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Can I add a custom bullet symbol to an editable PDF?

Community Beginner ,
Sep 27, 2024 Sep 27, 2024

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Hello. I frequently use Adobe's FORMS feature to create editable sell sheets and flyers but I have gotten a request to use a custom icon as a bullet for a client's form lists. Is there a way to add a custom bullet in Adobe Acrobat? If not, is there a workaround such as importing the icon as a small image, copying & pasting in place next to the editable text box for the lists? And, once I close the form, would the end user be able to move the bullets if the text calls for it (example, move the bullet/icon down when a list has text that falls to more than one line)?

If neither of the above are workable options, I would very much appreciate suggestions on how to accomplish the result I'm after. Thank you!

Edit and convert PDFs , How to , PDF , PDF forms






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