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Adobe acrobat chrome extension intermittently wipes fields that were filled and flattened in Aspose

New Here ,
May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024

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I'm a developer for a life insurance company. We use Aspose PDF for .net to programmatically fill fields on a pdf with rates for our annuity products (link to Aspose here - https://products.aspose.com/pdf/net/). This allows us to fill rate sheets and client rate fliers with the most up to date rates when users access these pdfs. Here is an example of our of our dynamically filled rate sheets:


However, if users have the Adobe Acrobat chrome extension installed (https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adobe-acrobat-pdf-edit-co/efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj), intermittently the form will load without the fields filled and still editable. Expected behavior would be the fields have been filled with rates and then "flattened" which makes the fields no longer editable, and instead places the content directly on the pdf. This issue does not occur when the chrome extension is disabled and just opened in chrome (or another browser). This has become an issue for us as a lot of our users have the Acrobat extension installed for signing business related documents.


I've been in contact with Aspose support to see if they can help but have so far not come up with a resolution. Since the error only occurs when opening the filled rate sheets when the adobe acrobat extension is enabled, I hoped someone on your end could help point me in the right direction? Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.



Create PDFs , Edit and convert PDFs , General troubleshooting , PDF , PDF forms






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