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I need to know urgently if there is a possibility to make superscript characters or numbers in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC? Thanks!!
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Superscript where?
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Hey! Thanks.
I am working with form fields and would like to put superscript numbers behind certain words.
That means if possible after i created them on the pdf.
is there chance at all? i cant even copie and paste the numbers from somewhere else into the pdf...
there must be a way!!
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Go to the field's Properties, and under the Options tab tick the "Allow Rich Text Formatting" box.
Now exit the Form Edit mode, click into the field and press Ctrl+E. A properties toolbar will open with various settings. One of them is to set the text as superscript.
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thank you!
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Would you know how to use superscript on a large script. Let's say a 10 page text where the superscript would be use on a single word? The span option described in the acrobat reference guide works well for small text where you span each word or a bundle of words. Could you instead use a text replace functions inside the span?
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You want use a 10 page text in a form field?
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There's no such thing as a 10-page text field. A field can only be located on a single page.
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You are right I exagerated!
I will show a picture.
The first date (see image in yellow) works fine. The date is taken from a calander.
Here is the script to add the er in superscript for the first date
var oDateValue = util.scand("d/mmmm/yyyy",this.getField("Date1_af_date").valueAsString);
var nJours = util.printd("d", oDateValue);
var cMois = util.printd("mmmm", oDateValue);
var nAnnee= util.printd("yyyy", oDateValue);
var DateComplete = nJours+ " "+cMois+ " "+nAnnee;
var MoisAnne = " "+ cMois + " "+ nAnnee;
var g = this.getField("DatteLettres_af_date");
if (nJours ==="1" && cMois !="")
// Create an array to hold the Span objects
var spans = new Array();
// Each Span object is an object, so we must create one
spans[0] = new Object();
spans[0].text = nJours;
spans[1] = new Object();
spans[1].text = "er";
spans[1].superscript = true;
spans[2] = new Object();
spans[2].superscript = false;
spans[2].text = MoisAnne.toLowerCase();
event.value = DateComplete.toLowerCase();
// Now assign our array of Span objects to the field using
// field.richValue
g.richValue = spans;
For the second one, I have some issues.
The text for the letter comes from an acroDialog. This allows to easily change the letter template.
I applied some scripting and replace some terms with some variable results to update the letter.
End of script to display info into the letter:
var NewTexteLettre1_v = "";
NewTexteLettre1_v = TexteLettre1_v.replace(/AfficherPolitesseDeLaLettre/g,PolitesseArray1).replace(/AfficherDateOuverture/g, dateOuvertureR).replace(/AfficherMontantSansLotsAdjudicataireDeLaLettreSansQualite/g,NewMontantSSLotsAdj).replace(/AfficherGarantieDeLaLettre/g,AfficherGarantieL1).replace(/AfficherNonConformiteOuAdmissibiliteDeLaLettre/g, AfficherConformite1).replace(/AfficherAdjudicataireSSLotsQual/g,AdjudicataireSSLotsQual).replace(/AfficherLotsEtMontantsAdjudicataireDeLaLettreSansQualite/g,LotMontantAdjL1).replace(/AfficherLotsEtMontantsAdjudicataireAvecLotsSansQualite/g,TousAdjudicataireLots).replace(/AfficherNoteQualiteAvecQualiteSansLotsDeLaLettre/g,NoteQual1).replace(/AfficherMontantAdjQual/g,MontantAdjQual).replace(/AfficherMontantAjusteQual/g,PrixAjusteQual).replace(/AfficherRangNonAdj/g,rangLettre1R).replace(/AfficherNoteQualitéAdjudicataire/g,NoteQualAdj).replace(/AfficherSignataire/g,Signataire).replace(/AfficherTitreSignataire/g,TitreSignataire).replace(/AfficherInitiales/g,Initiales).replace(/AfficherMontantSansLotsAdjudicataireAvecQualite/g, MontantSSLotsAdjQualL1).replace(/AfficherMontantAjusteSansLotsAdjudicataireAvecQualite/g,MontantAjSLASAQL1).replace(/AfficherAdjudicataireSansLotsSansQualiteOuAvec/g,SoumisionnaireSSLots).replace(/AfficherAutresAdj/g,AfficherAutresL1).replace(/AfficherDuouDes/g,afficherDuouDesL1);
event.value = NewTexteLettre1_v;
My challenge:
How could I add the er in superscript in the letter? I know how to add er but not in superscript in the second example, and I don't want to manually configure the letter like I did for the first date because there is a lot of info in the text field coming from the acrodialog.
I think I would need to use something like this but I don't know how to adapt it to. Also where should i place the adapted script, in the personalized format script?
Info from API reference 2017
// Custom Keystroke event for a rich text field.
var span = event.richChange;
for ( var i=0; i<span.length; i++)
span[i].text = span[i].text.toUpperCase();
span[i].underline = !span[i].underline;
span[i].textColor = (span[i].underline) ? :;
event.richChange = span;
Hopefully I can get some help. Thanks
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I'm not totally following, but basically you want to automatically convert all instances of "er" following a number to superscript, is that it?
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No, only add er in superscript if the user selects the first day of the month.So the er superscript is only for the date in yellow.
I managed to do it for the first example (only a date in a text field), but not the second (a date with a lot of text around it).
In the second example, I am able to display the er if the first day of the month is selected but not in superscript.
I tried to add specific words in the acrodialog text to decompose the date. See example in bold.
Suite à l’appel d’offres pour le sujet mentionné ci-dessus, nous avons procédé à l’ouverture le DisplayDay DisplayER DisplayMonthandYear AfficherDateOuverture, L’Université tient donc à vous informer que votre compagnie est l’adjudicataire et ce, conformément aux prix soumis à l’Annexe 2.00 – Offre de prix au montant de AfficherMontantSansLotsAdjudicataireDeLaLettreSansQualite $, avant taxes.
Afin de finaliser l’entente, veuillez svp signer le contrat ci-joint et nous le retourner dans les plus brefs délais. Un bon de commande vous sera envoyé suite à la signature du contrat.
Then I tried to use some text replace in the span formula. But it seems that the span formula works only if you decompose everytning in strings. What I wish to do is to replace DisplayER by er in superscript.
The variable that holds all my text is called NewTexteLettre1_v and the variable that holds the day of the month is nJoursR.
So I want to display the text associated with NewTexteLettre1_v and only add er to the variable nJoursR.
Maybe something like this
spans[0] = new Object();
spans[0].text = NewTexteLettre1_v;
spans[1] = new Object();
spans[1].text = nJoursR.replace(/DisplayER/, "er"); ?
The thing is that I don't want the er to appear at the end of NewTexteLettre1_v. I want er to be in superscript at the second date location. I hope its a bit clearer. Thanks
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Split the text in 2 spans and insert the span for "er".
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The only issue is that it would hinder me from using the acrodialog to update my template. I would need to create two windows in my acrodialog for the same template. That would look weird.
Is there another way. Maybe a unicode for exponent? Or a search and replace function that could only target the date? Thanks
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I found a solution that is not perfet but acceptable.
I will split my text into separate strings. The only thing is that I will not be able to modify the first paragraph length with my acrodialog.
Example to separate my strings:
-var x = NewTexteLettre2_v.substr(0,300);
-add my date variables
-add the other string -var z = NewTexteLettre2_v.substr(301,700);
I will input into the span...
If someone has a better idea, please share.
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First you must tick the "Allow Rich Text formatting" option.
When typing, hit ctrl-E* to display the "Form Field Text Properties".
* cmd-E on MacOS
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thank you!
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it works. thanks a lot!