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Apologies, I know nothing about Javascript.
I have an order form in Acrobat that I need to calculate a total with Goods and Services Tax (GST) attached image.
Staff members enter quantity (QTY) and unit price (UNITPRICE). They then choose Y or N to whether the unit price is inclusive of GST.
So, therefore the TOTAL column needs to calculate
If GST = Y
Then multiply QTY by UNITPRICE
Else multiply QTY by (UNITPRICE*1.1)
I know that I need to use javascript with a IF and THEN statements in the 'Custom Calculation Script' section, just not sure how to script it.
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Assume your check boxes are named "GST" (name them identically, but set the export values in the options tab to 1 for No and 1.1 for Yes. At the top of the Total field calculation tab select Value is the product of and select the 3 fields. The calculation will take the unchecked boxes as zero so it will calculate to zero until the user checks whether there is GST or not. If you don't want a zero value when the GST boxes are not checked, use the following custom calculation script instead:
var gst=1;
event.value=this.getField("QTY").value * this.getField("UNITPRICE").value*gst;
If you want to modify the script above once, so you don't have to modify for each Total field you can enter a script that antipates what the field names will be when you create all the rows from the first row using Right-click>Create multiple copies. This article explains exactly how to do it, with video.
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Assume your check boxes are named "GST" (name them identically, but set the export values in the options tab to 1 for No and 1.1 for Yes. At the top of the Total field calculation tab select Value is the product of and select the 3 fields. The calculation will take the unchecked boxes as zero so it will calculate to zero until the user checks whether there is GST or not. If you don't want a zero value when the GST boxes are not checked, use the following custom calculation script instead:
var gst=1;
event.value=this.getField("QTY").value * this.getField("UNITPRICE").value*gst;
If you want to modify the script above once, so you don't have to modify for each Total field you can enter a script that antipates what the field names will be when you create all the rows from the first row using Right-click>Create multiple copies. This article explains exactly how to do it, with video.
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Thank you @PDF Automation Station, your help is much appreciated.
Have a great day!