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I can't get any interaction with these read-only fields, as it should be. When you hover, does the hand turn into a pointing finger?
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You mean UI related scripts. Obviously value related scripts, such as calculations need to run when a field is readonly.
If a field is readonly it should not receive UI events. If it does then that is a bug.
I'm not seeing any issue with your file. No scripts are being run.
I'm running 2024.005.20320 64 bit.
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See this screen record.
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Something's definitely wrong at your end. I have no interaction with the fields. My cursor remains as the hand when I hover on the fields. When fields are not read-only it turns into a pointing finger for the check box and a horizontal line for the text field, like in your video. My version is 24.00420272
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I'm getting partially similar results. The first field is not triggering anything, as it should, but the second one does. I can click into it and the caret appears, although I can't type anything into it. And when I click out of it the border turns red. I have version 2024.005.20320 (32 bits) on Windows 10.
PS. Why isn't the version number copiable from the About dialog? So annoying!
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Did you add the fields in Acrobat, or using some other tool?
I see the Producer is "abracadabraTools DC -"...
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I just confirmed that both the On Focus and On Blur events are triggered on Read Only fields, even if created in Acrobat. I don't know if that was also happening in the past, but it seems like a bug to me.
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Did you add the fields in Acrobat, or using some other tool?
I see the Producer is "abracadabraTools DC -"...
This is because this test file was created using my abracadabraTools (Acrobat plugin).
But the same issue applies to all PDFs, whether created from Word, InDesign, Acrobat or other sources.
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I've just got my iMac back (which I had upgraded at Apple) and Acrobat is working as expected.
That's reassuring for my client, but I don't understand why it doesn't work properly on my PC, especially as I reinstalled Windows 11 and all the Adobe applications just last week following a crash.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful.
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Hi @jr
I hope you're doing well, and we apologize for the delayed response and the trouble.
This has been reported to the product team, and they are currently investigating the root cause. We will share an update with you soon.
Anand Sri.
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Thank you