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Colour display problem

New Here ,
Aug 29, 2024 Aug 29, 2024

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Hello everyone,


I'm writing to you because I've had a problem for 2 days that I can't seem to solve.


I work in the printing industry and use Illustrator and Acrobat Pro on a daily basis.


For the past two days, when I open a PDF file from a customer in Acrobat, it appears randomly with the correct colour rendering :



or with a bland white filter :



Here's an example of a file, sometimes when I open it I get the right colours and other times I get this.

I've tried adjusting the colour management settings, using the Adobe ACE or CMM or Microsoft ICM engine, but it doesn't make any difference.

I've tried changing the colour profile in the Windows display settings or removing the HDR rendering, but nothing changes.


I've noticed that sometimes, when I set my window to small rather than full screen, the colours revert to the correct ones at random.


Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Modern Acrobat , PDF






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