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I try to add a watermark on my pdf files but the watermark is not vivible.
Why is that?
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Try saving your PDF as a PDF/X-4 before adding your watermark (File> Save as> Format> PDF/X-4). If that doesn't work, try PDF/X-1a.
Also, I suggest you set your Acrobat page display preference for overprint preview to Always.
As a last resort, use a Preflight Fixup to flatten the PDF, then add your watermark.
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You will need to get your CC account working again, before you can do anything. Try signing out then signing in- go to the Creative Cloud icon at the top of your screen, click on the blue ball (Account) and sign out, then sign in.
Saving as a PDF/X-4 will remove any odd issues with your PDF, forcing it to comply with a set of specific standards. I think this might remove the issue preventing you from adding a watermark. Saving as PDF/X-1a is an even more basic flavor of PDF.
File> Save as> (Format) PDF/X> (Settings) Save as PDF/X-4, save to a new name.
If this works for you, and you find you use it often, you can use an Acrobat action to apply it to a PDF, or a folder of PDFs with one or two clicks. In addition, you can also add your watermark with an action.
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Ok, i found it and yes, what you say works.
Just for the record i was creating my pdfs in autocad LT 20.
In the plot, i was choosing DWG to PDF, as i was always doing. The created pdf had this problem since two days before.
When i tried another plot style "Adobe pdf.pc3" there was no problem.
What you said fixed the pdf that was produced in the plot by the first option.
One thing that still remains as a problem, is that i can not save my watermark settings.
The name is saved but when i choos it nothing happens.
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I'm glad it's working for you. Saving the settings works for me. Try creating a new setting and save over the old one. Can you please mark my first response as the correct answer, to help others who are searching for an answer to their problem?
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Ok. Thanks!