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Cannot connect to Adobe update server

New Here ,
Nov 15, 2017 Nov 15, 2017

I am trying to follow a troubleshooting tip from another forum to address a crash issue with my Acrobat Pro. They suggest checking for updates. I try to do this and I get the following message:

Cannot connect to Adobe update server. Please verify that you are connect3ed to the internet and check for updates again. Error:1042

Obviously I am connected to the internet or I would not be able to post to this forum. Can you help ?

General troubleshooting
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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

Hello ButterflyQueen,

As per the description above, you are getting error 1042 while updating the Acrobat Pro, Is that correct?

Please refer and try the troubleshooting steps from the following KB doc Resolve error 1402 or error 1406 when installing Acrobat or Reader  Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/error-1402-error-1406-acrobat.html

Fix Windows errors that occur during Acrobat Reader update  Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/acrobat/kb/update-errors-acrobat-reader-windows.html

Troubleshoot issues with updating Acrobat or Reader on Mac OS  Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/troubleshoot-update-errors-acrobat-reader.html

You may also try to download and install the updates manually through Overview — Acrobat and Adobe Reader Release Notes  Link: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotes/index.html

If the issue persists, please share the following details:

  • Is it a Mac or Windows Machine?
  • Dot version of Acrobat Pro, check from Help>About Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Hope this helps, and let us know how it goes.


Anand Sri.

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New Here ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

The steps in the link provided will not work. I can not uninstall and reinstall the application on my own. When I downloaded the suite form your website and installed it on my new Mac, some of the installation flies were missing and a tech had to do a remote share, access terminal to get the product to install. Is there a link that explains this process so I can repeat it on my own? Also the steps in the link do not apply to Mac OS.

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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

Thank you for the additional information. The above-mentioned steps are for Standalone Acrobat.

As you mentioned that you have a Mac operating system and a Creative Suite CS 6, you can use the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool uninstall the Creative Suite CS 6, and for Acrobat, you can uninstall it by running the uninstaller file from Application.

Restart the computer, and can reinstall the CS 6 which includes Acrobat from Download Adobe Creative Suite 6 applications  Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cs6-product-downloads.html

For installation of CS 6 on Mac OS, you may refer to Installing Creative Suite on macOS 10.12 (Sierra) Link: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/install-creative-suite-mac-os-sierra.html

If the issue persists with Acrobat, you might have to remove the Acrobat files manually, first uninstall Acrobat, then remove the Acrobat folders from System and User Library i.e. /Library/ApplicationSupport and ~/Library/ApplicationSupport.

Restart the computer and reinstall the Suite.


Anand Sri.

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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2019 Jun 18, 2019

To anyone that had the same problem trying to unsuccessfully update, install or register an Adobe product, after having spent days on the phone/chat with Adobe, to no avail, I was able to isolate the problem on my own. The issues exits with the DNS settings. Why no one from Adobe suggested this after telling me repeatedly to delete and reinstall the software, is beyond me. The solution really was quote simple.

DNS settings are specified in the Network window.

Example: Changing DNS server settings on Mac OS 10.5

  1. Click Apple > System Preferences > Network.
  2. If the lock icon in the lower left-hand corner of the window is locked, click the icon to make changes, and when prompted to authenticate, enter your password.
  3. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
    • To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, select Built-In Ethernet, and click Advanced.
    • To change the settings for a wireless connection, select Airport, and click Advanced.
  4. Select the DNS tab.
  5. Click + to replace any listed addresses with, or add, the Google IP addresses at the top of the list:
    • For IPv4: and/or
    • For IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and/or 2001:4860:4860::8844.
    • For IPv6-only: you can use Google Public DNS64 instead of the IPv6 addresses in the previous point.
  6. Click Apply > OK.
  7. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Test your new settings below.
  8. Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change.

Note: There is no support for DNS-over-TLS in the base OS. To use DNS-over-TLS requires setting up a proxy resolver that supports DNS-over-TLS. Due to the complexity of the setup we do not describe it here.

Here is the link to where this information is located: Get Started  |  Public DNS  |  Google Developers

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Jun 19, 2019 Jun 19, 2019

Thanks for sharing this. If it fixes it, it seems to suggest that whoever you were using for DNS before was blocking access to Adobe's serves for some reason. This is pretty unusual, you might ask them why.

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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2019 Nov 19, 2019

I followed the instructions, I think correctly, and it didn't work. I still get the same error message when trying to update.

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