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Im very inexperienced in Adobe and have recently begun creating some forms for users to fill in.
I need to know how I can make the field automatically change what ever has been written in a text box to uppercase, and also if its possible just to change the first letter to upper case.
any help is greatly appreciated.
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You can use the custom format script, like this:
To convert the inserted value to all upper-case:
event.value = event.value.toUpperCase();
To convert just the first letter to upper-case:
event.value = event.value.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + event.value.substring(1);
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Please help! The forum is acting buggy so please excuse if this is a duplicate. I'm trying to export data from a pdf form to a .csv, and keep the case (all caps). I'm using the following JS:
event.value = event.value.toUpperCase();
When the data is exported it displays in the .csv file in the case that was orginaly entered into the form. Is there a way to export the data and keep the case format?