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Adobe Acrobat 8.1 Standard

Community Beginner ,
Apr 30, 2024 Apr 30, 2024

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Today I attempted to re-install Acrobat 8.1 Standard and experienced what many of you came up against.


Adobe has deactivated the ability to activate your Adobe 8.1 Standard siting this program is no longer supported.


Wheather or not the program is supported by Adobe, we own the software. There is no reason we cannot install our copy of Acrobat 8.1 Standard.


Adobe 8.1 Standard works for me. I'm comfortable with it, it does what I want and there is no reason I should be forced to subscribe to a program which I must pay for monthly, yearly or any other subscription. I own Adobe 8.1 Standare but Adobe is preventing me from using it.


I spent a lot of time tonight talking with a Tech who was unable to successfully respond to my concerns. Eventually he/she moved my request to a supervisor who was not available but would call back.


Adobe 8.1 Standard Users. This is a good program but Adobe has placed the program in an unusable condition. In order to activate your Adobe 8.1 Standard you have to connect to an activation site which Adobe has deleted. There is no way to activate Adobe 8.1  Standard even though you own this software.


Therefore, unless the supervisor who is to contact me, has a solution, I propose we, Adobe 8.1 Standard users seek relief. This is done through a Class Action Law Suite.


Please, if you are a victim of this Adobe skam, let me know your name so I can take approiate action to engage Adobe Inc., in a Class Action Law Suit for failure to protect Adobe customers ability to use their software.  There is no reason there should be an obstical to using this software, which you own, unless this scheme it to force you to purchase new Adobe software.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 30, 2024 Apr 30, 2024

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Just to be clear, I don't work for Adob nor am I a lawyer, but you are incorrect in several instances. You do not own anything. You paid for a license to use the software, and within the terms and conditions you agreed to by using it. Saying you should be able to use 18 year old software, that stopped support in 2011, using server technology for activation that has long since been deprecated, is just as silly as wanting Sony to keep making parts for a Beta VCR. As for Class Action suits, that won't go anywhere either as you also agreed to waive that ability by accepting the terms and conditions, so if you want to keep fighting for a software license that you paid X amount for back then, and have used for this many years at, what would work out to probably less than $30 a year, go for it.




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Community Expert ,
May 01, 2024 May 01, 2024

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Doesn't matter if it's "silly" (in your opinion). They still have the right to do it, since they own the license to the product (and yes, they do own it). Does it say anywhere in the T&C that Adobe is allowed to stop the activation servers whenever it wants? Does it say the software can be suspended from working after X amount of time after purchase? I don't think so.

And there's a big difference between Sony stopping to sell parts for a VCR and them actively stopping you from using the VCR you already own and which operates just fine for you, which is what Adobe is doing in this case.


I wish companies would be forbidden from such practices, and a class-action lawsuit might be the only way to force them to, except for stricter legislation, of course. And from what we've seen they're aware of that too, which is why they try and "bribe" individual users in similar situations with discounted prices for the latest version, so they don't have to face the consequences of their actions.


NB. I'm not a lawyer, either, nor do I speak for or work for Adobe.




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Community Beginner ,
May 02, 2024 May 02, 2024

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Well thank you for your non-attorney response. I, of course, disagree. There is no reason for Adobe to remove the activation site except to force Adobe 8.1 Standard users to purchase a subscription, increasing Adobe's bottom line.


To say Adobe owns the license is one take, however, do Adobe 8.1 Standard users have the right to expect continued use. Your opinion, which supports the money grabbing software companies, they can do anything they want. Well, you can roll over and presch don't hurt me, don't hurt me, I give up.  Bullcrap, I'm form Texas and they sold me Adobe 8.1 Standard and I'll be damned if I go down without a fight. You, please, follow your feelings. I''m sure you'll get some special feely, feely, acomadoations from Adobe.





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