would send me....

I'm trying to research & see how to fix this.  I called Adobe but was put on hold...they called back but I wasn't available to talk at that time.

I need to be able to use Adobe Acrobat X Pro....what is up with this?

(I haven't finished reading this whole topic, but just wanted to say I have this same issues with my Acrobat X pro that I got with my Creative Suite 6. purchase...)





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 14, 2012 Jun 14, 2012

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just about the india call center thing, i don't know in US, but here in belgium, as far as i know, the call center is located in the Netherlands and the guy i talked to was indeed perfect french speaking if not belgian, i know this because a friend of mine has worked there... so for us at least it's not an indian call center ...





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Jun 14, 2012 Jun 14, 2012

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same thing - It's happened to everyone in the office on Adobe CS6 Web premuim at the same 2 days ago. None of us can start Acrobat 10 or even AcroRd32.exe at all. no errors, just nothing happens.





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