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Checking Who has a Document "Checked Out"

New Here ,
May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024

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I work for an organization that needs to access PDF's often. There are few files I've needed to edit that I can't because they're "checked out" by another user. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me who the user is. We have high turnover and I haven't been able to access these files in a little while now, so I don't think it's just somebody who's had the file open for months now. I was hoping there was a way to see who has documents checked out - or even just a list of checked out documents so I can stop trying to open the ones that I can't edit. 


Based on google searches all I'm really seeing is something about green check marks next to the file/right clicking to "check out" but none of those options appear for me. It just gives me the error that someone else has it checked out when I try to open it. 


When I close a document I have checked out it asks if I want to check the document "in". I don't know what happens if you hit no - so, it's also possible staff have just accidentally hit no and not realized they never checked a document in. I want to ask them to check what they have checked out but I can't instruct them on how to do that if I can't even figure it out myself. 


Hoping someone can provide some clarity! Thank you!

General troubleshooting , How to , PDF






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 05, 2024 Jun 05, 2024

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Hi there


Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.


What is the workflow/steps you are doing? Would you mind sharing a small video recording of the steps and the issue you are experiencing for more clarity?


If you are using file from SharePoint, There is no direct option to disable the "Check Out & Open" tab when you open the file from Sharepoint in Acrobat please go through the correct answer marked in the similar discussion https://adobe.ly/3X8Ju4Y


Also, check the help page https://adobe.ly/4aRz7WD







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