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Hi, @finn_3022, it's not what you saved, rather, it's how you saved it.
Because you saved it as a JPG image, you probably saved it with too much compression. When JPG images are saved either with too much compression or saved over themselves over and over, even with modest compression, you start to get JPG degredation. You can easily see this when you zoom into the letters as shown here from your sample:
You can see all the loose pixels and these cause a blurry image. Also, your diagonal lines are not showing any grayscale, only Black and White. If you zoom into a PDF where grayscale was used, you'd see what looks like clear straight lines.
It's possible your boss wants black and white, so you may be stuck there, but you can control the amount of JPG compression.
Open up your PDF and open Save to JPG as you'd always do. Notice the "Settings" button, open that. You probably have the Grayscale set to Medium or lower. Set it at least the 2nd highest.
Now, Close that window and run the save as JPG. You should be good to go (you'll be better if you have your text saved as grayscale, not a two-bit image
Let me know if this works for you,
Good luck
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Hi, @finn_3022, it's not what you saved, rather, it's how you saved it.
Because you saved it as a JPG image, you probably saved it with too much compression. When JPG images are saved either with too much compression or saved over themselves over and over, even with modest compression, you start to get JPG degredation. You can easily see this when you zoom into the letters as shown here from your sample:
You can see all the loose pixels and these cause a blurry image. Also, your diagonal lines are not showing any grayscale, only Black and White. If you zoom into a PDF where grayscale was used, you'd see what looks like clear straight lines.
It's possible your boss wants black and white, so you may be stuck there, but you can control the amount of JPG compression.
Open up your PDF and open Save to JPG as you'd always do. Notice the "Settings" button, open that. You probably have the Grayscale set to Medium or lower. Set it at least the 2nd highest.
Now, Close that window and run the save as JPG. You should be good to go (you'll be better if you have your text saved as grayscale, not a two-bit image
Let me know if this works for you,
Good luck
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Hi, @finn_3022 , you can help others by clicking on the "Correct Answer" of my message. That way, when other people say they are having fuzzey results, my answer will be there to help them.
Thanks for letting me know.