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Comment appears in upper right corner and can't be moved (Adobe Document Cloud)

Explorer ,
Sep 17, 2020 Sep 17, 2020

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I've been noticing a consistent issue when sending a PDF for review to different people who use their web browser to make notes on a PDF in the Adobe Document Cloud. The comment box appears in the upper right corner of the page, and the position is locked; it cannot be moved to another location. This is happening with different reviewers, and I'm guessing they're using different systems. None of them were familiar with using Acrobat to comment and review documents before this project. One of the project collaborators reviewing each document said that for the note in question, she thought she had highlighted a specific word before leaving a comment. However, when I opened the document, the note was in the upper right corner and there was no highlight.


On a related note: It appears that highlighting vertical text causes the highlight to appear in a strange way.


Please see screenshots with examples. 


Thanks for looking into this issue.



Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 11.28.38.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-17 at 11.30.57.pngThis example shows two different comments that are locked in the upper right corner. The same commenter was able to highlight a section of text, but when she went to add a comment, the comment icon defaulted to the upper right corner. Also, I have no idea how the highlighted vertical text in the middle of the spread turned into a peach oval. When I made that highlight, it was a yellow highlight just like it appears for "earned."This example shows two different comments that are locked in the upper right corner. The same commenter was able to highlight a section of text, but when she went to add a comment, the comment icon defaulted to the upper right corner. Also, I have no idea how the highlighted vertical text in the middle of the spread turned into a peach oval. When I made that highlight, it was a yellow highlight just like it appears for "earned."Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 11.20.23.png






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 19, 2020 Sep 19, 2020

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Please note that moving the comment is equivalent to editing it. If you want to move any comment which is not added by you then you can ask the owner of the comment to move(reposition) the comment and the new position of the comment will be synced to all subsequently.

I will suggest to use Adobe while commenting from Web as well(Anyone can create an Adobe Id for free). Because same guest will be treated different when they refresh the review link in web browser. So a guest will not be able to edit his/her comment in different browser session.

For vertical highlight issue: Could you please let me know if you are able to select the vertical texts clearly. You van press the mouse and then drag it to select the texts, do not highlight just select the texts to check if they are selectable clearly.








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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2024 Oct 01, 2024

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You didn't address the viewing discrepancy. The comment owner sees the comment anchored in one place, but other people (as the OP did) see the comment anchored in the upper right corner of the page.





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