Changing Zoom Level on Already Existing Bookmarks All At Once
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Is it possible to change the zoom level on all existing bookmarks in a document at once so that I do one thing and now all bookmarks will be set to inherit zoom? If so, please describe how I can do so. I use Adobe Acrobat 2020 at home and whatever version of Acrobat comes with the subscription at work. Thanks for your help. If this feature exist, it would save me a great deal of time. Changing each bookmark by hand to inherit zoom is time-consuming.
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No, it's not, which is why I developed this (paid-for) tool that allows you to do it outside of Acrobat:
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I believe I did find a solution. At least it worked for the first document I tried.
1. Open the document in Adobe Acrobat Professional.
2. Open the bookmarks panel.
3. Select one bookmark.
4. Press "Control" and "A" at the same tme. All bookmarks are now highlighted.
5. Right-click.
6. Then left-click on Properties.
7. Left-click on Actions.
8. Left-click on Edit.
9. Adjust Zoom to your desired choice. My choice was "Inherit Zoom."
10. The left-click on OK.
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Yes it is possible. Here's how:
- Select all of the bookmarks
- In the Bookmarks toolbar, click the three dots on the right of the toolbar to expant the bookmarks fly-out menu
- Hover on to Set Default Bookmark Zoom level menu option to expand the flyout menu
- Check on one of the six options
- All bookmarks are now the zoom option you selected in Step 4
See screenshot image below that shows where to find this option:
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Doesn't work.
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This does not work when selecting all bookmarks, nor does it work on individual ones. After changing the default bookmark zoom level on one bookmark it doesn't even save that! I've tried setting the zoom level before and after highlighting individual bookmarks, after highlighting all the bookmarks, I've tried 'Use current appearance as new default', I've tried this in the new Acrobat and switched back to the old. Nothing.